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  • NLP(十九):基于transformer的对话系统:RNN、seq2seq、bert、GPT2




    先大致说一下搭建chatbot的思路吧,其实很简单:这里的chatbot是基于带Luong attention机制的seq2seq。研究过NLP的同学应该对seq2seq很熟悉,它可以将任意长度的时序信息映射到任意长度,在基于深度神经网络的机器翻译中使用广泛。


    tutorial使用的数据是Cornell Movie-Dialogs,下载地址。这部分数据的编码格式不是utf-8,如果你对编码转换这部分不感兴趣,可以直接使用笔者仓库中./data中的tsv数据。后面的程序中将会直接使用tsv数据。






    from itertools import zip_longest
    import random
    import torch




    • word2index:单词到其对应的index的映射。
    • index2word:index到其对应的单词的映射。
    • word2count:单词到其在数据集中的总数的映射。



    # 用来构造字典的类
    class vocab(object):
        def __init__(self, name, pad_token, sos_token, eos_token, unk_token):
            self.name = name
            self.pad_token = pad_token
            self.sos_token = sos_token
            self.eos_token = eos_token
            self.unk_token = unk_token
            self.trimmed = False                         # 代表这个词表对象是否经过了剪枝操作
            self.word2index = {"PAD" : pad_token, "SOS" : sos_token, "EOS" : eos_token, "UNK" : unk_token}
            self.word2count = {"UNK" : 0}
            self.index2word = {pad_token : "PAD", sos_token : "SOS", eos_token : "EOS", unk_token : "UNK"}
            self.num_words = 4  # 刚开始的四个占位符 pad(0), sos(1), eos(2),unk(3) 代表目前遇到的不同的单词数量
        # 向voc中添加一个单词的逻辑
        def addWord(self, word):
            if word not in self.word2index:
                self.word2index[word] = self.num_words
                self.word2count[word] = 1
                self.index2word[self.num_words] = word
                self.num_words += 1
                self.word2count[word] += 1
        # 向voc中添加一个句子的逻辑
        def addSentence(self, sentence):
            for word in sentence.split():
        # 将词典中词频过低的单词替换为unk_token
        # 需要一个代表修剪阈值的参数min_count,词频低于这个参数的单词会被替换为unk_token,相应的词典变量也会做出相应的改变
        def trim(self, min_count):
            if self.trimmed:   # 如果已经裁剪过了,那就直接返回
            self.trimmed = True
            keep_words = []
            keep_num = 0
            for word, count in self.word2count.items():
                if count >= min_count:
                    keep_num += 1
                    # 由于后面是通过对keep_word列表中的数据逐一统计,所以需要对count>1的单词重复填入
                    for _ in range(count):
            print("keep words: {} / {} = {:.4f}".format(
               keep_num, self.num_words - 4, keep_num / (self.num_words - 4)
            # 重构词表
            self.word2index  = {"PAD" : self.pad_token, "SOS" : self.sos_token, "EOS" : self.eos_token, "UNK" : self.unk_token}
            self.word2count = {}
            self.index2word = {self.pad_token : "PAD", self.sos_token : "SOS", self.eos_token : "EOS", self.unk_token : "UNK"}
            self.num_words = 4
            for word in keep_words:
        # 读入数据,统计词频,并返回数据
        def load_data(self, path):
            pairs = []
            for line in open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8"):
                    input_dialog, output_dialog = line.strip().split("	")
                    pairs.append([input_dialog, output_dialog])
            return pairs



    • __init__:完成词表的初始化。
    • trim:根据min_count对词表进行剪枝。
    • load_data:载入外部tsv数据,完成三个字典的搭建,并返回处理好的pairs。


    有了词表,我们就可以根据词表把一句话转换成index序列,为此我们通过sentenceToIndex函数完成sentence到index sequence的转换,需要说明的是,为了让后续搭建的网络知道一句话已经结束了,我们需要给每个转换成的index序列的句子添加一个eos_token作为后缀:

    # 将一句话转换成id序列(str->list),结尾加上EOS
    def sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc):
        return [voc.word2index[word] for word in sentence.split()] + [voc.eos_token]





    # 将一个batch中的input_dialog转化为有pad填充的tensor,并返回tensor和记录长度的变量
    # 返回的tensor是batch_first的
    def batchInput2paddedTensor(batch, voc):
        # 先转换为id序列,但是这个id序列不对齐
        batch_index_seqs = [sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc) for sentence in batch]
        length_tensor = torch.tensor([len(index_seq) for index_seq in batch_index_seqs])
        # 下面填充0(PAD),使得这个batch中的序列对齐
        zipped_list = list(zip_longest(*batch_index_seqs, fillvalue=voc.pad_token))
        padded_tensor = torch.tensor(zipped_list).t()
        return padded_tensor, length_tensor


    # 将一个batch中的output_dialog转化为有pad填充的tensor,并返回tensor、mask和最大句长
    # 返回的tensor是batch_first的
    def batchOutput2paddedTensor(batch, voc):
        # 先转换为id序列,但是这个id序列不对齐
        batch_index_seqs = [sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc) for sentence in batch]
        max_length = max([len(index_seq) for index_seq in batch_index_seqs])
        # 下面填充0(PAD),使得这个batch中的序列对齐
        zipped_list = list(zip_longest(*batch_index_seqs, fillvalue=voc.pad_token))
        padded_tensor = torch.tensor(zipped_list).t()
        # 得到padded_tensor对应的mask
        mask = torch.BoolTensor(zipped_list).t()
        return padded_tensor, mask, max_length 

    有了处理pair的函数,我们可以把上面的函数整合成一个数据加载器loader。数据加载器在深度学习中很重要,我们在训练中需要能够不重复的、快速地获取一个batch的格式化数据,这就是loader的功能,惬意舒适(in my dream...)的训练中,一个设计合理而高效的loader是必不可少的。


    # 获取数据加载器的函数
    # 将输入的一个batch的dialog转换成id序列,填充pad,并返回训练可用的id张量和mask
    def DataLoader(pairs, voc, batch_size, shuffle=True):
        if shuffle:
        batch = []
        for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
            batch.append([pair[0], pair[1]])
            # 数据数量到达batch_size就yield出去并清空
            if len(batch) == batch_size:
                # 为了后续的pack_padded_sequence操作,我们需要给这个batch中的数据按照input_dialog的长度排序(降序)
                batch.sort(key=lambda x : len(x[0].split()), reverse=True)
                input_dialog_batch = []
                output_dialog_batch = []
                for pair in batch:
                input_tensor, input_length_tensor = batchInput2paddedTensor(input_dialog_batch, voc)
                output_tensor, mask, max_length = batchOutput2paddedTensor(output_dialog_batch, voc)
                # 清空临时缓冲区
                batch = []
                yield [
                    input_tensor, input_length_tensor, output_tensor, mask, max_length


    if __name__ == "__main__":
        PAD_token = 0  # 补足句长的pad占位符的index
        SOS_token = 1  # 代表一句话开头的占位符的index
        EOS_token = 2  # 代表一句话结尾的占位符的index
        UNK_token = 3  # 代表不在词典中的字符
        BATCH_SIZE = 64  # 一个batch中的对话数量(样本数量)
        MAX_LENGTH = 20  # 一个对话中每句话的最大句长
        MIN_COUNT = 3  # trim方法的修剪阈值
        # 实例化词表
        voc = vocab(name="corpus", pad_token=PAD_token, sos_token=SOS_token, eos_token=EOS_token, unk_token=UNK_token)
        # 为词表载入数据,统计词频,并得到对话数据
        pairs = voc.load_data(path="./data/dialog.tsv")
        print("total number of dialogs:", len(pairs))
        # 修剪与替换
        pairs = trimAndReplace(voc, pairs, MIN_COUNT)
        # 获取loader
        loader = DataLoader(pairs, voc, batch_size=5)
        batch_item_names = ["input_tensor", "input_length_tensor", "output_tensor", "mask", "max_length"]
        for batch_index, batch in enumerate(loader):
            for name, item in zip(batch_item_names, batch):
    {name} : {item}")


