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  • Ogre源代码浅析——脚本及其解析(三)


     1     struct ScriptToken
     2     {
     3         /// This is the lexeme for this token
     4         String lexeme, file;
     5         /// This is the id associated with the lexeme, which comes from a lexeme-token id mapping
     6         uint32 type;
     7         /// This holds the line number of the input stream where the token was found.
     8         uint32 line;
     9     };
    10     typedef SharedPtr<ScriptToken> ScriptTokenPtr;
    11     typedef vector<ScriptTokenPtr>::type ScriptTokenList;
    12     typedef SharedPtr<ScriptTokenList> ScriptTokenListPtr;
    14 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    16     struct ConcreteNode;
    17     typedef SharedPtr<ConcreteNode> ConcreteNodePtr;
    18     typedef list<ConcreteNodePtr>::type ConcreteNodeList;
    19     typedef SharedPtr<ConcreteNodeList> ConcreteNodeListPtr;
    20     struct ConcreteNode : public ScriptCompilerAlloc
    21     {
    22         String token, file;
    23         unsigned int line;
    24         ConcreteNodeType type;
    25         ConcreteNodeList children;
    26         ConcreteNode *parent;
    27     };


      1 SdkTrays.overlay
      3 template container Panel(SdkTrays/Cursor)
      4 {
      5     metrics_mode pixels
      6     transparent true
      8     // You can offset the image to change the cursor "hotspot"
      9     element Panel(CursorImage)
     10     {
     11         metrics_mode pixels
     12         material SdkTrays/Cursor
     13         width 32
     14         height 32
     15     }
     16 }
     17 ...
     19 ---------------------------------------------------------
     21 SdyTrays.material
     23 material SdkTrays/Base
     24 {
     25     technique
     26     {
     27         pass
     28         {
     29             lighting off
     30             scene_blend alpha_blend
     31             depth_check off
     33             texture_unit
     34             {
     35                 tex_address_mode clamp
     36                 filtering linear linear none
     37             }
     38         }
     39     }
     40 }
     41 ...
     42 ----------------------------------------------------------------
     44 smoke.particle
     46 particle_system Examples/Smoke
     47 {
     48     material            Examples/Smoke
     49     particle_width      35
     50     particle_height     35
     51     cull_each           true
     52     quota               500
     53     billboard_type      point
     54     sorted                true
     56     // Area emitter
     57     emitter Point
     58     {
     59         position 0 15 -15
     60         angle 35
     61         emission_rate 15
     62         time_to_live 4
     63         direction 0 1 0
     64         velocity_min 50
     65         velocity_max 80        
     66     }
     68     affector ColourImage
     69     {
     70         image smokecolors.png
     71     }
     73        affector Rotator
     74        {
     75         rotation_range_start 0
     76         rotation_range_end 360
     77         rotation_speed_range_start -60
     78         rotation_speed_range_end 200
     79        }
     81        affector Scaler
     82        {
     83            rate 50
     84        }
     86 }
     88 --------------------------------------------------------
     90 Example.compositor
     92 compositor Glass
     93 {
     94     technique
     95     {
     96         texture rt0 target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8
     98         target rt0 { input previous }
    100         target_output
    101         {
    102             // Start with clear output
    103             input none
    105             pass render_quad
    106             {
    107                 material Ogre/Compositor/GlassPass
    108                 input 0 rt0
    109             }
    110         }
    111     }
    112 }


      1     ConcreteNodeListPtr ScriptParser::parse(const ScriptTokenListPtr &tokens)
      2     {
      3         // MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL because SharedPtr can only free using that category
      4         ConcreteNodeListPtr nodes(OGRE_NEW_T(ConcreteNodeList, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL)(), SPFM_DELETE_T);
      6         enum{READY, OBJECT};
      7         uint32 state = READY;
      9         ConcreteNode *parent = 0;
     10         ConcreteNodePtr node;
     11         ScriptToken *token = 0;
     12         ScriptTokenList::iterator i = tokens->begin(), end = tokens->end();
     13         while(i != end)
     14         {
     15             token = (*i).get();
     17             switch(state)
     18             {
     19             case READY:
     20                 if(token->type == TID_WORD)
     21                 {
     22                     if(token->lexeme == "import")
     23                     {
     24                         node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
     25                         node->token = token->lexeme;
     26                         node->file = token->file;
     27                         node->line = token->line;
     28                         node->type = CNT_IMPORT;
     30                         // The next token is the target
     31                         ++i;
     32                         if(i == end || ((*i)->type != TID_WORD && (*i)->type != TID_QUOTE))
     33                             OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, 
     34                                 Ogre::String("expected import target at line ") + 
     35                                     Ogre::StringConverter::toString(node->line),
     36                                 "ScriptParser::parse");
     37                         ConcreteNodePtr temp(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
     38                         temp->parent = node.get();
     39                         temp->file = (*i)->file;
     40                         temp->line = (*i)->line;
     41                         temp->type = (*i)->type == TID_WORD ? CNT_WORD : CNT_QUOTE;
     42                         if(temp->type == CNT_QUOTE)
     43                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme.substr(1, token->lexeme.size() - 2);
