keys * 获取所有键
lRange hongbao:44 0 -1获取该键的所有值
del hongbao:44 删除该键的所有值
hgetAll user:44 获取该键的所有队列
hget hongbao:44 8 获取该队列用户为8的值
hset hongbao:44 7 'asdf'设置该队列用户为7的值
hdel user:44 8 删除该队列用户为8的值
flushall 清空redis所有缓存数据
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namespace HomeController;
use ThinkController;
use HomeUtilApiResponse;
* Description of RedisController
* @author Administrator
class SweepController extends BaseController{
* 检测redis是否正常运行
public function __construct(){
if (!extension_loaded('redis')) {
E(L('_NOT_SUPPORT_') . ':redis');
if (empty($options)) {
$options = array(
'host' => C('REDIS_HOST') ? C('REDIS_HOST') : '',
'port' => C('REDIS_PORT') ? C('REDIS_PORT') : 6379,
'timeout' => C('DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT') ? C('DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT') : false,
'persistent' => false,
$this->options = $options;
$this->options['expire'] = isset($options['expire']) ? $options['expire'] : C('DATA_CACHE_TIME');
$this->options['prefix'] = isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : C('DATA_CACHE_PREFIX');
$this->options['length'] = isset($options['length']) ? $options['length'] : 0;
$this->options['dbindex'] = isset($options['dbindex']) ? $options['dbindex'] : 0;
$func = $options['persistent'] ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
$this->handler = new Redis;
$options['timeout'] === false ?
$this->handler->$func($options['host'], $options['port']) :
$this->handler->$func($options['host'], $options['port'], $options['timeout']);
* redis连接
* @access private
* @return resource
* @author bieanju
public function connectRedis() {
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
$config = [
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($config['host'], $config['port']);
return $redis;
* 红包列表
public function mine_sweeps(){
$p = I('get.p',1);
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$count = M('hongbao')->alias('H')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->order('H.addtime desc')
->field('H.*, U.headimg')
$Page = new ThinkHPage($count,4);// 实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数
$show = $Page->show();// 分页显示输出
$list['hongbao'] = M('hongbao')->alias('H')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->order('H.addtime desc')
->field('H.*, U.headimg,')
foreach($list['hongbao'] as &$v){
$is_grab = M('record')->where(['uid' => ['eq', $user_id], 'h_id' => ['eq', $v['id']]])->getField('id');
$v['headimg'] = $v['headimg']?$v['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$v['sy_num'] = $v['num']-$v['lq_num'];
$v['is_red'] = !empty($is_grab)?2:1;
$v['is_user'] = $v['uid']==$user_id?1:2;
$list['user'] = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->field('headimg, name, total_money')->find();
$list['user']['headimg'] = $list['user']['headimg']?$list['user']['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$this->assign('list', $list);
$this->assign('page', $show);
$this->assign('p', $p);
* 红包列表页显示
public function mine_sweep(){
$p = I('get.p',1);
$this->assign('p', $p);
* 红包列表api
public function mine_sweep_api(){
$p = I('get.p',1);
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$sign_time = M('user')->where(['id' =>$user_id, 'status' => 1])->getField('sign_time');
$count = M('hongbao')->alias('H')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->order('H.addtime desc')
->where(['H.addtime' => ['between' ,array($sign_time,time())]])
->field('H.*, U.headimg')
$Page = new ThinkHPage($count,4);// 实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数
$show = $Page->show();// 分页显示输出
$list['hongbao'] = M('hongbao')->alias('H')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->order('H.addtime desc')
->field('H.*, U.headimg,')
->where(['H.addtime' => ['between' ,array($sign_time,time())]])
foreach($list['hongbao'] as &$v){
$is_grab = M('record')->where(['uid' => ['eq', $user_id], 'h_id' => ['eq', $v['id']]])->getField('id');
$v['headimg'] = $v['headimg']?$v['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$v['sy_num'] = $v['num']-$v['lq_num'];
$v['is_red'] = !empty($is_grab)?2:1;
$v['is_user'] = $v['uid']==$user_id?1:2;
$list['user'] = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->field('id,headimg, name, total_money')->find();
