l 美国数学学会出版的所有系列书籍,由于没有授予版权,国内没有影印版。
网址: http://bookstore.ams.org/book-series
子系列GSM系列(Graduate Studies in Mathematics)很多是本领域著名数学家撰写,研究生水平书籍。
网址 http://bookstore.ams.org/GSM?page=0
建议引进 Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences系列全套,该系列书籍在数学和生命科学体现了非常强的交叉性,对交叉学科领域的科研人员有很大的帮助。
网址: http://bookstore.ams.org/LLSCI?page=0
History of Mathematics系列重点介绍数学史,是高级科普书。
网址: http://bookstore.ams.org/HMATH
建议引进What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences系列全套,
This series, surveying important recent developments, is designed to appeal to a broad audience and illustrate the beauty and power of mathematics. The articles in this series address cutting-edge areas of pure and applied mathematical research, but are written to be accessible to anyone with a high school mathematical background. This series will leave readers with an appreciation of the universality of mathematics.
What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences is a collection of articles highlighting some of the most recent developments in mathematics. These include important achievements in pure mathematics, as well as its fascinating applications.
l GTM(Graduate Texts in Mathematics)系列是美国研究生水平教材,国内有世图的影印版和在网上也可以搜到电子书。