     44                         else
     45                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme;
     46                         node->children.push_back(temp);
     48                         // The second-next token is the source
     49                         ++i;
     50                         ++i;
     51                         if(i == end || ((*i)->type != TID_WORD && (*i)->type != TID_QUOTE))
     52                             OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, 
     53                                 Ogre::String("expected import source at line ") + 
     54                                     Ogre::StringConverter::toString(node->line),
     55                                 "ScriptParser::parse");
     56                         temp = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
     57                         temp->parent = node.get();
     58                         temp->file = (*i)->file;
     59                         temp->line = (*i)->line;
     60                         temp->type = (*i)->type == TID_WORD ? CNT_WORD : CNT_QUOTE;
     61                         if(temp->type == CNT_QUOTE)
     62                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme.substr(1, (*i)->lexeme.size() - 2);
     63                         else
     64                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme;
     65                         node->children.push_back(temp);
     67                         // Consume all the newlines
     68                         i = skipNewlines(i, end);
     70                         // Insert the node
     71                         if(parent)
     72                         {
     73                             node->parent = parent;
     74                             parent->children.push_back(node);
     75                         }
     76                         else
     77                         {
     78                             node->parent = 0;
     79                             nodes->push_back(node);
     80                         }
     81                         node = ConcreteNodePtr();
     82                     }
     83                     else if(token->lexeme == "set")
     84                     {
     85                         node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
     86                         node->token = token->lexeme;
     87                         node->file = token->file;
     88                         node->line = token->line;
     89                         node->type = CNT_VARIABLE_ASSIGN;
     91                         // The next token is the variable
     92                         ++i;
     93                         if(i == end || (*i)->type != TID_VARIABLE)
     94                             OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, 
     95                                 Ogre::String("expected variable name at line ") + 
     96                                     Ogre::StringConverter::toString(node->line),
     97                                 "ScriptParser::parse");
     98                         ConcreteNodePtr temp(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
     99                         temp->parent = node.get();
    100                         temp->file = (*i)->file;
    101                         temp->line = (*i)->line;
    102                         temp->type = CNT_VARIABLE;
    103                         temp->token = (*i)->lexeme;
    104                         node->children.push_back(temp);
    106                         // The next token is the assignment
    107                         ++i;
    108                         if(i == end || ((*i)->type != TID_WORD && (*i)->type != TID_QUOTE))
    109                             OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, 
    110                                 Ogre::String("expected variable value at line ") + 
    111                                     Ogre::StringConverter::toString(node->line),
    112                                 "ScriptParser::parse");
    113                         temp = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    114                         temp->parent = node.get();
    115                         temp->file = (*i)->file;
    116                         temp->line = (*i)->line;
    117                         temp->type = (*i)->type == TID_WORD ? CNT_WORD : CNT_QUOTE;
    118                         if(temp->type == CNT_QUOTE)
    119                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme.substr(1, (*i)->lexeme.size() - 2);
    120                         else
    121                             temp->token = (*i)->lexeme;
    122                         node->children.push_back(temp);
    124                         // Consume all the newlines
    125                         i = skipNewlines(i, end);
    127                         // Insert the node
    128                         if(parent)
    129                         {
    130                             node->parent = parent;
    131                             parent->children.push_back(node);
    132                         }
    133                         else
    134                         {
    135                             node->parent = 0;
    136                             nodes->push_back(node);
    137                         }
    138                         node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    139                     }
    140                     else
    141                     {
    142                         node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    143                         node->file = token->file;
    144                         node->line = token->line;
    145                         node->type = token->type == TID_WORD ? CNT_WORD : CNT_QUOTE;
    146                         if(node->type == CNT_QUOTE)
    147                             node->token = token->lexeme.substr(1, token->lexeme.size() - 2);
    148                         else
    149                             node->token = token->lexeme;
    151                         // Insert the node
    152                         if(parent)
    153                         {
    154                             node->parent = parent;
    155                             parent->children.push_back(node);
