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  • Linux共享库 配置文件读取

    #ifndef __INIPARSERHELPER_H_
    #define __INIPARSERHELPER_H_
    #define IN
    #define OUT
    #define INOUT
    typedef enum iniPraseValueType
        INIP_STR = 0,
    typedef struct stIniParserResult
        char * pcStrResult;
        int iIntResult;
        double dDoubleResult;
        int iBoolResult;
        int iErrorCode;
    #define RESULT_OK                      0x00000000
    #define DEFAULT_ERROR                  0x00000001
    #define PARAM_ERROR                    0x00000002
    #define MALLOC_ERROR                   0x00000003
    #define DATA_ERROR                     0x00000004
    #define FILE_NOTEXIST_ERROR            0x00000005
    #include "iniparser.h"
    int initIniParser(IN const char *pcFileName ,IN dictionary **dicIni);
    int getSectionCount(dictionary * dicIni, int *iSenctionCount);
    int getSectionByIndex(dictionary * dicIni, unsigned int n, char **pcResult);
    int getSectionKeyCount(dictionary * dicIni, const char *pcSectionName, unsigned int *n);
    int getSectionKeys(dictionary * dicIni, const char *pcSectionName, char **pcKeys);
    STIniParserResult * getIniValue(dictionary * dicIni, const char *pcSectionName, const char *pcKey, IniPraseType enValueType);
    char * getIniValueExtend(dictionary * dicIni, const char *pcSectionName, const char *pcKey);
    char * inipGetStringExtend(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey);
    void releaseIniParser(dictionary * dicIni);
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "iniParserHelper.h"
    #define ACCURACY 0.00001
       Func Name: inipGetString
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件中字符串的值
           Input: dicIni: dictionary struct
          Output: pstResult:返回结构体
          Return: 无
    static void inipGetString(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey, OUT STIniParserResult *pstResult)
        if (NULL == dicIni || pcKey == NULL || NULL == pstResult)
        pstResult->pcStrResult = (char *)iniparser_getstring(dicIni, pcKey, NULL);
        if (NULL == pstResult->pcStrResult)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = DATA_ERROR;
            pstResult->iErrorCode = RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: inipGetInt
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件中int类型的值
           Input: dicIni: dictionary struct
          Output: pstResult:返回结构体
          Return: 无
    static void inipGetInt(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey, OUT STIniParserResult *pstResult)
        int iResCode1 = 0, iResCode2 = 1, iResCode = 0;
        int iFlag = 0;
        iResCode = iniparser_getint(dicIni, pcKey, iResCode1);
        if (iResCode == iResCode1)
            iFlag += 1;
        iResCode = iniparser_getint(dicIni, pcKey, iResCode2);
        if (iResCode == iResCode1)
            iFlag += 1;
        if (iFlag > 1)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = DATA_ERROR;
            pstResult->iIntResult = iResCode;
            pstResult->iErrorCode = RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: inipGetDouble
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件中double类型的值
           Input: dicIni: dictionary struct
          Output: pstResult:返回结构体
          Return: 无
    static void inipGetDouble(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey, OUT STIniParserResult *pstResult)
        double iResCode1 = 0.0001, iResCode2 = 0.0002, iResCode = 0.0;
        int iFlag = 0;
        iResCode = iniparser_getdouble(dicIni, pcKey, iResCode1);
        if (iResCode >= iResCode1-ACCURACY && iResCode <= iResCode1+ACCURACY)
            iFlag += 1;
        iResCode = iniparser_getdouble(dicIni, pcKey, iResCode2);
        if (iResCode >= iResCode2-ACCURACY && iResCode <= iResCode2+ACCURACY)
            iFlag += 1;
        if (iFlag > 1)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = DATA_ERROR;
            pstResult->dDoubleResult = iResCode;
            pstResult->iErrorCode = RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: inipGetBool
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件中bool类型的值
           Input: dicIni: dictionary struct
          Output: pstResult:返回结构体
          Return: 无
    static void inipGetBool(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey, OUT STIniParserResult *pstResult)
        int iResCode = -1, iTestNum = -2;
        iResCode = iniparser_getboolean(dicIni, pcKey, iTestNum);
        if (iResCode == iTestNum)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = DATA_ERROR;
            pstResult->iBoolResult = iResCode;
            pstResult->iErrorCode = RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: getIniValue
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件的值
           Input: dicIni        : dictionary struct
                  pcSectionName : section name
                  pcKey         :key
                  enValueType   : value type
          Return: result struct
         Caution: need free return value
    STIniParserResult * getIniValue(dictionary * dicIni, const char *pcSectionName, const char *pcKey, IniPraseType enValueType)
        char *pcSectionKey = NULL;
        size_t uiLen = 0;
        STIniParserResult * pstResult = NULL;
        pstResult = malloc(sizeof(STIniParserResult));
        if(NULL == pstResult)
            return NULL;
        memset(pstResult, 0, sizeof(STIniParserResult));
        if (NULL == dicIni || NULL == pcSectionName || NULL == pcKey)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return pstResult;
        uiLen = strlen(pcSectionName) + strlen(pcKey) + 1 + 1;
        pcSectionKey = (char *)malloc(uiLen);
        if(NULL == pcSectionKey)
            pstResult->iErrorCode = MALLOC_ERROR;
            return pstResult;
        memset(pcSectionKey, 0, uiLen);
        switch (enValueType)
        case INIP_STR:
            inipGetString(dicIni, pcSectionKey, pstResult);
