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  • stm.go

    package concurrency

    import (
        v3 "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3"

    // STM is an interface for software transactional memory.
    type STM interface {
        // Get returns the value for a key and inserts the key in the txn's read set.
        // If Get fails, it aborts the transaction with an error, never returning.
        Get(key string) string
        // Put adds a value for a key to the write set.
        Put(key, val string, opts ...v3.OpOption)
        // Rev returns the revision of a key in the read set.
        Rev(key string) int64
        // Del deletes a key.
        Del(key string)

        // commit attempts to apply the txn's changes to the server.
        commit() *v3.TxnResponse

    // stmError safely passes STM errors through panic to the STM error channel.
    type stmError struct{ err error }

    // NewSTMRepeatable initiates new repeatable read transaction; reads within
    // the same transaction attempt always return the same data.
    func NewSTMRepeatable(ctx context.Context, c *v3.Client, apply func(STM) error) (*v3.TxnResponse, error) {
        s := &stm{client: c, ctx: ctx, getOpts: []v3.OpOption{v3.WithSerializable()}}
        return runSTM(s, apply)

    // NewSTMSerializable initiates a new serialized transaction; reads within the
    // same transactiona attempt return data from the revision of the first read.
    func NewSTMSerializable(ctx context.Context, c *v3.Client, apply func(STM) error) (*v3.TxnResponse, error) {
        s := &stmSerializable{
            stm:      stm{client: c, ctx: ctx},
            prefetch: make(map[string]*v3.GetResponse),
        return runSTM(s, apply)

    // NewSTMReadCommitted initiates a new read committed transaction.
    func NewSTMReadCommitted(ctx context.Context, c *v3.Client, apply func(STM) error) (*v3.TxnResponse, error) {
        s := &stmReadCommitted{stm{client: c, ctx: ctx, getOpts: []v3.OpOption{v3.WithSerializable()}}}
        return runSTM(s, apply)

    type stmResponse struct {
        resp *v3.TxnResponse
        err  error

    func runSTM(s STM, apply func(STM) error) (*v3.TxnResponse, error) {
        outc := make(chan stmResponse, 1)
        go func() {
            defer func() {
                if r := recover(); r != nil {
                    e, ok := r.(stmError)
                    if !ok {
                        // client apply panicked
                    outc <- stmResponse{nil, e.err}
            var out stmResponse
            for {
                if out.err = apply(s); out.err != nil {
                if out.resp = s.commit(); out.resp != nil {
            outc <- out
        r := <-outc
        return r.resp, r.err

    // stm implements repeatable-read software transactional memory over etcd
    type stm struct {
        client *v3.Client
        ctx    context.Context
        // rset holds read key values and revisions
        rset map[string]*v3.GetResponse
        // wset holds overwritten keys and their values
        wset map[string]stmPut
        // getOpts are the opts used for gets
        getOpts []v3.OpOption

    type stmPut struct {
        val string
        op  v3.Op

    func (s *stm) Get(key string) string {
        if wv, ok := s.wset[key]; ok {
            return wv.val
        return respToValue(s.fetch(key))

    func (s *stm) Put(key, val string, opts ...v3.OpOption) {
        s.wset[key] = stmPut{val, v3.OpPut(key, val, opts...)}

    func (s *stm) Del(key string) { s.wset[key] = stmPut{"", v3.OpDelete(key)} }

    func (s *stm) Rev(key string) int64 {
        if resp := s.fetch(key); resp != nil && len(resp.Kvs) != 0 {
            return resp.Kvs[0].ModRevision
        return 0

    func (s *stm) commit() *v3.TxnResponse {
        txnresp, err := s.client.Txn(s.ctx).If(s.cmps()...).Then(s.puts()...).Commit()
        if err != nil {
        if txnresp.Succeeded {
            return txnresp
        return nil

    // cmps guards the txn from updates to read set
    func (s *stm) cmps() []v3.Cmp {
        cmps := make([]v3.Cmp, 0, len(s.rset))
        for k, rk := range s.rset {
            cmps = append(cmps, isKeyCurrent(k, rk))
        return cmps

    func (s *stm) fetch(key string) *v3.GetResponse {
        if resp, ok := s.rset[key]; ok {
            return resp
        resp, err := s.client.Get(s.ctx, key, s.getOpts...)
        if err != nil {
        s.rset[key] = resp
        return resp

    // puts is the list of ops for all pending writes
    func (s *stm) puts() []v3.Op {
        puts := make([]v3.Op, 0, len(s.wset))
        for _, v := range s.wset {
            puts = append(puts, v.op)
        return puts

    func (s *stm) reset() {
        s.rset = make(map[string]*v3.GetResponse)
        s.wset = make(map[string]stmPut)

    type stmSerializable struct {
        prefetch map[string]*v3.GetResponse

    func (s *stmSerializable) Get(key string) string {
        if wv, ok := s.wset[key]; ok {
            return wv.val
        firstRead := len(s.rset) == 0
        if resp, ok := s.prefetch[key]; ok {
            delete(s.prefetch, key)
            s.rset[key] = resp
        resp := s.stm.fetch(key)
        if firstRead {
            // txn's base revision is defined by the first read
            s.getOpts = []v3.OpOption{
        return respToValue(resp)

    func (s *stmSerializable) Rev(key string) int64 {
        return s.stm.Rev(key)

    func (s *stmSerializable) gets() ([]string, []v3.Op) {
        keys := make([]string, 0, len(s.rset))
        ops := make([]v3.Op, 0, len(s.rset))
        for k := range s.rset {
            keys = append(keys, k)
            ops = append(ops, v3.OpGet(k))
        return keys, ops

    func (s *stmSerializable) commit() *v3.TxnResponse {
        keys, getops := s.gets()
        txn := s.client.Txn(s.ctx).If(s.cmps()...).Then(s.puts()...)
        // use Else to prefetch keys in case of conflict to save a round trip
        txnresp, err := txn.Else(getops...).Commit()
        if err != nil {
        if txnresp.Succeeded {
            return txnresp
        // load prefetch with Else data
        for i := range keys {
            resp := txnresp.Responses[i].GetResponseRange()
            s.rset[keys[i]] = (*v3.GetResponse)(resp)
        s.prefetch = s.rset
        s.getOpts = nil
        return nil

    type stmReadCommitted struct{ stm }

    // commit always goes through when read committed
    func (s *stmReadCommitted) commit() *v3.TxnResponse {
        s.rset = nil
        return s.stm.commit()

    func isKeyCurrent(k string, r *v3.GetResponse) v3.Cmp {
        rev := r.Header.Revision + 1
        if len(r.Kvs) != 0 {
            rev = r.Kvs[0].ModRevision + 1
        return v3.Compare(v3.ModRevision(k), "<", rev)

    func respToValue(resp *v3.GetResponse) string {
        if len(resp.Kvs) == 0 {
            return ""
        return string(resp.Kvs[0].Value)

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    虚连接 tcp
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangboyu/p/7452722.html
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