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  • 如何将同一 VNET 下的虚拟机从经典部署模型迁移到 Azure Resource Manager


    用户拥有多个云服务但是在同一个 VNET 下,希望将这些虚拟机从经典部署模型(以下简称:ASM)迁移到 Azure Resource Manager(以下简称:ARM)。


    如果您未使用 VNET,希望将同一个云服务下的虚拟机从 ASM 模式迁移到 ARM 模式,您可以参考这篇文章:如何将同一个云服务下的虚拟机从 ASM 迁移到 ARM 上


    1. 首先,我们登陆到需要迁移的虚拟机所在的订阅下,注册迁移服务:

      PS C:windowssystem32> Login-AzureRmAccount –Environment AzureChinaCloud
      Environment           : AzureChinaCloud
      Account               : XXX@mcpod.partner.onmschina.cn
      TenantId              : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      SubscriptionId        : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      SubscriptionName      : <订阅名称>
      CurrentStorageAccount :
      PS C:windowssystem32> Select-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName "<订阅名称>"
      PS C:windowssystem32> Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate
      #迁移服务注册一般需要 5 钟左右,您可以通过下述命令查看完成情况,
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate
      ProviderNamespace : Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate
      RegistrationState : Registered
      ResourceTypes     : {classicInfrastructureResources}
      Locations         : {China North, China East}
      PS C:windowssystem32> Add-AzureAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
      Id                                Type Subscriptions                        Tenants
      --                                ---- -------------                        -------
      XXX@mcpod.partner.onmschina.cn User xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx { xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx }
      Select-AzureSubscription –SubscriptionName "<订阅名称>"
    2. 检查 ARM 下您订阅里的配额,确保需要迁移的虚拟机有足够的配额可以使用:

      #您可以根据虚拟机所在的区域选择 China North 或者 China East
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureRmVMUsage -Location "China East"
      Name                             Current Value Limit  Unit
      ----                             ------------- -----  ----
      Availability Sets                            2  2000 Count
      Total Regional Cores                        39   100 Count
      Virtual Machines                            17 10000 Count
      Virtual Machine Scale Sets                   1  2000 Count
      Standard Dv2 Family Cores                    4   100 Count
      Standard FS Family Cores                    16   100 Count
      Standard A0-A7 Family Cores                 11   100 Count
      Standard D Family Cores                      1   100 Count
      Standard Av2 Family Cores                    2   100 Count
      Standard DSv2 Family Cores                   4   100 Count
      Standard DS Family Cores                     1   100 Count
      Basic A Family Cores                         0   100 Count
      Standard A8-A11 Family Cores                 0   100 Count
      Standard G Family Cores                      0   100 Count
      Standard GS Family Cores                     0   100 Count
      Standard F Family Cores                      0   100 Count
      Standard NV Family Cores                     0     0 Count
      Standard NC Family Cores                     0     0 Count
      Standard H Family Cores                      0     0 Count
      Standard LS Family Cores                     0   100 Count
      Standard Dv2 Promo Family Cores              0   100 Count
      Standard DSv2 Promo Family Cores             0   100 Count
      Standard MS Family Cores                     0     0 Count
      Standard Dv3 Family Cores                    0   100 Count
      Standard DSv3 Family Cores                   0   100 Count
      Standard Ev3 Family Cores                    0   100 Count
      Standard ESv3 Family Cores                   0   100 Count
      Standard Storage Managed Disks               0 10000 Count
      Premium Storage Managed Disks                0 10000 Count
      1. 将同一个 VNET 下的虚拟机从 ASM 迁移到 ARM 上

        #将 ASM 下 VNET 的名称赋值给变量方便后面调用
        PS C:windowssystem32> $vnetName="<VNET 名称>"
        #验证 VNET 是否符合迁移条件
        PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Validate -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName
        OperationId        : 7faa1832-931c-44f9-81b8-68cfa4a4aeed
        Result             : Validation Passed with warnings. Please see ValidationMessages object for a list of resources
                        that will be migrated and additional detail on the warnings.
        ValidationMessages : {test4as, test01, test01, test01...} 
        PS C:windowssystem32> $validate=Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Validate -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName
        PS C:windowssystem32> $validate.ValidationMessages
        ResourceType       : Deployment
        ResourceName       : <资源组名称>
        Category           : Information
        Message            : VM <虚拟机名称> in Deployment <资源组名称> within Cloud Service <云服务名称> is eligible for migration.
        VirtualMachineName : <虚拟机名称>
        ResourceType       : Deployment
        ResourceName       : <资源组名称>
        Category           : Warning
        Message            : VM <虚拟机名称> in HostedService <云服务名称> contains Extension BGInfo version 1.* which is an XML
                        extension. XML extensions are not supported in Azure Resource Manager. It is recommended to
                        uninstall it from the VM. Alternatively, it will be automatically uninstalled during migration.
        VirtualMachineName : <虚拟机名称>
        ResourceType       : VirtualNetwork
        ResourceName       : <VNET 资源组名称>
        Category           : Information
        Message            : Virtual Network <VNET 名称> is eligible for migration.
        VirtualMachineName :
        ResourceType       : Deployment
        ResourceName       : <资源组名称>
        Category           : Information
        Message            : Deployment <资源组名称> in Cloud Service <云服务名称> is eligible for migration.
        VirtualMachineName :
        ResourceType       : Deployment
        ResourceName       : <资源组名称>
        Category           : Information
        Message            : VM <虚拟机名称> in Deployment <资源组名称> within Cloud Service <云服务名称> is eligible for migration.
        VirtualMachineName : <虚拟机名称>
        ResourceType       : Deployment
        ResourceName       : <资源组名称>
        Category           : Warning
        Message            : VM <虚拟机名称> in HostedService <云服务名称> contains Extension BGInfo version 1.* which is an XML
                        extension. XML extensions are not supported in Azure Resource Manager. It is recommended to
                        uninstall it from the VM. Alternatively, it will be automatically uninstalled during migration.
        VirtualMachineName : <虚拟机名称>
        PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Prepare -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName
        OperationDescription     OperationId                          OperationStatus