    156                         }
    157                         else
    158                         {
    159                             node->parent = 0;
    160                             nodes->push_back(node);
    161                         }
    163                         // Set the parent
    164                         parent = node.get();
    166                         // Switch states
    167                         state = OBJECT;
    169                         node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    170                     }
    171                 }
    172                 else if(token->type == TID_RBRACKET)
    173                 {
    174                     // Go up one level if we can
    175                     if(parent)
    176                         parent = parent->parent;
    178                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    179                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    180                     node->file = token->file;
    181                     node->line = token->line;
    182                     node->type = CNT_RBRACE;
    184                     // Consume all the newlines
    185                     i = skipNewlines(i, end);
    187                     // Insert the node
    188                     if(parent)
    189                     {
    190                         node->parent = parent;
    191                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    192                     }
    193                     else
    194                     {
    195                         node->parent = 0;
    196                         nodes->push_back(node);
    197                     }
    199                     // Move up another level
    200                     if(parent)
    201                         parent = parent->parent;
    203                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    204                 }
    205                 break;
    206             case OBJECT:
    207                 if(token->type == TID_NEWLINE)
    208                 {
    209                     // Look ahead to the next non-newline token and if it isn't an {, this was a property
    210                     ScriptTokenList::iterator next = skipNewlines(i, end);
    211                     if(next == end || (*next)->type != TID_LBRACKET)
    212                     {
    213                         // Ended a property here
    214                         if(parent)
    215                             parent = parent->parent;
    216                         state = READY;
    217                     }
    218                 }
    219                 else if(token->type == TID_COLON)
    220                 {
    221                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    222                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    223                     node->file = token->file;
    224                     node->line = token->line;
    225                     node->type = CNT_COLON;
    227                     // The following token are the parent objects (base classes).
    228                     // Require at least one of them.
    230                     ScriptTokenList::iterator j = i + 1;
    231                     j = skipNewlines(j, end);
    232                     if(j == end || ((*j)->type != TID_WORD && (*j)->type != TID_QUOTE)) {
    233                         OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, 
    234                             Ogre::String("expected object identifier at line ") + 
    235                                     Ogre::StringConverter::toString(node->line),
    236                             "ScriptParser::parse");
    237                     }
    239                     while(j != end && ((*j)->type == TID_WORD || (*j)->type == TID_QUOTE))
    240                     {
    241                         ConcreteNodePtr tempNode = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    242                         tempNode->token = (*j)->lexeme;
    243                         tempNode->file = (*j)->file;
    244                         tempNode->line = (*j)->line;
    245                         tempNode->type = (*j)->type == TID_WORD ? CNT_WORD : CNT_QUOTE;
    246                         tempNode->parent = node.get();
    247                         node->children.push_back(tempNode);
    248                         ++j;
    249                     }
    251                     // Move it backwards once, since the end of the loop moves it forwards again anyway
    252                     j--;
    253                     i = j;
    255                     // Insert the node
    256                     if(parent)
    257                     {
    258                         node->parent = parent;
    259                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    260                     }
    261                     else
    262                     {
    263                         node->parent = 0;
    264                         nodes->push_back(node);
    265                     }
    266                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    267                 }
    268                 else if(token->type == TID_LBRACKET)
    269                 {
    270                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    271                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    272                     node->file = token->file;
    273                     node->line = token->line;
    274                     node->type = CNT_LBRACE;
    276                     // Consume all the newlines
    277                     i = skipNewlines(i, end);
    279                     // Insert the node
    280                     if(parent)
    281                     {
    282                         node->parent = parent;
    283                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    284                     }
    285                     else
    286                     {
    287                         node->parent = 0;
    288                         nodes->push_back(node);
    289                     }
    291                     // Set the parent
    292                     parent = node.get();
