unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,WinSock; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function PingHost(HostIP: String): Boolean; type PIPOptionInformation = ^TIPOptionInformation; TIPOptionInformation = packed record TTL: Byte; TOS: Byte; Flags: Byte; OptionsSize: Byte; OptionsData: PChar; end; PIcmpEchoReply = ^TIcmpEchoReply; TIcmpEchoReply = packed record Address: DWORD; Status: DWORD; RTT: DWORD; DataSize: Word; Reserved: Word; Data: Pointer; Options: TIPOptionInformation; end; TIcmpCreateFile = function: THandle; stdcall; TIcmpCloseHandle = function(IcmpHandle: THandle): Boolean; stdcall; TIcmpSendEcho = function(IcmpHandle:THandle; DestinationAddress: DWORD; RequestData: Pointer; RequestSize: Word; RequestOptions: PIPOptionInformation; ReplyBuffer: Pointer; ReplySize: DWord; Timeout: DWord ): DWord; stdcall; var hICMP :THandle; hICMPdll :THandle; IcmpCreateFile :TIcmpCreateFile; IcmpCloseHandle :TIcmpCloseHandle; IcmpSendEcho :TIcmpSendEcho; pIPE :PIcmpEchoReply;// ICMP Echo reply buffer FIPAddress :DWORD; FSize :DWORD; FTimeOut :DWORD; BufferSize :DWORD; pReqData,pRevData:PChar; MyString:string; begin Result :=False; hICMPdll :=LoadLibrary('icmp.dll'); if hICMPdll=0 then exit; @ICMPCreateFile :=GetProcAddress(hICMPdll,'IcmpCreateFile'); @IcmpCloseHandle :=GetProcAddress(hICMPdll,'IcmpCloseHandle'); @IcmpSendEcho :=GetProcAddress(hICMPdll,'IcmpSendEcho'); hICMP :=IcmpCreateFile; if (hICMP=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)then exit; FIPAddress :=inet_addr(PChar(HostIP)); MyString :='Hello,World'; //send data buffer pReqData :=PChar(MyString); FSize :=40; //receive data buffer BufferSize :=SizeOf(TICMPEchoReply)+FSize; GetMem(pIPE,BufferSize); FillChar(pIPE^,SizeOf(pIPE^),0); GetMem(pRevData,FSize); pIPE^.Data :=pRevData; FTimeOut :=1000; try Result :=IcmpSendEcho(hICMP,FIPAddress,pReqData, Length(MyString),nil,pIPE,BufferSize,FTimeOut)>0; finally IcmpCloseHandle(hICMP); FreeLibrary(hICMPdll); FreeMem(pRevData); FreeMem(pIPE); end; end; function HostToIP(Name: string; var Ip: string): Boolean; var wsdata : TWSAData; hostName : array [0..255] of char; hostEnt : PHostEnt; addr : PChar; begin WSAStartup ($0101, wsdata); try gethostname (hostName, sizeof (hostName)); StrPCopy(hostName, Name); hostEnt := gethostbyname (hostName); if Assigned (hostEnt) then if Assigned (hostEnt^.h_addr_list) then begin addr := hostEnt^.h_addr_list^; if Assigned (addr) then begin IP := Format ('%d.%d.%d.%d', [byte (addr [0]), byte (addr [1]), byte (addr [2]), byte (addr [3])]); Result := True; end else Result := False; end else Result := False else begin Result := False; end; finally WSACleanup; end end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var IP:String; flag:Boolean; begin //IP:=''; IP:=edit2.text; flag:=PingHost(IP); if flag=true then MessageBox(0,'ping1','通路',MB_ICONASTERISK and MB_ICONINFORMATION) else MessageBox(0,'ping2','断路',MB_ICONASTERISK and MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var hqw:string; begin HostToIP(edit1.text,hqw); edit2.text:=hqw; end; end.