docker 启动 rabbitmq,其中 --network=host 不必绑定任何端口,相当于宿主机本地,直接通过 localhost 就能访问。
docker run -d --name rabbit --network=host rabbitmq docker exec -it rabbit bash 容器中> rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
然后浏览器访问: http://localhost:15672 登录账号默认: guest gues
receive.php 文件
<?php /** * 接收消息 * php receive.php */ $config = [ 'host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest', 'vhost'=>'/' ]; #定义名称 define('ExchangeName', 'exchange_name_1'); define('QueueName', 'queue_name_1'); define('RoutingKey', 'routing_key_1'); //创建连接 $conn = new AMQPConnection($config); if(!$conn->connect()) die("Cannot connect to the broker! "); //创建通道 $channel = new AMQPChannel($conn); //创建交换机 $ex = new AMQPExchange($channel); $ex->setName(ExchangeName); $ex->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); //direct类型 $ex->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化交换机 $ex->declareExchange(); //创建队列 $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel); $queue->setName(QueueName); $queue->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE);//持久化队列 $queue->declareQueue(); //队列绑定到交换机 $queue->bind(ExchangeName, RoutingKey); //接收消息 $queue->consume(function ($envelope, $queue){ $msg = $envelope->getBody(); p($msg); }, AMQP_AUTOACK); //自动应答 $conn->disconnect();
<?php /** * 发送消息 * php sent.php <message> * */ $config = [ 'host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest', 'vhost'=>'/' ]; #定义名称 define('ExchangeName', 'exchange_name_1'); define('QueueName', 'queue_name_1'); define('RoutingKey', 'routing_key_1'); //创建连接和channel $conn = new AMQPConnection($config); if(!$conn->connect()) die("Cannot connect to the broker! "); $channel = new AMQPChannel($conn); //创建交换机 $ex = new AMQPExchange($channel); $ex->setName(ExchangeName); $ex->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); // 设置交换机类型 $ex->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化交换机 $ex->declareExchange(); //创建队列 $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel); $queue->setName(QueueName); $queue->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化队列 $queue->declareQueue(); //队列绑定到交换机 $queue->bind(ExchangeName, RoutingKey); echo "Send: $argv[1] "; $ex->publish($argv[1], RoutingKey);
php sent.php hello
php receive.php
<?php class Amqp extends AMQPConnection { // protected AMQPChannel $channel; // protected AMQPExchange $exchange; // protected AMQPQueue $queue; protected $channel; protected $exchange; protected $queue; public function __construct($host='', $port=5672, $user='guest', $passwd='guest', $vhost='/'){ $credentials = is_array($host)? $host : [ 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'login' => $user, 'password' => $passwd, 'vhost' => $vhost ]; parent::__construct($credentials); } /** * 创建频道 * @return AMQPChannel * @throws AMQPConnectionException */ public function channel(){ if(!$this->channel){ parent::connect(); $this->channel = new AMQPChannel($this); } return $this->channel; } /** * 创建交换器 * @param string $name * @param string $type * @param null $flags * @return AMQPExchange * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPExchangeException */ public function exchange($name='', $type='', $flags=null){ if(!$this->exchange){ $this->exchange = new AMQPExchange($this->channel()); } $name && $this->exchange->setName($name); $type && $this->exchange->setType($type); is_integer($flags) && $this->exchange->setFlags($flags); return $this->exchange; } /** * 创建队列 * @param string $name * @param null $flags * @return AMQPQueue * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPQueueException */ public function queue($name='', $flags=null){ if(!$this->queue){ $this->queue = new AMQPQueue($this->channel()); } $name && $this->queue->setName($name); is_integer($flags) && $this->queue->setFlags($flags); return $this->queue; } /** * 发布交换器 * @return bool * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPExchangeException */ public function declareExchange(){ return $this->exchange()->declareExchange(); } /** * 发布队列 * @return int * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPQueueException */ public function declareQueue(){ return $this->queue()->declareQueue(); } /** * 绑定队列 * @param string $routing_key * @param array $arguments * @return bool * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPExchangeException * @throws AMQPQueueException */ public function bindQueue($routing_key='', $arguments=[]){ return $this->queue()->bind($this->exchange()->getName(), $routing_key, $arguments); } /** * 发布消息 * @param callable|null $callback * @param int $flags * @param null $consumerTag * @return bool * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPExchangeException */ public function publish($message, $routing_key=null, $flags=AMQP_NOPARAM, array $attributes=[]){ return $this->exchange()->publish($message, $routing_key, $flags, $attributes); } public function consume(callable $callback=null, $flags=AMQP_NOPARAM, $consumerTag = null){ $this->queue()->consume($callback, $flags, $consumerTag); } /** * 删除交换器 * @param null $name * @param int $flags * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPExchangeException */ public function deleteExchange($name = null, $flags=AMQP_NOPARAM){ $this->exchange()->delete($name, $flags); } /** * 删除队列 * @param int $flags * @throws AMQPChannelException * @throws AMQPConnectionException * @throws AMQPQueueException */ public function deleteQueue($flags=AMQP_NOPARAM){ $this->queue()->delete($flags); } }
#定义名称 define('ExchangeName', 'exchange_name_15'); define('QueueName', 'queue_name_15'); define('RoutingKey', 'routing_key_15'); //如果带有命令行参数,则表示发送消息 if(count($argv) > 1){ $amqp = new Amqp(); $amqp->channel(); $amqp->exchange(ExchangeName, AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT, AMQP_DURABLE)->declareExchange(); $amqp->queue(QueueName, AMQP_DURABLE)->declareQueue(); $amqp->bindQueue(RoutingKey); $amqp->publish($argv[1], RoutingKey); $amqp->disconnect(); }else{ $amqp = new Amqp(); $amqp->channel(); $amqp->exchange(ExchangeName, AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT, AMQP_DURABLE)->declareExchange(); $amqp->queue(QueueName, AMQP_DURABLE)->declareQueue(); $amqp->bindQueue(RoutingKey); //接收消息 $amqp->consume(function($envelope, $queue){ $msg = $envelope->getBody(); echo $msg; }, AMQP_AUTOACK); //自动应答 }