struct ResourceGroup { enum Status { UNINITIALSED = 0, INITIALISING = 1, INITIALISED = 2, LOADING = 3, LOADED = 4 }; /// Group name String name; /// Group status Status groupStatus; /// List of possible locations to search LocationList locationList; /// Index of resource names to locations, built for speedy access (case sensitive archives) ResourceLocationIndex resourceIndexCaseSensitive; /// Index of resource names to locations, built for speedy access (case insensitive archives) ResourceLocationIndex resourceIndexCaseInsensitive; /// Pre-declared resources, ready to be created ResourceDeclarationList resourceDeclarations; /// Created resources which are ready to be loaded / unloaded // Group by loading order of the type (defined by ResourceManager) // (e.g. skeletons and materials before meshes) typedef map<Real, LoadUnloadResourceList*>::type LoadResourceOrderMap; LoadResourceOrderMap loadResourceOrderMap; /// Linked world geometry, as passed to setWorldGeometry String worldGeometry; /// Scene manager to use with linked world geometry SceneManager* worldGeometrySceneManager; // in global pool flag - if true the resource will be loaded even a different group was requested in the load method as a parameter. bool inGlobalPool; void addToIndex(const String& filename, Archive* arch); void removeFromIndex(const String& filename, Archive* arch); void removeFromIndex(Archive* arch); };
/// Map from resource group names to groups typedef map<String, ResourceGroup*>::type ResourceGroupMap; ResourceGroupMap mResourceGroupMap;
struct ResourceLocation { /// Pointer to the archive which is the destination Archive* archive; /// Whether this location was added recursively bool recursive; }; /// List of possible file locations typedef list<ResourceLocation*>::type LocationList;
/// Resource index entry, resourcename->location typedef map<String, Archive*>::type ResourceLocationIndex; /// List of resources which can be loaded / unloaded typedef list<ResourcePtr>::type LoadUnloadResourceList;
void ResourceGroupManager::addResourceLocation(const String& name, const String& locType, const String& resGroup, bool recursive) { ResourceGroup* grp = getResourceGroup(resGroup); if (!grp) { createResourceGroup(resGroup); grp = getResourceGroup(resGroup); } OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(grp->OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME) // lock group mutex // Get archive Archive* pArch = ArchiveManager::getSingleton().load( name, locType ); // Add to location list ResourceLocation* loc = OGRE_NEW_T(ResourceLocation, MEMCATEGORY_RESOURCE); loc->archive = pArch; loc->recursive = recursive; grp->locationList.push_back(loc); // Index resources StringVectorPtr vec = pArch->find("*", recursive); for( StringVector::iterator it = vec->begin(); it != vec->end(); ++it ) grp->addToIndex(*it, pArch); StringUtil::StrStreamType msg; msg << "Added resource location '" << name << "' of type '" << locType << "' to resource group '" << resGroup << "'"; if (recursive) msg << " with recursive option"; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg.str()); }
Ogre中资源在加载到内存后,资源数据是保存在相应的资源对象中的,因此Ogre首先要根据需要生成资源对象,这是紧接上面第一步完成后第二步要做的工作。第二步完成后,Ogre会在内存中生成当前需要的所有的资源类对象,但此时的资源类对象中的数据是空的,相应的外部资源数据还没有真正加载进内存。这一步工作又被称为资源的初始化(initialise)。Ogre可以通过ResouceGroupManager的initialiseResourceGroup(const String& name)方法来对指定的group进行初始化,也可以通过initialiseAllResourceGroups()一次性对所有保存在mResourceGroupMap中的group中的资源进行初始化。来看相关代码:
void ResourceGroupManager::initialiseResourceGroup(const String& name) { OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_MUTEX LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Initialising resource group " + name); ResourceGroup* grp = getResourceGroup(name); if (!grp) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find a group named " + name, "ResourceGroupManager::initialiseResourceGroup"); } OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(grp->OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME) // lock group mutex if (grp->groupStatus == ResourceGroup::UNINITIALSED) { // in the process of initialising grp->groupStatus = ResourceGroup::INITIALISING; // Set current group parseResourceGroupScripts(grp); mCurrentGroup = grp; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Creating resources for group " + name); createDeclaredResources(grp); grp->groupStatus = ResourceGroup::INITIALISED; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("All done"); // Reset current group mCurrentGroup = 0; } }
void ResourceGroupManager::createDeclaredResources(ResourceGroup* grp) { for (ResourceDeclarationList::iterator i = grp->resourceDeclarations.begin(); i != grp->resourceDeclarations.end(); ++i) { ResourceDeclaration& dcl = *i; // Retrieve the appropriate manager ResourceManager* mgr = _getResourceManager(dcl.resourceType); // Create the resource ResourcePtr res = mgr->create(dcl.resourceName, grp->name, dcl.loader != 0, dcl.loader, &dcl.parameters); // Add resource to load list ResourceGroup::LoadResourceOrderMap::iterator li = grp->loadResourceOrderMap.find(mgr->getLoadingOrder()); LoadUnloadResourceList* loadList; if (li == grp->loadResourceOrderMap.end()) { loadList = OGRE_NEW_T(LoadUnloadResourceList, MEMCATEGORY_RESOURCE)(); grp->loadResourceOrderMap[mgr->getLoadingOrder()] = loadList; } else { loadList = li->second; } loadList->push_back(res); } }
struct ResourceDeclaration { String resourceName; String resourceType; ManualResourceLoader* loader; NameValuePairList parameters; }; /// List of resource declarations typedef list<ResourceDeclaration>::type ResourceDeclarationList;