$list['user']['headimg'] = $list['user']['headimg']?$list['user']['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$list['page'] = $show;
$list['p'] = $p;
$this->doResponse(ApiResponse::SUCCESS, 'SUCCESS', $list);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->doResponse($e->getCode() ?: ApiResponse::SERVICE_ERROR, $e->getMessage());
* 抢包详情列表
public function detail(){
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
$hongbao_id = I('id');
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$list['info'] = M('record')->alias('R')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->where(['R.h_id' => ['eq', $hongbao_id]])
->field('U.headimg , , as user_id,R.*')
$list['user'] = M('hongbao')->alias('H')
->join('join hb_user as U on')
->where(['' => ['eq', $hongbao_id]])
->field(', U.headimg,,H.num')
$list['user'] = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->field('name,headimg')->find();
$hongbao = M('hongbao')->where(['id' => ['eq', $hongbao_id]])->field('money,num')->find();
$list['user']['headimg'] = $list['user']['headimg']?$list['user']['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$list['user']['total_moneys'] = $hongbao['money'];
$list['user']['num'] = $hongbao['num'];
foreach($list['info'] as &$vo){
$vo['headimg'] = $vo['headimg']?$vo['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$vo['name'] = $vo['name']?$vo['name']:'无';
if($vo['user_id'] == $user_id){
$list['user']['money'] = $vo['money'];
// print_r($list);exit;
$this->assign('list', $list);
* 发包显示
public function send(){
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$pack = M('pack')->order('num asc')->select();
$choice_money = M('choice_money')->where(['type' => ['eq', 3]])->order('money asc')->select();
$user = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->field('name,total_money,headimg')->find();
$user['headimg'] = $user['headimg']?$user['headimg']:C('HEAD_IMG');
$this->assign('pack', $pack);
$this->assign('user', $user);
$this->assign('choice_money', $choice_money);
* 用户发红包
public function before_detail(){
// $_SESSION['user']['id'] = 1;//发包人id
$min = 0.01;
$pack_id = I('post.bao_id');
$zid = I('post.zid');//自定义金额
$money = I('');//选择金额
$lucky = I('post.lucky');//雷号 10-0
$pack = M('pack')->where(['id' => $pack_id])->find();
$num = $pack['num'];//包数
$multiple = $pack['multiple'];//倍数
$money = !empty($zid)?$zid:$money;
if (empty($pack_id)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "请选择包数!";
if (empty($lucky)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "请选择雷号!";
if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]+.{0,1}[0-9]{0,2}$/',$money) || empty($money)){
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "请输入正确的充值金额!";
if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,}$/", $num)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "红包数量请输入整数!";
if ($num * $min > $money) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "真抠";
$user_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $_SESSION['user']['uid']], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->getField('total_money');
if ($user_money < $money) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "您的余额不足,请充值!";
$lucky = $lucky==10?0:$lucky;
$data = [
'uid' => $_SESSION['user']['uid'],
'money' => $money,
'num' => $num,
'lucky' => $lucky,//雷号
'multiple' => $multiple,//倍数
'addtime' => time(),
'over_time' => time()+180,
$hongbao_redpacket = M('hongbao');
$hongbao_id = $hongbao_redpacket->add($data);
$data_profit = [
'uid' => $_SESSION['user']['uid'],
'money' => $user_money-$money,
'change' => $money,
'type' => 4,
'addtime' => time(),
$add_profit = M('profit')->add($data_profit);
$save_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $_SESSION['user']['uid']], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->setDec('total_money', $money);
if (empty($hongbao_id) || !$save_money || empty($add_profit)) {
$this->hongbao_key = 'hongbao:' . $hongbao_id;
$redis = $this->connectRedis();
$gnRedis = $redis->llen("{$this->hongbao_key}");
/* 判断第一个红包不为雷 */
for ($x = 0; $x <= 100; $x++) {
$redpacket_money = $this->rand_section($min, $money, $num, $money);
if (mb_substr($redpacket_money[0], -1, 1) != $lucky) {
if (!$gnRedis) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i ++) {
$redis->lpush("{$this->hongbao_key}", $redpacket_money[$i]);
$resetRedis = $redis->llen("{$this->hongbao_key}");