    total number of dialogs: 64223
    keep words: 7821 / 17999 = 0.4345
    Trimmed from 64223 pairs to 58362, 0.9087 of total
    input_tensor : tensor([[ 123,   51,   48,    8,  918, 2227,  330, 3068,    7,    2],
            [ 302,  303,  102,   38,    3,   71,    3,    7,    2,    0],
            [ 158,    3,    7,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0],
            [ 188,    7,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0],
            [ 563,    5,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]])
    input_length_tensor : tensor([10,  9,  4,  3,  3])
    output_tensor : tensor([[3244,    5,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0],
            [  35,   37,   38,   68,   77,    5,    2,    0,    0,    0],
            [ 181,    5, 1233,   13, 1233,   13, 1222,    5,    2,    0],
            [ 102,   38,   45,  188,   99,  680, 1375,    5,    2,    0],
            [  26,  198,  118,   25,   51,   41,   48, 1597,    5,    2]])
    mask : tensor([[ True,  True,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
            [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False, False, False],
            [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False],
            [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False],
            [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True]])
    max_length : 10




    Tutorial中使用了Luong attention机制的seq2seq作为网络主体,Luong attention机制在原论文中讲得很清楚了,不熟悉的同学可以去看看,论文链接如下:





    # neural_network.py
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    # 前馈的encoder
    class EncoderRNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, hidden_size, embedding, n_layers=1,dropout=0):
            :param hidden_size:  RNN隐藏层的维度,同时也是词向量的维度
            :param embedding:  外部的词向量嵌入矩阵
            :param n_layers: 单个RNNcell的层数
            :param dropout: 单个RNN过程隐层参数被丢弃的概率,如果n_layer==1,那么这个参数设为0
            super(EncoderRNN, self).__init__()
            self.n_layer = n_layers
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            self.embedding = embedding
            # 此处词向量维度(嵌入维度)和RNN隐藏层维度都是hidden_size
            # 下面定义GRU算子,其中bidirectional=True代表我们的GRU会对序列双向计算
            # 我们按照batch_first的数据输入维度来定义gru
            self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=hidden_size,
                                            dropout=(0 if n_layers==1 else dropout),
        # 定义前向逻辑
        def forward(self, input_seq, input_length, hidden=None):
            :param input_seq:  一个batch的index序列
            :param input_length:  对应每个index序列长度的tensor
            :param hidden:  三阶张量,代表RNN的第一个隐藏层(h0)的初值
            :return: [output, hidden]. 其中output为RNN的所有输出ot,hidden为RNN最后一个隐藏层
            # 首先将index序列转化为词向量组成的矩阵
            embedded = self.embedding(input_seq) # embedded:[batch_size, max_length, embedding_dim], 此处embedding_dim==hidden_size
            # 为了避免让RNN迭代过程中计算PAD的词向量(它理应是全0向量)的那一行
            # 使用pack_padded_sequence方法进行压缩;
            # 压缩会按照传入的句长信息,只保留句长之内的词向量
            # 压缩会返回一个PackedSequence类,GRU算子可以迭代该数据类型
            # GRU算子迭代完后返回的还是PackedSequence类,届时我们需要使用pad_packed_sequence,将PackedSequence类解压为tensor
            # 压缩
            packed = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(input=embedded,
            # 前向传播, 使用hidden初始化h_0
            outputs, hidden = self.gru(packed, hidden)
            # 由于hidden的shape不受输入句长的影响,所以outputs还是PackedSequence类,但hidden已经自动转换成tensor类了
            # 解压outputs, 返回解压后的tensor和原本的长度信息
            outputs, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(sequence=outputs,
            # outputs: [batch_size, max_length, 2 * hidden_size]
            # 将双向RNN的outputs按位加起来
            outputs = outputs[:, :, : self.hidden_size] + outputs[:, :, self.hidden_size : ]
            # outputs: [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            # hidden: [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            return outputs, hidden




    实现Luong attention


    下一步就是根据encoder的输出来进行数据生成了,具体过程是以encoder的最后一个隐层为decoder的隐层,sos_token作为decoder的第一个time_step,将decoder的输出通过Luong attention层得到decoder在输入sos_token后的第一个输出 [公式] 。再将这个 [公式] 作为新的time_step输入decoder中,再接受上次得到的decoder的隐层,再将decoder的输出通过Luong attention层得到第二个输出 [公式] ,以此不断循环,知道输出长度达到了我们规定的长度MAX_LENGTH时,decoder停止工作。

    因此,在搭建decoder前向传播逻辑前,我们需要先实现Luong attention层。

    Luong attention层其实就是学习decoder层当前输出与encoder所有输出关联性的操作。为了度量decoder当前隐层 [公式] 与encoder所有输出 [公式] 的关联程度,我们需要一种度量映射 [公式] ,论文中给出了三种score映射的构造方案:


    接下来便是通过score计算每个[公式]需要分配的权重 [公式] ,再由此计算decoder目前的文本向量(context vector) [公式] ,最后计算注意力向量(attention vector) [公式] 。通过对[公式]做维度变换就可以得到最终的输出 [公式] 。



    与公式对照,图中的global align weights a应该为α

    明晓了Luong attention的逻辑,我们通过LuongAttentionLayer类实现Luong attention层的映射逻辑,我们的LuongAttentionLayer的前向传播需要完成从 [公式] 和所有 [公式] 到注意力向量 [公式] 的映射。

    # Luong提出的全局注意力机制层
    class LuongAttentionLayer(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, score_name, hidden_size):
            :param score_name: score函数的类型
            :param hidden_size: 隐层的维度
            # score函数是Luong论文中提出用来衡量decoder的目前的隐层和encoder所有输出的相关性
            # 论文中不仅介绍了score函数的概念,而且给出了三种映射:dot,general,concat
            # 这三种score函数都是向量与向量到标量的映射
            super(LuongAttentionLayer, self).__init__()
            self.score_name = score_name
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            if score_name not in ["dot", "general", "concat"]:
                raise ValueError(self.score_name, "is not an appropriate attention score_name(dot, general, concat)")
            # general有一个向量的外积变换, concat有一个外积变换与一个内积变换,所以这两个方法会产生额外的网络参数
            # 下面为这两个方法设置需要的网络参数
            if score_name == "general":
                self.Wa = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)   # 使用h->h的全连接层模拟h*h的矩阵与h维列向量的乘法
            elif score_name == "concat":
                self.Wa = nn.Linear(hidden_size * 2, hidden_size)  # 需要将h_t与h_s联级再做矩阵乘法,所以是2h->h的全连接层
                self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(hidden_size))  # FloatTensor会生成hidden_size维的全零(浮点0)向量,我们通过参数可更新的向量来模拟内积变换
            # 计算attention vector的变换
            self.Wc = nn.Linear(hidden_size * 2, hidden_size)   # 需要将c_t与h_t联级再做矩阵乘法,所以是2h->h的全连接层
        # 下面定义三个score:
        # 其中: current_hidden : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
        #          encoder_output : [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
        def dot_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_ouput):
            return torch.sum(encoder_ouput * current_hidden, dim=2)
        def general_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            energy = self.Wa(encoder_output)
            # energy : [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            return torch.sum(energy * current_hidden, dim=2)
        def concat_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            concat = torch.cat([current_hidden.expand(encoder_output.shape), encoder_output], dim=2)
            # concat : [batch, max_length, 2 * hidden_size]
            energy = self.Wa(concat).tanh()
            return torch.sum(self.v * energy, dim=2)
        # 前馈运算为encoder的全体output与decoder的current output值到attention向量的映射
        def forward(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            if self.score_name == "dot":
                score = self.dot_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            elif self.score_name == "general":
                score = self.general_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            elif self.score_name == "concat":
                score = self.concat_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            # score : [batch_size, max_length]
            # 通过 softmax将score转化成注意力权重alpha
            attention_weights = nn.functional.softmax(score, dim=1)
            # attention_weights : [batch_size, max_length]
            # 通过encoder_output与alpha的加权和得到context vector(上下文向量)
            # 通过广播运算完成
            context_vector = torch.sum(encoder_output * attention_weights.unsqueeze(2), dim=1)
            # context_vector : [batch_size, hidden_size]
            # 有了上下文向量,就可以计算attention vector了
            attention_vector = self.Wc(torch.cat([context_vector.unsqueeze(1), current_hidden], dim=2)).tanh()
            # attention_vector : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            return attention_vector


