typedef struct _DRIVER_OBJECT { CSHORT Type; CSHORT Size; // // The following links all of the devices created by a single driver // together on a list, and the Flags word provides an extensible flag // location for driver objects. // PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; ULONG Flags; // // The following section describes where the driver is loaded. The count // field is used to count the number of times the driver has had its // registered reinitialization routine invoked. // PVOID DriverStart; ULONG DriverSize; PVOID DriverSection; PDRIVER_EXTENSION DriverExtension; // // The driver name field is used by the error log thread // determine the name of the driver that an I/O request is/was bound. // UNICODE_STRING DriverName; // // The following section is for registry support. Thise is a pointer // to the path to the hardware information in the registry // PUNICODE_STRING HardwareDatabase; // // The following section contains the optional pointer to an array of // alternate entry points to a driver for "fast I/O" support. Fast I/O // is performed by invoking the driver routine directly with separate // parameters, rather than using the standard IRP call mechanism. Note // that these functions may only be used for synchronous I/O, and when // the file is cached. // PFAST_IO_DISPATCH FastIoDispatch; // // The following section describes the entry points to this particular // driver. Note that the major function dispatch table must be the last // field in the object so that it remains extensible. // PDRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverInit; PDRIVER_STARTIO DriverStartIo; PDRIVER_UNLOAD DriverUnload; PDRIVER_DISPATCH MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION + 1]; } DRIVER_OBJECT; typedef struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *PDRIVER_OBJECT;
struct _DEVICE_OBJECT (sizeof=184) +00 int16 Type +02 uint16 Size +04 int32 ReferenceCount +08 struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *DriverObject +0c struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *NextDevice +10 struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *AttachedDevice +14 struct _IRP *CurrentIrp +18 struct _IO_TIMER *Timer +1c uint32 Flags +20 uint32 Characteristics +24 struct _VPB *Vpb +28 void *DeviceExtension +2c uint32 DeviceType +30 char StackSize +34 union __unnamed62 Queue +34 struct _LIST_ENTRY ListEntry +34 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink +38 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink +34 struct _WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK Wcb +34 struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY WaitQueueEntry +34 struct _LIST_ENTRY DeviceListEntry +34 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink +38 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink +3c uint32 SortKey +40 byte Inserted +44 function *DeviceRoutine +48 void *DeviceContext +4c uint32 NumberOfMapRegisters +50 void *DeviceObject +54 void *CurrentIrp +58 struct _KDPC *BufferChainingDpc +5c uint32 AlignmentRequirement +60 struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue +60 int16 Type +62 int16 Size +64 struct _LIST_ENTRY DeviceListHead +64 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink +68 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink +6c uint32 Lock +70 byte Busy +74 struct _KDPC Dpc +74 int16 Type +76 byte Number +77 byte Importance +78 struct _LIST_ENTRY DpcListEntry +78 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink +7c struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink +80 function *DeferredRoutine +84 void *DeferredContext +88 void *SystemArgument1 +8c void *SystemArgument2 +90 uint32 *Lock +94 uint32 ActiveThreadCount +98 void *SecurityDescriptor +9c struct _KEVENT DeviceLock +9c struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER Header +9c byte Type +9d byte Absolute +9e byte Size +9f byte Inserted +a0 int32 SignalState +a4 struct _LIST_ENTRY WaitListHead +a4 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink +a8 struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink +ac uint16 SectorSize +ae uint16 Spare1 +b0 struct _DEVOBJ_EXTENSION *DeviceObjectExtension +b4 void *Reserved
#pragma once #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <NTDDK.h> #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #define PAGEDCODE code_seg("PAGE") #define LOCKEDCODE code_seg() #define INITCODE code_seg("INIT") #define PAGEDDATA data_seg("PAGE") #define LOCKEDDATA data_seg() #define INITDATA data_seg("INIT") #define arraysize(p) (sizeof(p)/sizeof((p)[0])) typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevice; UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName; //设备名称 UNICODE_STRING ustrSymLinkName; //符号链接名 } DEVICE_EXTENSION, *PDEVICE_EXTENSION; // 函数声明 NTSTATUS CreateDevice (IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject); VOID HelloDDKUnload (IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject); NTSTATUS HelloDDKDispatchRoutine(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, IN PIRP pIrp);
#include "Driver.h" /************************************************************************ * 函数名称:DriverEntry * 功能描述:初始化驱动程序,定位和申请硬件资源,创建内核对象 * 参数列表: pDriverObject:从I/O管理器中传进来的驱动对象 pRegistryPath:驱动程序在注册表的中的路径 * 返回 值:返回初始化驱动状态 *************************************************************************/ #pragma INITCODE extern "C" NTSTATUS DriverEntry ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath ) { NTSTATUS status; KdPrint(("Enter DriverEntry ")); //注册其他驱动调用函数入口 pDriverObject->DriverUnload = HelloDDKUnload; pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = HelloDDKDispatchRoutine; pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = HelloDDKDispatchRoutine; pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE] = HelloDDKDispatchRoutine; pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] = HelloDDKDispatchRoutine; //创建驱动设备对象 status = CreateDevice(pDriverObject); KdPrint(("DriverEntry end ")); return status; } /************************************************************************ * 函数名称:CreateDevice * 功能描述:初始化设备对象 * 参数列表: pDriverObject:从I/O管理器中传进来的驱动对象 * 返回 值:返回初始化状态 *************************************************************************/ #pragma INITCODE NTSTATUS CreateDevice ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject) { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj; PDEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt; //创建设备名称 UNICODE_STRING devName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&devName,L"\Device\MyDDKDevice"); //创建设备 status = IoCreateDevice( pDriverObject, sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), &(UNICODE_STRING)devName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, TRUE, &pDevObj ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) return status; pDevObj->Flags |= DO_BUFFERED_IO; pDevExt = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION)pDevObj->DeviceExtension; pDevExt->pDevice = pDevObj; pDevExt->ustrDeviceName = devName; //创建符号链接 UNICODE_STRING symLinkName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&symLinkName,L"\??\HelloDDK"); pDevExt->ustrSymLinkName = symLinkName; status = IoCreateSymbolicLink( &symLinkName,&devName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { IoDeleteDevice( pDevObj ); return status; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /************************************************************************ * 函数名称:HelloDDKUnload * 功能描述:负责驱动程序的卸载操作 * 参数列表: pDriverObject:驱动对象 * 返回 值:返回状态 *************************************************************************/ #pragma PAGEDCODE VOID HelloDDKUnload (IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pNextObj; KdPrint(("Enter DriverUnload ")); pNextObj = pDriverObject->DeviceObject; while (pNextObj != NULL) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) pNextObj->DeviceExtension; //删除符号链接 UNICODE_STRING pLinkName = pDevExt->ustrSymLinkName; IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&pLinkName); pNextObj = pNextObj->NextDevice; IoDeleteDevice( pDevExt->pDevice ); } } /************************************************************************ * 函数名称:HelloDDKDispatchRoutine * 功能描述:对读IRP进行处理 * 参数列表: pDevObj:功能设备对象 pIrp:从IO请求包 * 返回 值:返回状态 *************************************************************************/ #pragma PAGEDCODE NTSTATUS HelloDDKDispatchRoutine(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, IN PIRP pIrp) { KdPrint(("Enter HelloDDKDispatchRoutine ")); NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // 完成IRP pIrp->IoStatus.Status = status; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; // bytes xfered IoCompleteRequest( pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); KdPrint(("Leave HelloDDKDispatchRoutine ")); return status; }