    294                     // Change the state
    295                     state = READY;
    297                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    298                 }
    299                 else if(token->type == TID_RBRACKET)
    300                 {
    301                     // Go up one level if we can
    302                     if(parent)
    303                         parent = parent->parent;
    305                     // If the parent is currently a { then go up again
    306                     if(parent && parent->type == CNT_LBRACE && parent->parent)
    307                         parent = parent->parent;
    309                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    310                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    311                     node->file = token->file;
    312                     node->line = token->line;
    313                     node->type = CNT_RBRACE;
    315                     // Consume all the newlines
    316                     i = skipNewlines(i, end);
    318                     // Insert the node
    319                     if(parent)
    320                     {
    321                         node->parent = parent;
    322                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    323                     }
    324                     else
    325                     {
    326                         node->parent = 0;
    327                         nodes->push_back(node);
    328                     }
    330                     // Move up another level
    331                     if(parent)
    332                         parent = parent->parent;
    334                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    335                     state = READY;
    336                 }
    337                 else if(token->type == TID_VARIABLE)
    338                 {
    339                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    340                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    341                     node->file = token->file;
    342                     node->line = token->line;
    343                     node->type = CNT_VARIABLE;
    345                     // Insert the node
    346                     if(parent)
    347                     {
    348                         node->parent = parent;
    349                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    350                     }
    351                     else
    352                     {
    353                         node->parent = 0;
    354                         nodes->push_back(node);
    355                     }
    356                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    357                 }
    358                 else if(token->type == TID_QUOTE)
    359                 {
    360                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    361                     node->token = token->lexeme.substr(1, token->lexeme.size() - 2);
    362                     node->file = token->file;
    363                     node->line = token->line;
    364                     node->type = CNT_QUOTE;
    366                     // Insert the node
    367                     if(parent)
    368                     {
    369                         node->parent = parent;
    370                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    371                     }
    372                     else
    373                     {
    374                         node->parent = 0;
    375                         nodes->push_back(node);
    376                     }
    377                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    378                 }
    379                 else if(token->type == TID_WORD)
    380                 {
    381                     node = ConcreteNodePtr(OGRE_NEW ConcreteNode());
    382                     node->token = token->lexeme;
    383                     node->file = token->file;
    384                     node->line = token->line;
    385                     node->type = CNT_WORD;
    387                     // Insert the node
    388                     if(parent)
    389                     {
    390                         node->parent = parent;
    391                         parent->children.push_back(node);
    392                     }
    393                     else
    394                     {
    395                         node->parent = 0;
    396                         nodes->push_back(node);
    397                     }
    398                     node = ConcreteNodePtr();
    399                 }
    400                 break;
    401             }
    403             ++i;
    404         }
    406         return nodes;
    407     }


         实际上,每一个ConcreteNode对象对应的仍旧是一个词素结点(ScriptToken)对象。parse函数在生成一个ConcreteNode对象后,会直接把相应的ScriptToken中的数据赋值给它(参见24-28行、85-89行等)。然后parse()函数会在此基础上再做两步工作:1.确定此ConcreteNode的子结点;2.确定此ConcreteNode对象的父结点。而父结点与子结点的判定依据就是上面说的——确定了脚本文件固有结构的数据单元间的关系。以材质脚本为例,假设一个脚本文件中定义且只定义了10个材质,那么此脚本在进过语义分析后,相应的ConcreteNodeList就会保存这10个ConcreteNode对象的指针,此容器中每个ConcreteNode对象实际上是相应材质的第一个词素;同时,每个材质内部的数据单元也会按此方法保存。为更清楚说明,可以上面的脚本SdkTrays.material中的材质material SdkTrays/Base为例,SdkTrays.material脚本被解析后,material SdkTrays/Base将被作为第一个数据单元被保存在ConcreteNodeList中(因为它是脚本中第一个被定义的数据单元),而作为此单元根结点的ConcreteNode对应着词素——material,接下来的三个词素SdkTrays/Base和左、右大括号所对应的ConcreteNode对象,将作为三个并列的子结点保存在material结点的子结点列表(结点定义的第25行)中,相应的,这三个子结点的父结点指针(见结点定义的第26行)将指向material结点对象。而紧随其后的technique词素所对应生成的ConcreteNode结点对象,将被作为左括号的第一个子结点被保存,technique结点的父结点指针将指向此左括号对象,其余结点的操作以此类推。



     1     enum ConcreteNodeType
     2     {
     3         CNT_VARIABLE,
     4         CNT_VARIABLE_ASSIGN,
     5         CNT_WORD,
     6         CNT_IMPORT,
     7         CNT_QUOTE,
     8         CNT_LBRACE,
     9         CNT_RBRACE,
    10         CNT_COLON
    11     };
    13     enum{
    14         TID_LBRACKET = 0, // {
    15         TID_RBRACKET, // }
    16         TID_COLON, // :
    17         TID_VARIABLE, // $...
    18         TID_WORD, // *
    19         TID_QUOTE, // "*"
    20         TID_NEWLINE, // \n
    21         TID_UNKNOWN,
    22         TID_END
    23     };


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yzwalkman/p/2842904.html
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