    网络的最后,我们构建decoder。不同于encoder,虽然也是RNN,但是decoder需要把Luong attention层嵌入其中,所以我们不能一股脑生成最终的数据,而是需要把decoder的RNN拆开来写,在拆开的每一步中使用上面定义的Luong attention层。因此总的计算图如下:

    • 将index序列通过embedding层,将每个位置上的index映射成词向量。
    • 将词向量放入encoder中前向传播得到encoder_output和encoder_hidden。
    • 将encoder_hidden作为decoder的隐层初值,sos_token作为decoder的初始输入,经过RNN得到current_output和current_hidden。
    • 由current_output和encoder_output经过Luong attention层得到attention_vector。
    • 将attention_vector通过全连接层映射到以词表长度为维度的向量,并进行softmax得到每一位置的概率,选取最大概率的index得到预测单词 [公式] 。
    • 将 [公式]作为新的输入,current_hidden作为隐层,继续循环。
    • 若输出长度等于MAX_LENGTH,结束循环。

    由此,我们将上述过程(不预测 [公式] )写到decoder的前馈逻辑中:

    # decoder
    class LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, score_name, embedding, hidden_size, output_size, n_layers=1, dropout=0):
            :param score_name:  Luong Attention Layer 的score函数的类型,可选:dot, general, concat
            :param embedding:  词向量嵌入矩阵
            :param hidden_size:  RNN隐层维度
            :param output_size:  每一个cell的输出维度,一般会通过一个 hidden_size->output_size的映射把attention vector映射到output_size维向量
            :param n_layers:  单个RNN cell的层数
            :param dropout:  代表某层参数被丢弃的概率,在n_layers==1的情况下设为0
            super(LuongAttentionDecoderRNN, self).__init__()
            self.score_name = score_name
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            self.output_size = output_size
            self.n_layers = n_layers
            self.dropout = dropout
            # 定义或获取前向传播需要的算子
            self.embedding = embedding
            self.embedding_dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
            self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=hidden_size,
                                         dropout=(0 if n_layers == 1 else dropout),
            self.attention = LuongAttentionLayer(score_name, hidden_size)
            self.hidden2output = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
        # decoder的前向传播逻辑
        # 需要注意的是,不同一般的RNN,由于我们的decoder输出需要做注意力运算
        # 所以decoder的RNN需要拆开来算,也就是我们的forward一次只能算一个time_step,而不是一次性循环到底
        def forward(self, input_single_seq, last_hidden, encoder_output):
            :param input_single_seq:  上一步预测的单词对应的序列  [batch_size, 1]
            :param last_hidden:  decoder上次RNN 的隐层           [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            :param encoder_output:  encoder的全体输出        [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            :return: 代表个位置概率的output向量[batch_size, output_size]和current hidden [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            embedded = self.embedding(input_single_seq)   # [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            embedded = self.embedding_dropout(embedded)     # [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            current_output, current_hidden = self.gru(embedded, last_hidden)
            # current_output : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
            # 这里拿current_output当做current_hidden来参与attention运算
            # 当然,直接拿current_hidden也行
            attention_vector = self.attention(current_output, encoder_output)
            # attention_vector : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            # 将attention_vector变到output_size维
            output = self.hidden2output(attention_vector)
            # output : [batch_size, 1, output_size]
            output = nn.functional.softmax(output.squeeze(1), dim=1)
            # output : [batch_size, output_size]
            return output, current_hidden


    if __name__ == "__main__":
        embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=10, embedding_dim=16)
        # encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=16, embedding=embedding, n_layer=1, dropout=0)
        decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot", embedding=embedding, hidden_size=16, output_size=10, n_layers=1, dropout=0)
        x = torch.tensor([[2], [2]])
        out = torch.arange(320).reshape([2, 10, 16])
        length = torch.tensor([5, 3])
        #outputs, hidden = encoder.forward(input_seq=x, input_length=length)
        output, current_hidden = decoder.forward(input_single_seq=x, last_hidden=None, encoder_output=out)
        print(f"output : {output}")
        print(f"current_hidden : {current_hidden}")


    output : tensor([[0.1832, 0.0861, 0.0588, 0.2255, 0.0403, 0.0393, 0.1062, 0.0719, 0.1100,
            [0.1832, 0.0861, 0.0588, 0.2255, 0.0403, 0.0393, 0.1062, 0.0719, 0.1100,
             0.0786]], grad_fn=<SoftmaxBackward>)
    current_hidden : tensor([[[ 0.3959,  0.3439, -0.0588, -0.0933,  0.0965, -0.2926, -0.1794,
              -0.0680,  0.0837, -0.1553, -0.0835,  0.2807,  0.1596, -0.0033,
              -0.1039, -0.0772],
             [ 0.3959,  0.3439, -0.0588, -0.0933,  0.0965, -0.2926, -0.1794,
              -0.0680,  0.0837, -0.1553, -0.0835,  0.2807,  0.1596, -0.0033,
              -0.1039, -0.0772]]], grad_fn=<StackBackward>)



    # train.py
    import torch
    import random
    from time import time
    import os
    import math
    # 导入之前写好的函数或类
    from process import vocab, trimAndReplace, DataLoader
    from neural_network import EncoderRNN, LuongAttentionDecoderRNN
    # 定义运算设备
    USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
    device = torch.device("cuda" if USE_CUDA else "cpu")
    # 常量
    PAD_token = 0  # 补足句长的pad占位符的index
    SOS_token = 1  # 代表一句话开头的占位符的index
    EOS_token = 2  # 代表一句话结尾的占位符的index
    UNK_token = 3  # 代表不在词典中的字符
    # 超参
    BATCH_SIZE = 64                               # 一个batch中的对话数量(样本数量)
    MAX_LENGTH = 20                             # 一个对话中每句话的最大句长
    MIN_COUNT = 3                                 # trim方法的修剪阈值
    TEACHER_FORCING_RATIO = 1.0      # 实行teacher_force_ratio的概率
    LEARNING_RATE = 0.0001               # 学习率
    CLIP = 50.0                                           # 梯度裁剪阈值
    # 网络参数
    hidden_size = 512                              # RNN隐层维度
    encoder_n_layers = 2                         # encoder的cell层数
    decoder_n_layers = 2                         # decoder的cell层数
    dropout = 0.1                                      # 丢弃参数的概率
    # 轮数与打印间隔
    epoch_num = 15                  # 迭代轮数
    print_interval = 50              # 打印间隔
    save_interval = 900           # 保存模型间隔

