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  • tensorflow(四十一):LSTM与GRU



    import  os
    import  tensorflow as tf
    import  numpy as np
    from    tensorflow import keras
    from    tensorflow.keras import layers
    assert tf.__version__.startswith('2.')
    batchsz = 128
    # the most frequest words
    total_words = 10000
    max_review_len = 80
    embedding_len = 100
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.imdb.load_data(num_words=total_words)
    # x_train:[b, 80]
    # x_test: [b, 80]
    x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen=max_review_len)
    x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=max_review_len)
    db_train = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train))
    db_train = db_train.shuffle(1000).batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    db_test = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_test, y_test))
    db_test = db_test.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape, tf.reduce_max(y_train), tf.reduce_min(y_train))
    print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)
    class MyRNN(keras.Model):
        def __init__(self, units):
            super(MyRNN, self).__init__()
            # [b, 64]
            self.state0 = [tf.zeros([batchsz, units]),tf.zeros([batchsz, units])]
            self.state1 = [tf.zeros([batchsz, units]),tf.zeros([batchsz, units])]
            # transform text to embedding representation
            # [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            self.embedding = layers.Embedding(total_words, embedding_len,
            # [b, 80, 100] , h_dim: 64
            # RNN: cell1 ,cell2, cell3
            # SimpleRNN
            # self.rnn_cell0 = layers.SimpleRNNCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            # self.rnn_cell1 = layers.SimpleRNNCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            self.rnn_cell0 = layers.LSTMCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            self.rnn_cell1 = layers.LSTMCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            # fc, [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            self.outlayer = layers.Dense(1)
        def call(self, inputs, training=None):
            net(x) net(x, training=True) :train mode
            net(x, training=False): test
            :param inputs: [b, 80]
            :param training:
            # [b, 80]
            x = inputs
            # embedding: [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            x = self.embedding(x)
            # rnn cell compute
            # [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64]
            state0 = self.state0
            state1 = self.state1
            for word in tf.unstack(x, axis=1): # word: [b, 100]
                # h1 = x*wxh+h0*whh
                # out0: [b, 64]
                out0, state0 = self.rnn_cell0(word, state0, training)
                # out1: [b, 64]
                out1, state1 = self.rnn_cell1(out0, state1, training)
            # out: [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            x = self.outlayer(out1)
            # p(y is pos|x)
            prob = tf.sigmoid(x)
            return prob
    def main():
        units = 64
        epochs = 4
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        model = MyRNN(units)
        model.compile(optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001),
                      loss = tf.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
        model.fit(db_train, epochs=epochs, validation_data=db_test)
        t1 = time.time()
        # 64.3 seconds, 83.4%
        print('total time cost:', t1-t0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    import  os
    import  tensorflow as tf
    import  numpy as np
    from    tensorflow import keras
    from    tensorflow.keras import layers
    assert tf.__version__.startswith('2.')
    batchsz = 128
    # the most frequest words
    total_words = 10000
    max_review_len = 80
    embedding_len = 100
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.imdb.load_data(num_words=total_words)
    # x_train:[b, 80]
    # x_test: [b, 80]
    x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen=max_review_len)
    x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=max_review_len)
    db_train = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train))
    db_train = db_train.shuffle(1000).batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    db_test = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_test, y_test))
    db_test = db_test.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape, tf.reduce_max(y_train), tf.reduce_min(y_train))
    print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)
    class MyRNN(keras.Model):
        def __init__(self, units):
            super(MyRNN, self).__init__()
            # transform text to embedding representation
            # [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            self.embedding = layers.Embedding(total_words, embedding_len,
            # [b, 80, 100] , h_dim: 64
            self.rnn = keras.Sequential([
                # layers.SimpleRNN(units, dropout=0.5, return_sequences=True, unroll=True),
                # layers.SimpleRNN(units, dropout=0.5, unroll=True)
                layers.LSTM(units, dropout=0.5, return_sequences=True, unroll=True),
                layers.LSTM(units, dropout=0.5, unroll=True)
            # fc, [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            self.outlayer = layers.Dense(1)
        def call(self, inputs, training=None):
            net(x) net(x, training=True) :train mode
            net(x, training=False): test
            :param inputs: [b, 80]
            :param training:
            # [b, 80]
            x = inputs
            # embedding: [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            x = self.embedding(x)
            # rnn cell compute
            # x: [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64]
            x = self.rnn(x,training=training)
            # out: [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            x = self.outlayer(x)
            # p(y is pos|x)
            prob = tf.sigmoid(x)
            return prob
    def main():
        units = 64
        epochs = 4
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        model = MyRNN(units)
        model.compile(optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001),
                      loss = tf.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
        model.fit(db_train, epochs=epochs, validation_data=db_test)
        t1 = time.time()
        # 69.3 secnods, 83%
        print('total time cost:', t1-t0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    import  os
    import  tensorflow as tf
    import  numpy as np
    from    tensorflow import keras
    from    tensorflow.keras import layers
    assert tf.__version__.startswith('2.')
