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  • zend framework 如何多表查询



    使用Zend_Db_Select方法是一种不受数据库约束构建select的sql语句的工具 (ares注:用户可以使用该方法生成查询的sql语句,而不需要考虑各种数据 库sql语句的差别)。虽然该方法明显还不完善,但是的确为我们提供一种方 法,帮助我们在不同的后台数据库进行相同的查询工作。除此之外,它还可 以避免sql语句攻击。


    <?phprequire_once 'Zend/Db.php';$params = array (    'host'     => '',    'username' => 'malory',    'password' => '******',    'dbname'   => 'camelot');$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL', $params);$select = $db->select();// $select现在是一个Zend_Db_Select_PdoMysql对象?>

    你可以使用该对象和它的相应方法构建一个select查询语句,然后生成 字符串符用来传送给zend_db_adapter进行查询或者读取结果。

    <?php//// SELECT *//     FROM round_table//     WHERE noble_title = "Sir"//     ORDER BY first_name//     LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20//// 你可以使用一种重复定义的方式...$select->from('round_table', '*');$select->where('noble_title = ?', 'Sir');$select->order('first_name');$select->limit(10,20);// ...或者使用一种连续定义的方式:$select->from('round_table', '*')       ->where('noble_title = ?', 'Sir')       ->order('first_name')       ->limit(10,20);// 但是,读取数据的方法相同$sql = $select->__toString();$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);// 对于以上任一种方式,你都可以传送$select对象本身// 使用Zend_Db_Select对象的 __toString()方法就可以得到查询语句$result = $db->fetchAll($select);?>


    <?php//// SELECT *//     FROM round_table//     WHERE noble_title = "Sir"//     ORDER BY first_name//     LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20//$select->from('round_table', '*')       ->where('noble_title = :title')       ->order('first_name')       ->limit(10,20);// 读取结果使用绑定的参数$params = array('title' => 'Sir');$result = $db->fetchAll($select, $params);?>


    当需要从某一个指定的表查询某几列时,可以使用from()方法,将需要 查询的表名和列名都在该方法中指定。表名和列名都可以通过别名代替 ,而且也可以根据需要多次使用from()方法。

    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,假定adapter为Mysql$select = $db->select();// 从some_table表中读取a,b,c三列$select->from('some_table', 'a, b, c');// 同样可以:$select->from('some_table', array('a', 'b', 'c');// 从foo AS bar表中读取列bar.col$select->from('foo AS bar', 'bar.col');// 从foo, bar两个表中读取foo.col 别名为col1,bar.col别名为col2$select->from('foo', 'foo.col AS col1');$select->from('bar', 'bar.col AS col2');?>


    当需要进行表联合查询时,可以使用join()方法。首先,设定进行表 联合查询的表名,然后是表联合的条件(ares注:该条件是针对多表 内部连接的条件),最后是查询的列名。同样,你可以根据需要多次 使用join()方法。

    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,假定adapter为Mysql.$select = $db->select();//// SELECT foo.*, bar.*//     FROM foo//     JOIN bar ON foo.id = bar.id//$select->from('foo', '*');$select->join('bar', 'foo.id = bar.id', '*');?>

    目前为止,zend framework只支持普通的内部表结合语法,而不支持左结合 ,右结合,等等外部连接方式。未来版本,将会更多的支持更多的连接方式。


    当需要要增加where条件时,可以使用where()方法。你可以传送一个 普通的查询语句字符串,也可以传送一个使用?作为占位符的字符串,然 后在占位符处加入通过加引号处理后的数据(将使用Zend_Db_Adapter::quoteInto方法进行数据处理)

    Multiple calls to where() will AND the conditions together; if you need to OR a condition, use orWhere().

    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,调用SELECT方法.$select = $db->select();//// SELECT *//     FROM round_table//     WHERE noble_title = "Sir"//     AND favorite_color = "yellow"//$select->from('round_table', '*');$select->where('noble_title = "Sir"'); // embedded value$select->where('favorite_color = ?', 'yellow'); // quoted value//// SELECT *//     FROM foo//     WHERE bar = "baz"//     OR id IN("1", "2", "3")//$select->from('foo', '*');$select->where('bar = ?', 'baz');$select->orWhere('id IN(?)', array(1, 2, 3);?>

    GROUP BY分句


    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,调用SELECT方法.$select = $db->select();//// SELECT COUNT(id)//     FROM foo//     GROUP BY bar, baz//$select->from('foo', 'COUNT(id)');$select->group('bar');$select->group('baz');// 同样可以这样调用 group() 方法:$select->group('bar, baz');// 还可以:$select->group(array('bar', 'baz'));?>

    HAVING 条件

    当需要在查询结果中加入having条件时,可以使用having()方法。 这种方法与where()方法的功能一样。.

    当你多次调用having()方法时,各个having的条件会“并”在一起进行操作; 假如你需要实现“或 ”操作,可以使用orHaving()方法

    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,调用SELECT方法.$select = $db->select();//// SELECT COUNT(id) AS count_id//     FROM foo//     GROUP BY bar, baz//     HAVING count_id > "1"//$select->from('foo', 'COUNT(id) AS count_id');$select->group('bar, baz');$select->having('count_id > ?', 1);?>

    ORDER BY 分句


    <?php// 创建一个$db对象,调用SELECT方法.$select = $db->select();//// SELECT * FROM round_table//     ORDER BY noble_title DESC, first_name ASC//$select->from('round_table', '*');$select->order('noble_title DESC');$select->order('first_name');// 同样可以这样调用 order() 方法:$select->order('noble_title DESC, first_name');// 还可以:$select->order(array('noble_title DESC', 'first_name'));?>