    使用mask loss的方法避免计算pad的loss


    # 使用mask loss的方法避免计算pad的loss
    # 计算非pad对应位置的交叉熵(负对数似然)
    def maskNLLLoss(output, target, mask):
        :param output: decoder的所有output的拼接    [batch_size, max_length, output_size]
        :param target: 标签,也就是batch的output_dialog对应的id序列  [batch_size, max_length]
        :param mask: mask矩阵    与target同形
        :return: 交叉熵损失、单词个数
        target = target.type(torch.int64).to(device)
        mask = mask.type(torch.BoolTensor).to(device)
        total_word = mask.sum()  # 单词个数
        crossEntropy = -torch.log(torch.gather(output, dim=2, index=target.unsqueeze(2)))
        # crossEntropy : [batch_size, max_length, 1]
        loss = crossEntropy.squeeze(2).masked_select(mask).mean()
        loss = loss.to(device)
        return loss, total_word.item()


    下面给出训练一个batch数据的函数,tutorial中在训练方面给出了两个tricks:梯度裁剪和teacher forcing。


    第二个技巧teacher forcing是加速收敛的一个技巧,在decoder迭代计算出预测index的过程中,如果第一个字就预测错了,那么作为错误的输入,后面预测的结果大概率也就是错的了,第一个字错误意整个序列错误,这样的情况很显然会让训练收敛很困难,所以我们可以让网络在训练过程中有一定概率进行teacher forcing:在网络预测网一个单词后,我们不以这个预测出的单词作为decoder的下一次输入,而是把这个位置上的标签值作为下一次输入。这么做相当于强制要求网络学会每一单词的输入。形象一点,也就是把网络往每个时序节点上拉扯(这是我对teacher forcing的理解,若有误,欢迎在评论区指出)


    # 定义训练一个batch的逻辑
    # 在这个batch中更新网络时,有一定的概率会使用teacher forcing的方法来加速收敛, 这个概率为teacher_forcing_ratio
    def trainOneBatch(input_seq, input_length, target, mask, max_target_len,
                      encoder, decoder, encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer,
                      batch_size, clip, teacher_forcing_ratio,
                      encoder_lr_scheduler=None, decoder_lr_scheduler=None):
        :param input_seq:  输入encoder的index序列                                         [batch_size, max_length]
        :param input_length:  input_seq中每个序列的长度                                [batch_size]
        :param target:  每个input_dialog对应的output_dialog的index序列      [batch_size, max_length]
        :param mask:  target对应的mask矩阵                                                    [batch_size, max_length]
        :param max_target_len:  target中的最大句长
        :param encoder: encoder实例
        :param decoder: decoder实例
        :param encoder_optimizer: 承载encoder参数的优化器
        :param decoder_optimizer: 承载decoder参数的优化器
        :param batch_size: batch大小
        :param clip: 修剪梯度的阈值,超过该值的导数值会被裁剪
        :param teacher_forcing_ratio: 训练该batch启动teacher force的策略
        :param encoder_lr_scheduler: encoder_optimizer学习率调整策略
        :param decoder_lr_scheduler: decoder_optimizer学习率调整策略
        :return: 平均似然损失
        # 清空优化器
        # 设置变量的运算设备
        input_seq = input_seq.to(device)
        input_length = input_length.to(device)
        target = target.to(device)
        mask = mask.to(device)
        decoder_output = torch.FloatTensor()    # 用来保存decoder的所有输出
        decoder_output = decoder_output.to(device)
        # encoder的前向计算
        encoder_output, encoder_hidden = encoder(input_seq, input_length)
        # 为decoder的计算初始化一个开头SOS
        decoder_input = torch.tensor([SOS_token for _ in range(batch_size)]).reshape([-1, 1])
        decoder_input = decoder_input.to(device)
        # 根据decoder的cell层数截取encoder的h_n的层数
        decoder_hidden = encoder_hidden[:decoder.n_layers]
        # 根据概率决定是否使用teacher force
        use_teacher_forcing = True if random.random() < teacher_forcing_ratio else False
        if use_teacher_forcing:
            for i in range(max_target_len):
                # 执行一步decoder前馈,只计算了一个单词
                output, current_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                # output : [batch_size, output_size]
                # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
                # 将本次time_step得到的结果放入decoder_output中
                decoder_output = torch.cat([decoder_output, output.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
                # 使用teacher forcing:使用target(真实的单词)作为decoder的下一次的输入,而不是我们计算出的预测值(计算出的概率最大的单词)
                decoder_input = target[:, i].reshape([-1, 1])
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
            for i in range(max_target_len):
                # 执行一步decoder前馈,只计算了一个单词
                output, current_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                # output : [batch_size, output_size]
                # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
                # 从softmax的结果中得到预测的index
                predict_index = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
                # 将本次time_step得到的结果放入decoder_output中
                decoder_output = torch.cat([decoder_output, output.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
                decoder_input = predict_index.reshape([-1, 1])
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
        # 计算本次batch中的mask_loss和总共的单词数
        mask_loss, word_num = maskNLLLoss(output=decoder_output, target=target, mask=mask)
        # 开始反向传播,更新参数
        # 裁剪梯度
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(encoder.parameters(), clip)
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(decoder.parameters(), clip)
        # 更新网络参数
        # 调整优化器的学习率
        if encoder_lr_scheduler and decoder_lr_scheduler:
        return mask_loss.item()


    此处我们引入前两个文件process.py和neural_network.py中的类或方法,快速获取训练需要的数据加载器、网络。另外,我们需要通过PyTorch获取优化mask loss需要的优化器,此处就使用Adam优化器。


    print("build vocab_list...")
    # 首先构建字典
    voc = vocab(name="corpus", pad_token=PAD_token, sos_token=SOS_token, eos_token=EOS_token, unk_token=UNK_token)
    # 载入数据
    pairs = voc.load_data(path="./data/dialog.tsv")
    print(f"load {len(pairs)} dialogs successfully")
    # 对数据进行裁剪
    pairs = trimAndReplace(voc=voc, pairs=pairs, min_count=MIN_COUNT)
    print(f"there are {voc.num_words} words in the vocab")
    # 定义词向量嵌入矩阵
    embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc.num_words,
    # 获取encoder和decoder
    encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=hidden_size,
    decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot",
    encoder = encoder.to(device)
    decoder = decoder.to(device)
    # 为encoder和decoder分别定义优化器
    encoder_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(encoder.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
    decoder_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(decoder.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
    # Leslie的Triangle2学习率衰减方法
    #def Triangular2(T_max, gamma):
    #    def new_lr(step):
    #        region = step // T_max + 1    # 所处分段
    #        increase_rate = 1 / T_max * math.pow(gamma, region - 2)    # 增长率的绝对值
    #        return increase_rate * (step - (region - 1) * T_max) if step <= (region - 0.5) * T_max else - increase_rate * (step - region * T_max)
    #    return new_lr
    # 定义优化器学习率的衰减策略
    # encoder_lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer=encoder_optimizer,
    # #                                                                                                    lr_lambda=Triangular2(T_max=300, gamma=0.5))
    # # decoder_lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer=decoder_optimizer,
    # #                                                                                                    lr_lambda=Triangular2(T_max=300, gamma=0.5))
    encoder_lr_scheduler = None
    decoder_lr_scheduler = None
    global_step = 0
    start_time = time()     # 计时起点
    # 将模型设为训练模式