if (!$resetRedis) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "发包失败";
* 红包id、用户id
public function grab_number_queue(){
$hongbao_id = I('id');//红包id
$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$this->user_key = 'user:'.$hongbao_id;
$this->hongbao_key = 'hongbao:'.$hongbao_id;
/* redis 队列 */
$redis = $this->connectRedis();
/* 进入队列 */
$hongbao_num = $redis->llen("{$this->hongbao_key}");
$user_num = $redis->hGet("{$this->user_key}",$user_id);
// 判断用户是否已在队列
if ($user_num) {
$return['status'] = 200;
$return['msg'] = "您已抢过红包";
$find_redpacket = M('hongbao')->where(['id' => $hongbao_id])->field('uid, money, status, lucky, multiple,over_time,lq_money,lq_num')->find();
$user_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->getField('total_money');
$peifu = $find_redpacket['money']*$find_redpacket['multiple'];
if (!$hongbao_num || $find_redpacket['status'] == 2) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "手慢了,红包已派完";
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "红包已过期!";
/* 判断用户余额是否大于赔付金额 */
if ($user_money < $peifu) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "您的余额低于赔付金额,请充值!";
$goods_number_key = $redis->lpop("{$this->hongbao_key}");
if ($goods_number_key) {
// 插入抢购用户信息
$userinfo = array(
"user_id" => $user_id,
"create_time" => time()
$Modelr = M('record');
$redis->hSet("{$this->user_key}", $user_id, serialize($userinfo));
if (mb_substr($goods_number_key, -1, 1) == $find_redpacket['lucky']) {
$is_type = 2;
$save_user_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->setDec('total_money', $peifu);
$hongbao_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $find_redpacket['uid']], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->getField('total_money');//查询放在下面防止抢包与发包人同一个
$save_hongbao_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $find_redpacket['uid']], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->setInc('total_money', $peifu);
$ray = [[
'uid' => $user_id,
'money' => $user_money-$peifu,
'change' => $peifu,
'type' => 6,//用户踩雷减余额
'addtime' => time(),
'uid' => $find_redpacket['uid'],
'money' => $hongbao_money+$peifu,
'change' => $peifu,
'type' => 8,//用户踩雷发包者加余额
'addtime' => time(),
$addAll_money = M('profit')->addAll($ray);
if (empty($save_user_money) || empty($save_hongbao_money) || empty($addAll_money)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "抢包失败!";
$user_money = $user_money-$peifu;
} else {
$is_type = 1;
$add_money = M('user')->where(['id' => ['eq', $user_id], 'status' => ['eq', 1]])->setInc('total_money', $goods_number_key);
$lq_hongbao = M('hongbao')->where(['id' => ['eq', $hongbao_id]])->save(['lq_money' => $find_redpacket['lq_money']+$goods_number_key,'lq_num' => $find_redpacket['lq_num']+1]);
// 插入用户抢包记录
$redpack_log = [
'uid' => $user_id,
'money' => $goods_number_key,
'h_id' => $hongbao_id,
'lucky'=> $find_redpacket['lucky'],
'type' => $is_type,
'addtime' => time(),
$redpacket_user = M('record')->add($redpack_log);
$data_profit = [
'uid' => $user_id,
'money' => $user_money+$goods_number_key,
'change' => $goods_number_key,
'type' => 5,
'addtime' => time(),
$add_profit = M('profit')->add($data_profit);
if (empty($add_money) || empty($redpacket_user) || empty($add_profit) || empty($lq_hongbao)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "抢包失败!";
$hongbao_num = $redis->llen("{$this->hongbao_key}");
if (!$hongbao_num) {
$save_redpacket = M('hongbao')->where(['id' => $hongbao_id])->save(['status' => 2]);
if (empty($save_redpacket)) {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "抢包失败!";
$return['status'] = 200;
$return['msg'] = '红包金额' . $goods_number_key;
} else {
$return['status'] = 0;
$return['msg'] = "系统繁忙";
/** 获取区间内随机红包(符合正态分布)
* @param $min 红包最小值
* @param $max 红包最大值
* @param $num 红包个数
* @param $total 红包金额
* @return array
public function rand_section ($min,$max,$num,$total){
$data = array();
if ($min * $num > $total) {
return array();
if($max*$num < $total){
return array();
while ($num >= 1) {
$kmix = max($min, $total - $num * $max);
$kmax = min($max, $total - $num * $min);
$kAvg = $total / ($num + 1);
$kDis = min($kAvg - $kmix, $kmax - $kAvg);
$r = ((float)(rand(1, 10000) / 10000) - 0.5) * $kDis * 2;
$k = sprintf("%.2f", $kAvg + $r);
$total -= $k;
$data[] = $k;
return $data;
* redis调试
public function order_num(){
// $redis->flushall();//清空redis所有缓存数据
$a = $redis->keys('*');