Toy Posted in Apps, Window Manager
Beryl 0.2.0 已经由 Beryl 启示团队正式推出。新版本已经由用户的广泛测试,它除了增加了许多好玩的新功用、越发养眼的效果、更好的用户支撑之外,也越发稳固。
Beryl 0.2.0 的重要变化情况如下:
* New Plugins
- Thumbnail: Thumbnails on the taskbar (window list) which show a mini view of the actual window
- Snap: Allows windows to “snap” to each other, or provide edge resistance
- Opacify: Makes windows behind the active window transparent
- Group: Allows windows to be group, to easily switch between a set of windows
* New system requirements check
- The improved check has much better accuracy
- The check is a lot faster
* New Window Decorators
- Since 0.1, we have two new window decorators
- Heliodor: Uses metacity themes
- Aquamarine: Uses Kwin themes.
* Newly Rewritten Beryl-Settings
- Written in Python
- More user-friendly UI
- Better profile support
* New Translations
- Thanks to all of our foreign speaking users, we’ve had a much better time getting translations
in, and completed. So thank you!
Download Beryl 0.2.0
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