复 合文档简单的说就是在一个文件里可以内嵌其他各种文档,这些内嵌的文档还具有目录结构,可以说复合文档格式就是在一个文件里面实现一个文件系统。从逻辑上 说复合文档包含Storage和Stream。Storge相当于我们熟知的操作系统文件系统里的目录,Stream相当于文件。下图就是复合文档的逻辑 示意图。和操作系统的文件系统类似,同一个Storge下的Stream不可以重名,不同Storage下的则可以。
复合文档就有另一个概念了,目录(Directory)。Directory包含一个描述Stream和Storge的元 数据的数据结构。如下图所示,目录里面有目录项,目录项也有编号,从0开始。每 个目录项就描述该项是Stream还是Storge,或者其他。如果是Stream,那么就记录起始扇区号是多少,如果是Storge,包含记录它有哪些 Storge和Stream。一个Storge下可能有很多个Storge和Stream。复合文档是把这些子Stream和Storge组成一棵红黑 树。这样Storge就可以只记录这颗红黑树的根节点就达到记录所有子Storge和Stream的目的。当然每个目录项得有字段里维护这么一颗红黑树。 显然这种方式下,一个Stream或Storge只能在一棵红黑树里。为啥使用红黑树,有什么优点?慢慢思考中!
此外,复合文档还有其他一些概念,比如Short-Stream。Short-Stream一般存储在Root Storge这个目录项里。
The IStorage interface supports the creation and management of structured storage objects. Structured storage allows hierarchical storage of information within a single file, and is often referred to as "a file system within a file". Elements of a structured storage object are storages and streams. Storages are analogous to directories, and streams are analogous to files. Within a structured storage there will be a primary storage object that may contain substorages, possibly nested, and streams. Storages provide the structure of the object, and streams contain the data, which is manipulated through the IStream interface.
The IStorage interface provides methods for creating and managing the root storage object, child storage objects, and stream objects. These methods can create, open, enumerate, move, copy, rename, or delete the elements in the storage object.
The IStream interface lets you read and write data to stream objects. Stream objects contain the data in a structured storage object, where storages provide the structure. Simple data can be written directly to a stream but, most frequently, streams are elements nested within a storage object. They are similar to standard files.
The IStream interface defines methods similar to the MS-DOS FAT file functions. For example, each stream object has its own access rights and a seek pointer. The main difference between a DOS file and a stream object is that in the latter case, streams are opened using an IStream interface pointer rather than a file handle.
The methods in this interface present your object's data as a contiguous sequence of bytes that you can read or write. There are also methods for committing and reverting changes on streams that are open in transacted mode and methods for restricting access to a range of bytes in the stream.
二、持续性原理 |
持续性,也叫永久性。组件方提供 IPersistXXX 接口,调用者(容器)提供存储介质,比如文件啦、内存啦、注册表啦、流啦、文本啦......啦啦拉。需要保存的时候,调用者通过 IPersistXXX::Save() 接口函数让组件去自己存储属性信息,而调用者根本不用关心存储格式和存储内容;需要还原状态的时候,调用者打开存储介质,然后同样调用 IPersistXXX::Load() 接口函数让组件自己去读取属性信息并完成初始化的设置。 |