    # 轮数遍历
    for epoch in range(epoch_num):
        print("-" * 20)
        print("Epoch : ",epoch)
        # 获取loader
        train_loader = DataLoader(pairs=pairs, voc=voc, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
        # 遍历生成器
        for batch_num, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
            global_step += 1
            # batch中的信息 : ["input_tensor", "input_length_tensor", "output_tensor", "mask", "max_length"]
            loss = trainOneBatch(input_seq=batch[0], input_length=batch[1], target=batch[2], mask=batch[3], max_target_len=batch[4],
                                              encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder,  encoder_optimizer=encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer=decoder_optimizer,
                                              batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, clip=CLIP, teacher_forcing_ratio=TEACHER_FORCING_RATIO,
                                              encoder_lr_scheduler=encoder_lr_scheduler, decoder_lr_scheduler=decoder_lr_scheduler)
            if global_step % print_interval == 0:
                print("Epoch : {}	batch_num : {}	loss: {:.6f}	time point : {:.2f}s	model_lr : {:.10f}".format(
                    epoch, batch_num, loss, time() - start_time, encoder_optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]
            # 将check_point存入./data/check_points这个文件夹中
            if global_step % save_interval == 0:
                # 先判断目标路径是否存在,不存在则创建
                if not os.path.exists("./data/checkpoints"):
                check_point_save_path = f"./data/checkpoints/{global_step}_checkpoint.tar"
                    "iteration" : global_step,
                    "encoder" : encoder.state_dict(),
                    "decoder" : decoder.state_dict(),
                    "encoder_optimizer" : encoder_optimizer.state_dict(),
                    "decoder_optimizer" : decoder_optimizer.state_dict(),
                    # "encoder_lr_scheduler" : encoder_lr_scheduler.state_dict(),
                    # "decoder_lr_scheduler" : decoder_lr_scheduler.state_dict(),
                    "loss" : loss,
                    "voc_dict" : voc.__dict__,
                    "embedding" : embedding.state_dict()
                }, check_point_save_path)
                print(f"save model to {check_point_save_path}")


    build vocab_list...
    load 64223 dialogs successfully
    keep words: 7821 / 17999 = 0.4345
    Trimmed from 64223 pairs to 58362, 0.9087 of total
    there are 7825 words in the vocab
    start to train...
    Epoch :  0
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 49    loss: 5.211146    time point : 10.65s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 99    loss: 4.775126    time point : 21.10s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 149    loss: 4.713544    time point : 31.61s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 199    loss: 4.480552    time point : 42.09s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 249    loss: 4.603276    time point : 52.54s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 299    loss: 4.419000    time point : 62.96s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 349    loss: 4.409772    time point : 73.43s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 399    loss: 4.426375    time point : 83.89s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 449    loss: 4.090558    time point : 94.34s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 499    loss: 4.207512    time point : 104.78s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 549    loss: 4.104476    time point : 115.22s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 599    loss: 4.093010    time point : 125.68s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 649    loss: 3.939747    time point : 135.98s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 699    loss: 4.007159    time point : 146.42s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 749    loss: 3.918721    time point : 156.88s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 799    loss: 3.948490    time point : 167.28s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 849    loss: 4.215139    time point : 177.68s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0    batch_num : 899    loss: 4.044553    time point : 188.08s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    save model to ./data/checkpoints/900_checkpoint.tar
    Epoch :  1
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 38    loss: 3.819281    time point : 199.19s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 88    loss: 4.114137    time point : 209.73s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 138    loss: 3.546693    time point : 220.16s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 188    loss: 3.866693    time point : 230.52s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 238    loss: 3.826230    time point : 240.87s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 288    loss: 4.061031    time point : 251.24s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 338    loss: 3.750829    time point : 261.62s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 388    loss: 3.919177    time point : 272.16s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 438    loss: 3.918060    time point : 282.56s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 488    loss: 3.705923    time point : 293.11s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 538    loss: 3.571774    time point : 303.80s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 588    loss: 3.728690    time point : 314.50s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 638    loss: 3.723015    time point : 325.40s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 688    loss: 3.831923    time point : 335.93s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 738    loss: 3.705489    time point : 346.55s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 788    loss: 3.703197    time point : 356.87s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 838    loss: 3.628496    time point : 367.27s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1    batch_num : 888    loss: 3.647458    time point : 377.59s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    save model to ./data/checkpoints/1800_checkpoint.tar
    Epoch :  2
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 27    loss: 3.962345    time point : 388.80s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 77    loss: 3.592104    time point : 399.08s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 127    loss: 3.567289    time point : 409.37s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 177    loss: 4.042858    time point : 419.61s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 227    loss: 3.427825    time point : 429.84s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 277    loss: 3.950862    time point : 440.08s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 327    loss: 3.757668    time point : 450.31s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 377    loss: 3.467505    time point : 460.55s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 427    loss: 3.440686    time point : 470.79s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 477    loss: 3.590461    time point : 481.01s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 527    loss: 3.361732    time point : 491.24s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 577    loss: 3.371861    time point : 501.48s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 627    loss: 3.704220    time point : 511.70s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 677    loss: 3.535992    time point : 521.92s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 727    loss: 3.626462    time point : 532.16s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 2    batch_num : 777    loss: 3.580423    time point : 542.41s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 245    loss: 2.503512    time point : 2703.19s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 295    loss: 2.464522    time point : 2713.41s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 345    loss: 2.393009    time point : 2723.63s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 395    loss: 2.496835    time point : 2733.85s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 445    loss: 2.641428    time point : 2744.07s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 495    loss: 2.519416    time point : 2754.30s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 545    loss: 2.622985    time point : 2764.49s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 595    loss: 2.490081    time point : 2774.92s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 645    loss: 2.908693    time point : 2785.12s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 695    loss: 2.483515    time point : 2795.32s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 745    loss: 2.687601    time point : 2805.53s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    save model to ./data/checkpoints/13500_checkpoint.tar
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 795    loss: 2.547039    time point : 2816.44s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 845    loss: 2.410642    time point : 2826.59s    model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 14    batch_num : 895    loss: 2.648225    time point : 2836.83s    model_lr : 0.0001000000



    网络由input_dialog到output_dialog的映射我们可以再写成一个类,这个类的前馈逻辑和decoder的没什么两样的(贪心选取预测出的index),只不过我们取消了teacher forcing(也没有标签值来做teacher foring呀=_=)

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    from neural_network import EncoderRNN, LuongAttentionDecoderRNN
    # 根据encoder和decoder预测的网络
    class GreedySearchDecoder(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, encoder, decoder):
            super(GreedySearchDecoder, self).__init__()
            self.encoder = encoder
            self.decoder = decoder
        # 整个模型的前向逻辑
        def forward(self, input_seq, input_length, output_length, sos_token=1):
            :param input_seq:  index序列 [1, max_length]
            :param input_length:  长度
            :param output_length: chatbot回复的句长
            :param sos_token: SOS占位符的index
            # 先在encoder中前向传播
            encoder_output, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(input_seq, input_length)
            # 根据decoder的cell层数截取encoder_hidden作为decoder起始hidden
            decoder_hidden = encoder_hidden[:self.decoder.n_layers]
            # decoder最开始的input是一个SOS
            decoder_input = torch.tensor([[sos_token]])
            # 用来存储decoder得到的每个单词和这个单词的置信度
            predict_word_index = []
            predict_confidence = []
            for _ in range(output_length):
                # 经过decoder的前向计算
                decoder_output, current_hidden = self.decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                max_possibility, index = torch.max(decoder_output, dim=1)
                # 传递下一次迭代的初值
                decoder_input = index.unsqueeze(0)
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
            return predict_word_index, predict_confidence 


