Python学习系列(八)( 面向对象基础)
View Code1 class Person: 2 pass 3 4 p=Person() 5 print p 6 >>> ============= RESTART ================================ 7 >>> 8 <__main__.Person instance at 0x02A99B98>4,使用对象的方法:1)
View Code1 class Person: 2 def sayHi(self): 3 print 'Hello,how are you?' 4 5 p=Person() 6 p.sayHi()2)使用__init__方法
View Code1 class Person: 2 def __init__(self,name): 3 4 5 def sayHi(self): 6 print 'Hello,my name is', 7 8 p=Person('John') 9 p.sayHi()3)使用类与对象的变量
View Code1 class Person: 2 '''Represents a person.''' 3 population=0 4 def __init__(self,name): 5 '''Initializes the person's data.''' 6 7 print '(Initializing %s)' 8 Person.population +=1 9 10 def __del__(self): 11 '''I'm dying.''' 12 print '%s says bye.' 13 Person.population -=1 14 if Person.population==0: 15 print '''I'm the last one.''' 16 else: 17 print 'There are still %d people left.'%Person.population 18 19 def sayHi(self): 20 '''Greeting by the person. 21 22 Really,that's all it does.''' 23 print 'Hello,my name is%s.' 24 25 def howMany(self): 26 '''Prints the current population.''' 27 if Person.population==1: 28 print '''I'm the only one here.''' 29 else: 30 print 'We have %d person here.'%Person.population 31 32 33 p=Person('John') 34 p.sayHi() 35 p.howMany() 36 37 p1=Person('John1') 38 p1.sayHi() 39 p1.howMany() 40 41 p.sayHi() 42 p.howMany()属性参考:使用self变量来参考同一个对象的变量和方法。
View Code1 class SChoolMember: #教师与学生的公有属性,基类 2 '''Represents any SChoolMember.''' 3 def __init__(self,name,age): 4 '''Initializes the person's data.''' 5 6 self.age=age 7 print '(Initializing SChoolMember %s)' 8 9 def tell(self): 10 '''Tell my details.''' 11 print '''Name:%s Age:%s'''%(,self.age) 12 13 class Teacher(SChoolMember): #教师子类 14 '''Represents any Teacher.''' 15 def __init__(self,name,age,salary): 16 '''Initializes the person's data.''' 17 SChoolMember.__init__(self,name,age) #继承 18 self.salary=salary 19 print '(Initializing Teacher %s)' 20 21 def tell(self): 22 '''Tell my details.''' 23 SChoolMember.tell(self) #继承 24 print '''Salary:%d'''%self.salary 25 26 class Student(SChoolMember): #学生子类 27 '''Represents any Student.''' 28 def __init__(self,name,age,marks): 29 '''Initializes the person's data.''' 30 SChoolMember.__init__(self,name,age) #继承 31 self.marks=marks 32 print '(Initializing Student %s)' 33 34 def tell(self): 35 '''Tell my details.''' 36 SChoolMember.tell(self) #继承 37 print '''Marks:%d'''%self.marks 38 39 40 t=Teacher('Mrs.Jhon',40,4000) 41 s=Student('zhangbc',23,90) 42 members=[t,s] 43 for member in members: 44 member.tell() 45 print ''