      Move-AzureVirtualNetwork 8470416e-987f-4171-9e3f-65263a99e41d Succeeded


      PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Abort -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName

      OperationDescription OperationId OperationStatus

      Move-AzureVirtualNetwork fde6fc72-7cb8-4cb5-a6e0-01a519509e18 Succeeded


      PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Commit -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName

      OperationDescription OperationId OperationStatus

      Move-AzureVirtualNetwork 1ce54778-bbcf-403d-b971-a13993484212 Succeeded

    3. 迁移虚拟机所在的存储账号

      #检查存储账号下是否有未被迁移的虚拟机的 VHD 存在
      PS C:windowssystem32> $storageAccountName ="<存储账号名称>"
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureDisk | where-Object {$_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AttachedTo -Property `
      >>   DiskName | Format-List -Property RoleName, DiskName
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureDisk | where-Object {$_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)} | Where-Object -Property AttachedTo -EQ $null | Format-List
      -Property DiskName
      DiskName : disktest
      PS C:windowssystem32> Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName "disktest"
      OperationDescription OperationId                          OperationStatus
      -------------------- -----------                          ---------------
      Remove-AzureDisk     9661659d-3bcf-4e6e-bdc4-cce7c8d7a1e0 Succeeded
      #删除存储账号中 OS 盘和数据盘中的虚拟机镜像
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureVmImage | Where-Object { $_.OSDiskConfiguration.MediaLink -ne $null -and $_.OSDiskConfiguration.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageA
      >>                            } | Select-Object -Property ImageName, ImageLabel
      ImageName                   ImageLabel
      ---------                   ----------
      PS C:windowssystem32> Get-AzureVmImage | Where-Object {$_.DataDiskConfigurations -ne $null `
      >>                                     -and ($_.DataDiskConfigurations | Where-Object {$_.MediaLink -ne $null -and $_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)
      }).Count -gt 0 `
      >>                                    } | Select-Object -Property ImageName, ImageLabel
      PS C:windowssystem32> Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName "captureTest-20160902-436096"
      OperationDescription OperationId                          OperationStatus
      -------------------- -----------                          ---------------
      Remove-AzureVMImage  b8f1c164-147a-4d98-9805-432dcd3b7105 Succeeded
    PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureStorageAccount -Validate -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
    OperationId        : 68f3501e-f965-4732-aae5-a1da5b58103b
    Result             : Validation Passed. Please see ValidationMessages object for a list of resources that will be migrated.
    ValidationMessages : {<存储账号名称>}
    PS C:windowssystem32> $val=Move-AzureStorageAccount -Validate -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
    PS C:windowssystem32> $val.ValidationMessages
    ResourceType       : Storage
    ResourceName       : <存储账号名称>
    Category           : Information
    Message            : Storage Account tcportalvhdsgrnnb3k173zr is eligible for migration.
    VirtualMachineName :
    PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureStorageAccount -Prepare -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
    OperationDescription     OperationId                          OperationStatus
    --------------------     -----------                          ---------------
    Move-AzureStorageAccount 4086a517-a14a-4360-97aa-2714543dd345 Succeeded
    PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureStorageAccount -Abort -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
    OperationDescription     OperationId                          OperationStatus
    --------------------     -----------                          ---------------
    Move-AzureStorageAccount 8473i405-b3fg-7942-345h-8236hdy63i2f Succeeded
    PS C:windowssystem32> Move-AzureStorageAccount -Commit -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
    OperationDescription     OperationId                          OperationStatus
    --------------------     -----------                          ---------------
    Move-AzureStorageAccount cf4e80b3-8e26-4d65-96f2-98dda2266d49 Succeeded
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zangdalei/p/7515059.html
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