    # 载入模型和字典
    load_path = "./data/checkpoints/13500_checkpoint.tar"
    # 模型有可能是在gpu上训练的,需要先把模型参数转换成cpu可以运算的类型
    checkpoint = torch.load(load_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))
    encoder_state_dict = checkpoint["encoder"]
    decoder_state_dict = checkpoint["decoder"]
    embedding_state_dict = checkpoint["embedding"]
    voc_dict = checkpoint["voc_dict"]
    # 网络参数
    hidden_size = 512                              # RNN隐层维度
    encoder_n_layers = 2                         # encoder的cell层数
    decoder_n_layers = 2                         # decoder的cell层数
    dropout = 0.1                                      # 丢弃参数的概率
    # 初始化,词向量矩阵、encoder、decoder并载入参数
    embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc_dict["num_words"],
    encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=hidden_size,
    decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot",
    # 设为评估模式,网络参数停止更新


    # 实例化最终评估模型的实例
    chatbot = GreedySearchDecoder(encoder, decoder)
    MAX_LENGTH = 20             # 回复的最大句长
    # 进入主循环
    while True:
        user_dialog = input("User:").lower()
        if user_dialog == "q" or user_dialog == "quit":
        # word转index, 并将不在词表中的单词替换成unk_token
        input_seq = [voc_dict["word2index"].get(word, voc_dict["unk_token"]) for word in user_dialog.split()]
        input_length = torch.tensor([len(input_seq)])
        input_seq = torch.tensor(input_seq).unsqueeze(0)
        # 将index序列输入chatbot,获取回复index序列
        predict_indexes, predict_confidence = chatbot(input_seq, input_length, MAX_LENGTH)
        # 将chatbot回复的index序列转为word,并将代表pad_token和eos_token的index去除
        chatbot_words = []
        for index in predict_indexes:
            if index in [voc_dict["pad_token"], voc_dict["eos_token"]]:
        print(f"chatbot: {' '.join(chatbot_words)}")
        # 将除去pad_token和eos_token的占位符后剩下的字符对应的置信度,保留3位小数输出
        print("chatbot's confidence: {}".format(
            list(map(lambda x : str(round(x * 100, 1)) + "%" , predict_confidence[:len(chatbot_words)]))


    User:do you like cs?
    chatbot: yes . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['20.3%', '96.4%', '96.2%', '40.7%', '96.5%', '57.7%']
    User:Am I a rookie king ?
    chatbot: sure . . . . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['5.0%', '97.7%', '80.9%', '3.0%', '82.8%', '14.5%', '90.2%', '41.6%', '98.3%', '75.4%', '99.5%']
    chatbot: i m sorry . day .
    chatbot's confidence: ['13.8%', '33.7%', '18.5%', '74.4%', '94.4%', '10.0%']





    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math
    # Leslie的Triangle2学习率衰减方法
    def Triangular2(T_max, gamma):
        def new_lr(step):
            region = step // T_max + 1    # 所处分段
            increase_rate = 1 / T_max * math.pow(gamma, region - 2)    # 增长率的绝对值
            return increase_rate * (step - (region - 1) * T_max) if step <= (region - 0.5) * T_max else - increase_rate * (step - region * T_max)
        return new_lr
    #  Loshchilov&Hutter 提出的warm_start
    def WarmStart(T_max):
        def new_lr(step):
            return math.cos((step % T_max) * math.pi / T_max) + 1
        return new_lr
    # 获取映射
    Lambda_lr = WarmStart(T_max=100)
    x = np.linspace(1, 600, 1000)
    y = np.array([Lambda_lr(num) for num in x])
    plt.plot(x, y)


    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    from neural_network import EncoderRNN, LuongAttentionDecoderRNN
    # 根据encoder和decoder预测的网络
    class GreedySearchDecoder(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, encoder, decoder):
            super(GreedySearchDecoder, self).__init__()
            self.encoder = encoder
            self.decoder = decoder
        # 整个模型的前向逻辑
        def forward(self, input_seq, input_length, output_length, sos_token=1):
            :param input_seq:  index序列 [1, max_length]
            :param input_length:  长度
            :param output_length: chatbot回复的句长
            :param sos_token: SOS占位符的index
            # 先在encoder中前向传播
            encoder_output, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(input_seq, input_length)
            # 根据decoder的cell层数截取encoder_hidden作为decoder起始hidden
            decoder_hidden = encoder_hidden[:self.decoder.n_layers]
            # decoder最开始的input是一个SOS
            decoder_input = torch.tensor([[sos_token]])
            # 用来存储decoder得到的每个单词和这个单词的置信度
            predict_word_index = []
            predict_confidence = []
            for _ in range(output_length):
                # 经过decoder的前向计算
                decoder_output, current_hidden = self.decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                max_possibility, index = torch.max(decoder_output, dim=1)
                # 传递下一次迭代的初值
                decoder_input = index.unsqueeze(0)
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
            return predict_word_index, predict_confidence
    # 载入模型和字典
    load_path = "./data/checkpoints/13500_checkpoint.tar"
    # 模型有可能是在gpu上训练的,需要先把模型参数转换成cpu可以运算的类型
    checkpoint = torch.load(load_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))
    encoder_state_dict = checkpoint["encoder"]
    decoder_state_dict = checkpoint["decoder"]
    embedding_state_dict = checkpoint["embedding"]
    voc_dict = checkpoint["voc_dict"]
    # 网络参数
    hidden_size = 512                              # RNN隐层维度
    encoder_n_layers = 2                         # encoder的cell层数
    decoder_n_layers = 2                         # decoder的cell层数
    dropout = 0.1                                      # 丢弃参数的概率
    # 初始化,词向量矩阵、encoder、decoder并载入参数
    embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc_dict["num_words"],
    encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=hidden_size,
    decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot",
    # 设为评估模式,网络参数停止更新
    # 实例化最终评估模型的实例
    chatbot = GreedySearchDecoder(encoder, decoder)
    MAX_LENGTH = 20             # 回复的最大句长
    # 进入主循环
    while True:
        user_dialog = input("User:").lower()
        if user_dialog == "q" or user_dialog == "quit":
        # word转index, 并将不在词表中的单词替换成unk_token
        input_seq = [voc_dict["word2index"].get(word, voc_dict["unk_token"]) for word in user_dialog.split()]
        input_length = torch.tensor([len(input_seq)])
        input_seq = torch.tensor(input_seq).unsqueeze(0)
        # 将index序列输入chatbot,获取回复index序列
        predict_indexes, predict_confidence = chatbot(input_seq, input_length, MAX_LENGTH)
        # 将chatbot回复的index序列转为word,并将代表pad_token和eos_token的index去除
        chatbot_words = []
        for index in predict_indexes:
            if index in [voc_dict["pad_token"], voc_dict["eos_token"]]:
        print(f"chatbot: {' '.join(chatbot_words)}")
        # 将除去pad_token和eos_token的占位符后剩下的字符对应的置信度,保留3位小数输出
        print("chatbot's confidence: {}".format(
            list(map(lambda x : str(round(x * 100, 1)) + "%" , predict_confidence[:len(chatbot_words)]))


