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  • 简易的hashtable实现


      1 #ifndef _HASHTABLE_
      2 #define _HASHTABLE_
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 using namespace std;
      8 template<typename key_type,typename value_type>
      9 struct HashNode{
     10     key_type key;
     11     value_type value;
     12     HashNode* next;
     13     HashNode(key_type key,value_type value):key(key),value(value),next(NULL){}
     14     HashNode& operator =(const HashNode& rhs){
     15         key = rhs.key;
     16         value = rhs.value;
     17         next = rhs.next;
     18         return *this;
     19     }
     20     ~HashNode(){}
     21 };
     23 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
     24 class HashTable{
     25 public:
     26     //enum{TableSize = 100};
     27     typedef HashNode<key_type,value_type>* pointer;
     28     HashNode<key_type,value_type>** table;
     29     unsigned long capacity;
     30     Func GetKeyValue;
     31     const value_type _null;
     32     HashTable(Func func,const value_type& _null);
     33     ~HashTable();
     34     void put(const HashNode<key_type,value_type>&);
     35     value_type del(const key_type& key);
     36     value_type getValue(const key_type& key);
     37 };
     39 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
     40 HashTable<key_type,value_type,Func>::HashTable(Func func,const value_type& _null):_null(_null){
     41     GetKeyValue = func;
     42     capacity = 100000000;
     43     table = new HashNode<key_type,value_type>*[capacity];
     44     for(unsigned long i=0;i<capacity;i++)
     45         table[i]=NULL;
     46 }
     48 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
     49 HashTable<key_type,value_type,Func>::~HashTable(){
     50     pointer node = NULL;
     51     for(unsigned long i=0;i<capacity;i++){
     52         node = table[i];
     53         while(node!=NULL){
     54             pointer temp = node;
     55             node = node->next;
     56             delete temp;
     57             temp = NULL;
     58         }
     59     }
     60     delete[] table;
     61 }
     63 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
     64 void HashTable<key_type,value_type,Func>::put(const HashNode<key_type,value_type>& node){
     65     pointer hashnode=NULL;
     66     unsigned long index = GetKeyValue(node.key);
     67     hashnode = table[index];
     68     if(hashnode == NULL){
     69         HashNode<key_type,value_type>* temp = new HashNode<key_type,value_type>(node.key,node.value);
     70         table[index] = temp;
     71     }else{
     72         HashNode<key_type,value_type>* temp = new HashNode<key_type,value_type>(node.key,node.value);
     73         temp->next = hashnode;
     74         table[index] = temp;
     75     }
     76 }
     78 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
     79 value_type HashTable<key_type,value_type,Func>::del(const key_type& key){
     80     unsigned long index = GetKeyValue(key);
     81     pointer hashnode = table[index];
     82     pointer pre = NULL;
     83     if(hashnode==NULL)return _null;
     84     if(hashnode->key==key){
     85         table[index] = hashnode->next;
     86         value_type revalue = hashnode->value;
     87         delete hashnode;
     88         table[index]=NULL;
     89         return revalue;
     90     }
     91     while(hashnode->key!=key&&hashnode!=NULL){
     92         pre = hashnode;
     93         hashnode = hashnode->next;
     94     }
     95     if(hashnode==NULL)return _null;
     96     pre->next = hashnode->next;
     97     value_type revalue = hashnode->value;
     98     delete hashnode;
     99     return revalue;
    100 }
    102 template<typename key_type,typename value_type,typename Func>
    103 value_type HashTable<key_type,value_type,Func>::getValue(const key_type& key){
    104     unsigned long index = GetKeyValue(key);
    105     pointer hashnode = table[index];
    106     if(hashnode==NULL)return _null;
    107     while(hashnode->key!=key&&hashnode!=NULL)hashnode = hashnode->next;
    108     if(hashnode==NULL)return _null;
    109     return hashnode->value;
    110 }
    111 #endif


     1  #include<iostream>
     2   #include<time.h>
     3   #include<string>
     4   #include<cstdlib>
     5   #include"hashtable.h"
     6   using namespace std;
     8   typedef unsigned long (*GetKeyValue)(const string& rhs);
     9   unsigned long get_key(const string& key){
    10      unsigned long hash = 0;
    11      unsigned long  i=0;
    12      while(i<key.length())
    13      {
    14          // equivalent to: hash = 65599*hash + (*str++);
    15          hash = key[i] + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;
    16          i++;
    17      }
    19      return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)>>8;//右移8位,是因为容易越界访问
    20  }
    22  int main(){
    24      //传入一个求哈希散列值的方法get_key
    25      HashTable<string,string,GetKeyValue> hashMap(get_key,"NULL");  
    26      for(int i = 0;i < 10000;i++){  
    27          char *ckey = new char[20];  
    28          char *cvalue = new char[20];  
    29          ckey = itoa(i,ckey,8);  
    30          cvalue = itoa(i,cvalue,8);  
    31          string key(ckey);  
    32          string value(cvalue);  
    33          if(i == 67){  
    34              key = "67";  
    35              value = "hello hash No.67";  
    36          }  
    37          HashNode<string,string> node1(key,value);  
    38          //插入该节点  
    39          hashMap.put(node1);  
    40      }  
    41      cout << "hashMap.GetValue("100"): " << hashMap.getValue("100") << endl;  
    42      cout << "hashMap.Delete("67"): " << hashMap.del("67") << endl;  
    43      cout << "hashMap.GetValue("67"): " << hashMap.getValue("67") << endl;  
    44      return 0;  
    45  }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhang-wen/p/4782540.html
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