import urllib.request as ur import urllib.parse as up import re import easygui as e import socket from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def find_download(h_soup,where,count): #下面的三条语句是为了分类,过滤取番号。每个网站的特点都不一样,要自己找规律。 H = h_soup.find("h1",class_ = "article-title").a.get_text() if H[0] != "【" : try :#有些番号未知 str1 = h_soup.find("h2").span.span.get_text() except : str1 = "404notfind%d" elif "【广告招租】" in H: return count else : str1 = '' for i in H: str1 += i if i == "】": break timeout = 10#设置下载被允许的最大时间 for l in h_soup.find_all("img",class_ = re.compile("align.+"),src = re.compile(".[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$")): #下面的if是过滤四个垃圾图片 if l["src"] in ["","","",""]: continue url_fin = l["src"] for i in range(3):#网路或资源问题引发错误最多3次 try : request_fin = ur.Request(url_fin,headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 BIDUBrowser/6.x Safari/537.31'})#匿名 fin_img = ur.urlopen(request_fin,timeout = timeout).read() break except : pass else : continue file = open(where+""+"%s_%d.gif" % (str1,count),'wb') file.write(fin_img) file.close() print("已下载:"+" "+"%s_%d.gif" % (str1,count)) count += 1 return count def tryopen(req):#网路有错误最多5次 errorTimes = 0 while errorTimes != 10: try: errorTimes += 1 return ur.urlopen(req,timeout = 10).read().decode("utf-8") except: pass return None def main(): if e.buttonbox("Are you ready?","黄虫",choices = ("of cause!","i'm Gay.")) == "of cause!": while 1: have = e.multenterbox("输入你要的页数,如果只要一页就填一样的:","黄虫",fields = ("起始页","结束页")) if have[0] != '' and have[1] != '': nice = int(have[0]) day = int(have[1]) if nice > 1000 or day > 1000: e.msgbox("绅士请注意身体!") continue break e.msgbox("serious?") where = e.diropenbox("你要保存到哪?") i = nice while 1:#分三层 url1 = "" % i request1 = ur.Request(url1,headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 BIDUBrowser/6.x Safari/537.31'})#匿名 html1 = tryopen(request1) h1_soup = BeautifulSoup(html1)#主页 text = '&&!@#$#@' #为了第一次能运行 word = 0#词条数 for j in h1_soup.find_all("a",href = re.compile("[0-9]+/$")): if text in j["href"]: #为了防止重复爬,他网站有的url后面多点东西但是表示的和当前页面是同一个意思 continue word += 1 if word > 11:#词条后面还有未知连接防止爬偏了。。11是因为前面还有一个废连接,一共10个词条。太不智能了。。。 break url2 = j["href"] text = url2 count = 0 #主页上每一个词条里的图片编号 request2 = ur.Request(url2,headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 BIDUBrowser/6.x Safari/537.31'})#匿名 html2 = tryopen(request2) try : h2_soup = BeautifulSoup(html2)#第一层连接副页 count = find_download(h2_soup,where,count) except: continue for k in h2_soup.find_all("a",href = re.compile(j["href"]+"[0-9]+/")): url3 = k["href"] if j["href"]+"1/" == k["href"]:#防重复爬第一页 continue request3 = ur.Request(url3,headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 BIDUBrowser/6.x Safari/537.31'})#匿名 html3 = tryopen(request3) try : h3_soup = BeautifulSoup(html3)#副页还分好多页 count = find_download(h3_soup,where,count) except: pass if i >= day: break i += 1 else : e.msgbox("╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮") if __name__ == '__main__': main()