    # neural_network.py
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    # 前馈的encoder
    class EncoderRNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, hidden_size, embedding, n_layers=1,dropout=0):
            :param hidden_size:  RNN隐藏层的维度,同时也是词向量的维度
            :param embedding:  外部的词向量嵌入矩阵
            :param n_layers: 单个RNNcell的层数
            :param dropout: 单个RNN过程隐层参数被丢弃的概率,如果n_layer==1,那么这个参数设为0
            super(EncoderRNN, self).__init__()
            self.n_layer = n_layers
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            self.embedding = embedding
            # 此处词向量维度(嵌入维度)和RNN隐藏层维度都是hidden_size
            # 下面定义GRU算子,其中bidirectional=True代表我们的GRU会对序列双向计算
            # 我们按照batch_first的数据输入维度来定义gru
            self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=hidden_size,
                                            dropout=(0 if n_layers==1 else dropout),
        # 定义前向逻辑
        def forward(self, input_seq, input_length, hidden=None):
            :param input_seq:  一个batch的index序列
            :param input_length:  对应每个index序列长度的tensor
            :param hidden:  三阶张量,代表RNN的第一个隐藏层(h0)的初值
            :return: [output, hidden]. 其中output为RNN的所有输出ot,hidden为RNN最后一个隐藏层
            # 首先将index序列转化为词向量组成的矩阵
            embedded = self.embedding(input_seq) # embedded:[batch_size, max_length, embedding_dim], 此处embedding_dim==hidden_size
            # 为了避免让RNN迭代过程中计算PAD的词向量(它理应是全0向量)的那一行
            # 使用pack_padded_sequence方法进行压缩;
            # 压缩会按照传入的句长信息,只保留句长之内的词向量
            # 压缩会返回一个PackedSequence类,GRU算子可以迭代该数据类型
            # GRU算子迭代完后返回的还是PackedSequence类,届时我们需要使用pad_packed_sequence,将PackedSequence类解压为tensor
            # 压缩
            packed = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(input=embedded,
            # 前向传播, 使用hidden初始化h_0
            outputs, hidden = self.gru(packed, hidden)
            # 由于hidden的shape不受输入句长的影响,所以outputs还是PackedSequence类,但hidden已经自动转换成tensor类了
            # 解压outputs, 返回解压后的tensor和原本的长度信息
            outputs, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(sequence=outputs,
            # outputs: [batch_size, max_length, 2 * hidden_size]
            # 将双向RNN的outputs按位加起来
            outputs = outputs[:, :, : self.hidden_size] + outputs[:, :, self.hidden_size : ]
            # outputs: [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            # hidden: [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            return outputs, hidden
    # Luong提出的全局注意力机制层
    class LuongAttentionLayer(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, score_name, hidden_size):
            :param score_name: score函数的类型
            :param hidden_size: 隐层的维度
            # score函数是Luong论文中提出用来衡量decoder的目前的隐层和encoder所有输出的相关性
            # 论文中不仅介绍了score函数的概念,而且给出了三种映射:dot,general,concat
            # 这三种score函数都是向量与向量到标量的映射
            super(LuongAttentionLayer, self).__init__()
            self.score_name = score_name
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            if score_name not in ["dot", "general", "concat"]:
                raise ValueError(self.score_name, "is not an appropriate attention score_name(dot, general, concat)")
            # general有一个向量的外积变换, concat有一个外积变换与一个内积变换,所以这两个方法会产生额外的网络参数
            # 下面为这两个方法设置需要的网络参数
            if score_name == "general":
                self.Wa = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)   # 使用h->h的全连接层模拟h*h的矩阵与h维列向量的乘法
            elif score_name == "concat":
                self.Wa = nn.Linear(hidden_size * 2, hidden_size)  # 需要将h_t与h_s联级再做矩阵乘法,所以是2h->h的全连接层
                self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(hidden_size))  # FloatTensor会生成hidden_size维的全零(浮点0)向量,我们通过参数可更新的向量来模拟内积变换
            # 计算attention vector的变换
            self.Wc = nn.Linear(hidden_size * 2, hidden_size)   # 需要将c_t与h_t联级再做矩阵乘法,所以是2h->h的全连接层
        # 下面定义三个score:
        # 其中: current_hidden : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
        #          encoder_output : [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
        def dot_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_ouput):
            return torch.sum(encoder_ouput * current_hidden, dim=2)
        def general_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            energy = self.Wa(encoder_output)
            # energy : [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            return torch.sum(energy * current_hidden, dim=2)
        def concat_score(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            concat = torch.cat([current_hidden.expand(encoder_output.shape), encoder_output], dim=2)
            # concat : [batch, max_length, 2 * hidden_size]
            energy = self.Wa(concat).tanh()
            return torch.sum(self.v * energy, dim=2)
        # 前馈运算为encoder的全体output与decoder的current output值到attention向量的映射
        def forward(self, current_hidden, encoder_output):
            if self.score_name == "dot":
                score = self.dot_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            elif self.score_name == "general":
                score = self.general_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            elif self.score_name == "concat":
                score = self.concat_score(current_hidden, encoder_output)
            # score : [batch_size, max_length]
            # 通过 softmax将score转化成注意力权重alpha
            attention_weights = nn.functional.softmax(score, dim=1)
            # attention_weights : [batch_size, max_length]
            # 通过encoder_output与alpha的加权和得到context vector(上下文向量)
            # 通过广播运算完成
            context_vector = torch.sum(encoder_output * attention_weights.unsqueeze(2), dim=1)
            # context_vector : [batch_size, hidden_size]
            # 有了上下文向量,就可以计算attention vector了
            attention_vector = self.Wc(torch.cat([context_vector.unsqueeze(1), current_hidden], dim=2)).tanh()
            # attention_vector : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            return attention_vector
    # decoder
    class LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, score_name, embedding, hidden_size, output_size, n_layers=1, dropout=0):
            :param score_name:  Luong Attention Layer 的score函数的类型,可选:dot, general, concat
            :param embedding:  词向量嵌入矩阵
            :param hidden_size:  RNN隐层维度
            :param output_size:  每一个cell的输出维度,一般会通过一个 hidden_size->output_size的映射把attention vector映射到output_size维向量
            :param n_layers:  单个RNN cell的层数
            :param dropout:  代表某层参数被丢弃的概率,在n_layers==1的情况下设为0
            super(LuongAttentionDecoderRNN, self).__init__()
            self.score_name = score_name
            self.hidden_size = hidden_size
            self.output_size = output_size
            self.n_layers = n_layers
            self.dropout = dropout
            # 定义或获取前向传播需要的算子
            self.embedding = embedding
            self.embedding_dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
            self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=hidden_size,
                                         dropout=(0 if n_layers == 1 else dropout),
            self.attention = LuongAttentionLayer(score_name, hidden_size)
            self.hidden2output = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
        # decoder的前向传播逻辑
        # 需要注意的是,不同一般的RNN,由于我们的decoder输出需要做注意力运算
        # 所以decoder的RNN需要拆开来算,也就是我们的forward一次只能算一个time_step,而不是一次性循环到底
        def forward(self, input_single_seq, last_hidden, encoder_output):
            :param input_single_seq:  上一步预测的单词对应的序列  [batch_size, 1]
            :param last_hidden:  decoder上次RNN 的隐层           [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            :param encoder_output:  encoder的全体输出        [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            :return: 代表个位置概率的output向量[batch_size, output_size]和current hidden [batch_size, 2, hidden_size]
            embedded = self.embedding(input_single_seq)   # [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            embedded = self.embedding_dropout(embedded)     # [batch_size, max_length, hidden_size]
            current_output, current_hidden = self.gru(embedded, last_hidden)
            # current_output : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
            # 这里拿current_output当做current_hidden来参与attention运算
            # 当然,直接拿current_hidden也行
            attention_vector = self.attention(current_output, encoder_output)
            # attention_vector : [batch_size, 1, hidden_size]
            # 将attention_vector变到output_size维
            output = self.hidden2output(attention_vector)
            # output : [batch_size, 1, output_size]
            output = nn.functional.softmax(output.squeeze(1), dim=1)
            # output : [batch_size, output_size]
            return output, current_hidden
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=10, embedding_dim=16)
        # encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=16, embedding=embedding, n_layer=1, dropout=0)
        decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot", embedding=embedding, hidden_size=16, output_size=10, n_layers=1, dropout=0)
        x = torch.tensor([[2], [2]])
        out = torch.arange(320).reshape([2, 10, 16])
        length = torch.tensor([5, 3])
        #outputs, hidden = encoder.forward(input_seq=x, input_length=length)
        output, current_hidden = decoder.forward(input_single_seq=x, last_hidden=None, encoder_output=out)
        print(f"output : {output}")
        print(f"current_hidden : {current_hidden}")