    batchsz = 128
    # the most frequest words
    total_words = 10000
    max_review_len = 80
    embedding_len = 100
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.imdb.load_data(num_words=total_words)
    # x_train:[b, 80]
    # x_test: [b, 80]
    x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen=max_review_len)
    x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=max_review_len)
    db_train = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train))
    db_train = db_train.shuffle(1000).batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    db_test = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_test, y_test))
    db_test = db_test.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape, tf.reduce_max(y_train), tf.reduce_min(y_train))
    print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)
    class MyRNN(keras.Model):
        def __init__(self, units):
            super(MyRNN, self).__init__()
            # [b, 64]
            self.state0 = [tf.zeros([batchsz, units])]
            self.state1 = [tf.zeros([batchsz, units])]
            # transform text to embedding representation
            # [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            self.embedding = layers.Embedding(total_words, embedding_len,
            # [b, 80, 100] , h_dim: 64
            # RNN: cell1 ,cell2, cell3
            # SimpleRNN
            # self.rnn_cell0 = layers.SimpleRNNCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            # self.rnn_cell1 = layers.SimpleRNNCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            self.rnn_cell0 = layers.GRUCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            self.rnn_cell1 = layers.GRUCell(units, dropout=0.5)
            # fc, [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            self.outlayer = layers.Dense(1)
        def call(self, inputs, training=None):
            net(x) net(x, training=True) :train mode
            net(x, training=False): test
            :param inputs: [b, 80]
            :param training:
            # [b, 80]
            x = inputs
            # embedding: [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            x = self.embedding(x)
            # rnn cell compute
            # [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64]
            state0 = self.state0
            state1 = self.state1
            for word in tf.unstack(x, axis=1): # word: [b, 100]
                # h1 = x*wxh+h0*whh
                # out0: [b, 64]
                out0, state0 = self.rnn_cell0(word, state0, training)
                # out1: [b, 64]
                out1, state1 = self.rnn_cell1(out0, state1, training)
            # out: [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            x = self.outlayer(out1)
            # p(y is pos|x)
            prob = tf.sigmoid(x)
            return prob
    def main():
        units = 64
        epochs = 4
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        model = MyRNN(units)
        model.compile(optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001),
                      loss = tf.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
                      metrics=['accuracy'], experimental_run_tf_function=False)
        model.fit(db_train, epochs=epochs, validation_data=db_test)
        t1 = time.time()
        # LSTM: 64.3 seconds, 83.4%
        # GRU:  96.7s, 83.4%
        print('total time cost:', t1-t0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    import  os
    import  tensorflow as tf
    import  numpy as np
    from    tensorflow import keras
    from    tensorflow.keras import layers
    assert tf.__version__.startswith('2.')
    batchsz = 128
    # the most frequest words
    total_words = 10000
    max_review_len = 80
    embedding_len = 100
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.imdb.load_data(num_words=total_words)
    # x_train:[b, 80]
    # x_test: [b, 80]
    x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen=max_review_len)
    x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=max_review_len)
    db_train = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train))
    db_train = db_train.shuffle(1000).batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    db_test = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_test, y_test))
    db_test = db_test.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=True)
    print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape, tf.reduce_max(y_train), tf.reduce_min(y_train))
    print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)
    class MyRNN(keras.Model):
        def __init__(self, units):
            super(MyRNN, self).__init__()
            # transform text to embedding representation
            # [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            self.embedding = layers.Embedding(total_words, embedding_len,
            # [b, 80, 100] , h_dim: 64
            self.rnn = keras.Sequential([
                # layers.SimpleRNN(units, dropout=0.5, return_sequences=True, unroll=True),
                # layers.SimpleRNN(units, dropout=0.5, unroll=True)
                # unroll: Boolean (default False). If True, the network will be unrolled,
                # else a symbolic loop will be used.
                # Unrolling can speed-up a RNN, although it tends to be more memory-intensive.
                # Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences.
                layers.GRU(units, dropout=0.5, return_sequences=True, unroll=True),
                layers.GRU(units, dropout=0.5, unroll=True)
            # fc, [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            self.outlayer = layers.Dense(1)
        def call(self, inputs, training=None):
            net(x) net(x, training=True) :train mode
            net(x, training=False): test
            :param inputs: [b, 80]
            :param training:
            # [b, 80]
            x = inputs
            # embedding: [b, 80] => [b, 80, 100]
            x = self.embedding(x)
            # rnn cell compute
            # x: [b, 80, 100] => [b, 64]
            x = self.rnn(x,training=training)
            # out: [b, 64] => [b, 1]
            x = self.outlayer(x)
            # p(y is pos|x)
            prob = tf.sigmoid(x)
            return prob
    def main():
        units = 64
        epochs = 4
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        model = MyRNN(units)
        model.compile(optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001),
                      loss = tf.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
        model.fit(db_train, epochs=epochs, validation_data=db_test)
        t1 = time.time()
        # Unroll=True
        # LSTM: 69.3 secnods, 83%
        # GRU: 100 seconds, 83.4%
        # Unroll=False
        # LSTM:23.71, 81.24
        # GRU 23.05, 83.11
        print('total time cost:', t1-t0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
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