        case INIP_INT:
            inipGetInt(dicIni, pcSectionKey, pstResult);
        case INIP_DOUBLE:
            inipGetDouble(dicIni, pcSectionKey, pstResult);
        case INIP_BOOL:
            inipGetBool(dicIni, pcSectionKey, pstResult);
            pstResult->iErrorCode = DATA_ERROR;
            pcSectionKey = NULL;
        return pstResult;
       Func Name: initIniParser
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 初始化ini解析器
           Input: pcFileName : Name of the ini file to read
                  dicIni     : dictionary object
          Return: errcode
         Caution: need call releaseIniParser()
    int initIniParser(IN const char *pcFileName ,IN dictionary **dicIni)
        int iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
        if (NULL == pcFileName || NULL == dicIni)
            iResultCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        if (access(pcFileName, F_OK))
            iResultCode = FILE_NOTEXIST_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        *dicIni = iniparser_load(pcFileName);
        if(NULL == *dicIni)
            iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        return RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: releaseIniParser
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 释放ini解析器
           Input: dicIni     : dictionary object
    void releaseIniParser(IN dictionary * dicIni)
        if (dicIni)
       Func Name: getSectionCount
    Date Created: 2018-7-4
     Description: 获取section的个数
           Input: dicIni           : dictionary object
                  iSenctionCount   :section numbers
          Return: error code
    int getSectionCount(IN dictionary *dicIni, IN int *iSenctionCount)
        int iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
        if (NULL == dicIni || NULL == iSenctionCount)
            iResultCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        iResultCode = iniparser_getnsec(dicIni);
        if (-1 == iResultCode)
            iResultCode = DATA_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        *iSenctionCount = iResultCode;
        return RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: getSectionByIndex
    Date Created: 2018-7-4
     Description: 获取指定位置的section
           Input: dicIni           : dictionary object
                  n                : section numbers
          Output: pcResult         : section name
          Return: error code
         Caution: Do not free or modify the returned pcResult
    int getSectionByIndex( IN dictionary * dicIni, IN unsigned int n, OUT char **pcResult)
        int iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
        char *pcTmp = NULL;
        if (NULL == dicIni || NULL == pcResult)
            iResultCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        pcTmp = (char *)iniparser_getsecname(dicIni, (int)n);
        if (NULL == pcTmp)
            iResultCode = DATA_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        *pcResult = pcTmp;
        return RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: getSectionKeyCount
    Date Created: 2018-7-4
     Description: 获取section下key的个数
           Input: dicIni           : dictionary object
                  pcSectionName    : section name
          Output: n                : key numbers
          Return: error code
    int getSectionKeyCount( IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char *pcSectionName, OUT unsigned int *n)
        int iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
        unsigned int num = 0;
        if (NULL == dicIni || NULL == pcSectionName || NULL == n)
            iResultCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        num = (unsigned int)iniparser_getsecnkeys(dicIni,pcSectionName);
        if (0 == num)
            iResultCode = DATA_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        *n = num;
        return RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: getSectionKeys
    Date Created: 2018-7-4
     Description: 获取section的键的集合
           Input: dicIni           : dictionary object
                  pcSectionName    : section name
        OutInput: pcKeys           : keys in a section of a dictionary
          Return: error code
         Caution: pcKeys必须有函数调用者进行分配,但是pcKeys数组中的元素的内存不需要由调用者释放
    int getSectionKeys(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char *pcSectionName,INOUT char **pcKeys)
        int iResultCode = DEFAULT_ERROR;
        if (NULL == dicIni || NULL == pcSectionName || NULL == pcKeys)
            iResultCode = PARAM_ERROR;
            return iResultCode;
        iniparser_getseckeys(dicIni, pcSectionName, pcKeys);
        return RESULT_OK;
       Func Name: getIniValueExtend
    Date Created: 2018-7-4
     Description: 获取指定section:key的字符串值
           Input: dicIni           : dictionary object
                  pcSectionName    : section name
                  pcKey            : key name
          Return: error code
    char * getIniValueExtend(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char *pcSectionName, IN const char *pcKey)
        STIniParserResult *pstData = NULL;
        char * pcResult = NULL;
        pstData = getIniValue(dicIni, pcSectionName, pcKey, INIP_STR);
        if (pstData)
            pcResult = pstData->pcStrResult;
            pstData = NULL;
        return pcResult;
       Func Name: inipGetStringExtend
    Date Created: 2018-7-3
     Description: 获取ini文件中字符串的值(section已经拼接完成)
           Input: dicIni: dictionary struct
          Return: key的值
    char * inipGetStringExtend(IN dictionary * dicIni, IN const char * pcKey)
        char *pcResult = NULL;
        if (NULL == dicIni || pcKey == NULL)
            return NULL;
        pcResult= (char *)iniparser_getstring(dicIni, pcKey, NULL);
        return pcResult;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhanggaofeng/p/9416800.html
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