    Zend_db_select可以支持数据库层的limit语句限制。对于一些数据库,例如mysql 和postgresql,实现这些是相对容易的,因为这些数据库本身就支持“limit:count” 语法。

    对于其他一些数据库来说,例如微软的sqlserver和oracle,要实现limit功能 就不那么简单了,因为他们本身就根本不支持limit语句。MS-SQL有一个top语 句来实现,而oracle要实现limit功能,查询语句的写法就更特殊一些。由于 zend_db_select内在地工作的方式,我们可以重写select语句以在oracle中 实现上述开源数据库系统的limit功能。

    要通过设定查询的总数和偏移量对返回的结果进行限制,可以使用limit()方法, 总数值和一个可选的偏移量作为调用该方法的参数。

    <?php// 首先,一个简单的 "LIMIT :count"$select = $db->select();$select->from('foo', '*');$select->order('id');$select->limit(10);//// 在mysql/psotgreSql/SQLite,可以得到这样的语句://// SELECT * FROM foo//     ORDER BY id ASC//     LIMIT 10//// 但是在Microsoft SQL下,可以得到这样的语句://// SELECT TOP 10 * FROM FOO//     ORDER BY id ASC////// 现在, 是更复杂的 "LIMIT :count OFFSET :offset"方法$select = $db->select();$select->from('foo', '*');$select->order('id');$select->limit(10, 20);//// 在mysql/psotgreSql/SQLite,可以得到这样的语句://// SELECT * FROM foo//     ORDER BY id ASC//     LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20//// 但是在Microsoft SQL下,由于不支持偏移量功能,可以得到这样sql语句://// SELECT * FROM (//     SELECT TOP 10 * FROM (//         SELECT TOP 30 * FROM foo ORDER BY id DESC//     ) ORDER BY id ASC// )//// Zend_Db_Adapter 可以自动的完成sql语句的动态创建.//?>


    Zend_db_select同样也提供了翻页的limit功能。假如你想要从结果中找到 特定“页数”的结果,使用limitPage()方法;将你需要的页数值和每页显示 的数据值数作为参数传过去即可.

    <?php// 构造基础的select方法:$select = $db->select();$select->from('foo', '*');$select->order('id');// ... 限制到第三页,每页包括10行数据$select->limitPage(3, 10);//// 在MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite下, 可以得到://// SELECT * FROM foo//     ORDER BY id ASC//     LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20//?>



    Hi ZF Developer,

    I am new to zend frame work and i am trying to develop a site using zend framework. I am having problem with the fetching of records at first hand. Meaning there are lots of problem which i am facing developing a site. My first problem is of fetching the data.

    In my index page the records which i am trying to fetch will come from two tables. So there the $model->fetchall() is not helpful to me. I want to use the Zend_Db_Select to fetch the records from two tables. As it is said in the examples it can be achived by Zend_Db_Select. 

    My question is in the model class which is extended from Zend_Db_Table_Abstract contains a Zend_Db_Select object or do i have to create it explicitly to execute my queries. If i have to explicitly make an object of Zend_Db_Select so how am i going to do that.

    I am waiting for your answer. Please do reply

    Shah Mubashir Hussain.

    Greetings Shah,

    To successfully make a query on 2 tables you need to create a Zend_Db_Select object (Zend_Db_Table works as an interface to single table operations).

    The usage it's fairly simple, you create an adapter (you can check for the available adapters on the folder Zend/Db/Adapter of your ZF installation), then from that adapter use the method ->select() to create your select object, then add the tables names/schemas as needed.

    A quick example could be:
    $dbconn = New Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql($conn); //a postgresql connection where $conn contains the host, username, password, etc for the connection

    $select = $dbconn->select();
    array('column1', 'column2')
    array('column1', 'column2')
    ->where('condition') //if needed

    I hope this helps.

    Raul Sandrea

    Thanks Raul Sandrea for your comment.

    I will definitely try it out. 

    Correct me if i am wrong. What u are suggesting is that i should replace my model class ( Application_Model_DbTable_xxx extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract ) with 
    yours( Application_Model_DbTable_xxx extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql ).


    And then i should create a select object and start using it.

    Thanks again Raul Sandrea.

    Many Thanks Raul Sandrea, it worked. :)

    This is how my class looks like now.

    class Application_Model_DbTable_Albums extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli
    protected $_name = 'albums';
    private static $database;
    private const $_option = array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '',
    'dbname' => 'xxxx');

    public function __construct()
    $this->database = $this->select();

    Glad I could help =)
    I don't understand why there is no mention of setIntegrityCheck(false) when you are making a join statement. I spent hours trying to figure out why my join query was giving error of "Select query cannot join with another table".

    Maybe the notes in the Zend_DB_Table chapter should be added to this one as it is relevant to join statements.

    Please Note:[\b]

    The code similar to one in Example #20 can lead to SQL Injection! See http://www.zend.com/webinar/Framework/70170000000bEs9-webinar-secure-application-development-with-the-ZF-20100505.flv for more.

    For to get the maximum ID inside a model this function runs perfectly.

    /* This function returns the last insert ID */
    public function lastInsertId(){
    $row = $this->createRow();
    $id = $this->_db->lastInsertId();
    return $id;

    Everaldo Ribeiro, Cientec - everaldoribeiro01@gmail.com

    I wrote a class that transform an existing mysql query to Zend_Db_Table_Select statement.
    Something like:

    string(106) "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE a = 'test' AND (b='test2' OR c='test3' AND (d = 'test4 )) AND 1=1"
     | |
     \ /
    string(144) "$this->select()
        ->from('table1', '*')
        ->where("a = 'test'")
        ->where("b='test2' OR c='test3' AND (d = 'test4 )")

    Maybe someone will suit the same lazy as I am.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zcy_soft/p/1881646.html
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