    # process.py
    from itertools import zip_longest
    import random
    import torch
    # 用来构造字典的类
    class vocab(object):
        def __init__(self, name, pad_token, sos_token, eos_token, unk_token):
            self.name = name
            self.pad_token = pad_token
            self.sos_token = sos_token
            self.eos_token = eos_token
            self.unk_token = unk_token
            self.trimmed = False                         # 代表这个词表对象是否经过了剪枝操作
            self.word2index = {"PAD" : pad_token, "SOS" : sos_token, "EOS" : eos_token, "UNK" : unk_token}
            self.word2count = {"UNK" : 0}
            self.index2word = {pad_token : "PAD", sos_token : "SOS", eos_token : "EOS", unk_token : "UNK"}
            self.num_words = 4  # 刚开始的四个占位符 pad(0), sos(1), eos(2),unk(3) 代表目前遇到的不同的单词数量
        # 向voc中添加一个单词的逻辑
        def addWord(self, word):
            if word not in self.word2index:
                self.word2index[word] = self.num_words
                self.word2count[word] = 1
                self.index2word[self.num_words] = word
                self.num_words += 1
                self.word2count[word] += 1
        # 向voc中添加一个句子的逻辑
        def addSentence(self, sentence):
            for word in sentence.split():
        # 将词典中词频过低的单词替换为unk_token
        # 需要一个代表修剪阈值的参数min_count,词频低于这个参数的单词会被替换为unk_token,相应的词典变量也会做出相应的改变
        def trim(self, min_count):
            if self.trimmed:   # 如果已经裁剪过了,那就直接返回
            self.trimmed = True
            keep_words = []
            keep_num = 0
            for word, count in self.word2count.items():
                if count >= min_count:
                    keep_num += 1
                    # 由于后面是通过对keep_word列表中的数据逐一统计,所以需要对count>1的单词重复填入
                    for _ in range(count):
            print("keep words: {} / {} = {:.4f}".format(
               keep_num, self.num_words - 4, keep_num / (self.num_words - 4)
            # 重构词表
            self.word2index  = {"PAD" : self.pad_token, "SOS" : self.sos_token, "EOS" : self.eos_token, "UNK" : self.unk_token}
            self.word2count = {}
            self.index2word = {self.pad_token : "PAD", self.sos_token : "SOS", self.eos_token : "EOS", self.unk_token : "UNK"}
            self.num_words = 4
            for word in keep_words:
        # 读入数据,统计词频,并返回数据
        def load_data(self, path):
            pairs = []
            for line in open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8"):
                    input_dialog, output_dialog = line.strip().split("	")
                    pairs.append([input_dialog, output_dialog])
            return pairs
    # 处理数据,因为我们所有低词频和无法识别的单词(就是不在字典中的词)都替换成UNK
    # 但是我们不想要看到程序输出给用户的话中带有UNK,所以下面做的处理为:
    # 先判断output_dialog,如果其中含有不存在与字典中的词,则直接舍弃整个dialog,
    # 如果output_dialog满足要求,那么我们将input_dialog中无法识别的单词全部替换为UNK
    def trimAndReplace(voc, pairs, min_count):
        keep_pairs = []
        # 先在词表中删去低频词
        for input_dialog, output_dialog in pairs:
            drop_dialog = False
            # 判断output_dialog中是否有无法识别的词, 有的话,直接跳过这个循环
            for word in output_dialog.split():
                if word not in voc.word2index:
                    drop_dialog = True
            if drop_dialog:
            # 输入句的未识别单词用UNK替换
            input_dialog = input_dialog.split()
            for idx, word in enumerate(input_dialog):
                if word not in voc.word2index:
                    input_dialog[idx] = "UNK"
            input_dialog = " ".join(input_dialog)
            keep_pairs.append([input_dialog, output_dialog])
        print("Trimmed from {} pairs to {}, {:.4f} of total".format(len(pairs), len(keep_pairs), len(keep_pairs) / len(pairs)))
        return keep_pairs
    # 将一句话转换成id序列(str->list),结尾加上EOS
    def sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc):
        return [voc.word2index[word] for word in sentence.split()] + [voc.eos_token]
    # 将一个batch中的input_dialog转化为有pad填充的tensor,并返回tensor和记录长度的变量
    # 返回的tensor是batch_first的
    def batchInput2paddedTensor(batch, voc):
        # 先转换为id序列,但是这个id序列不对齐
        batch_index_seqs = [sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc) for sentence in batch]
        length_tensor = torch.tensor([len(index_seq) for index_seq in batch_index_seqs])
        # 下面填充0(PAD),使得这个batch中的序列对齐
        zipped_list = list(zip_longest(*batch_index_seqs, fillvalue=voc.pad_token))
        padded_tensor = torch.tensor(zipped_list).t()
        return padded_tensor, length_tensor
    # 将一个batch中的output_dialog转化为有pad填充的tensor,并返回tensor、mask和最大句长
    # 返回的tensor是batch_first的
    def batchOutput2paddedTensor(batch, voc):
        # 先转换为id序列,但是这个id序列不对齐
        batch_index_seqs = [sentenceToIndex(sentence, voc) for sentence in batch]
        max_length = max([len(index_seq) for index_seq in batch_index_seqs])
        # 下面填充0(PAD),使得这个batch中的序列对齐
        zipped_list = list(zip_longest(*batch_index_seqs, fillvalue=voc.pad_token))
        padded_tensor = torch.tensor(zipped_list).t()
        # 得到padded_tensor对应的mask
        mask = torch.BoolTensor(zipped_list).t()
        return padded_tensor, mask, max_length
    # 获取数据加载器的函数
    # 将输入的一个batch的dialog转换成id序列,填充pad,并返回训练可用的id张量和mask
    def DataLoader(pairs, voc, batch_size, shuffle=True):
        if shuffle:
        batch = []
        for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
            batch.append([pair[0], pair[1]])
            # 数据数量到达batch_size就yield出去并清空
            if len(batch) == batch_size:
                # 为了后续的pack_padded_sequence操作,我们需要给这个batch中的数据按照input_dialog的长度排序(降序)
                batch.sort(key=lambda x : len(x[0].split()), reverse=True)
                input_dialog_batch = []
                output_dialog_batch = []
                for pair in batch:
                input_tensor, input_length_tensor = batchInput2paddedTensor(input_dialog_batch, voc)
                output_tensor, mask, max_length = batchOutput2paddedTensor(output_dialog_batch, voc)
                # 清空临时缓冲区
                batch = []
                yield [
                    input_tensor, input_length_tensor, output_tensor, mask, max_length
        # # 循环结束后,可能还有数据没有yield出去
        # if len(batch) != 0:
        #     # 下面的代码和上面的一致
        #     batch.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[0].split()), reverse=True)
        #     input_dialog_batch = []
        #     output_dialog_batch = []
        #     for pair in batch:
        #         input_dialog_batch.append(pair[0])
        #         output_dialog_batch.append(pair[1])
        #     input_tensor, input_length_tensor = batchInput2paddedTensor(input_dialog_batch, voc)
        #     output_tensor, mask, max_length = batchOutput2paddedTensor(output_dialog_batch, voc)
        #     yield [
        #         input_tensor, input_length_tensor, output_tensor, mask, max_length
        #     ]
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        PAD_token = 0  # 补足句长的pad占位符的index
        SOS_token = 1  # 代表一句话开头的占位符的index
        EOS_token = 2  # 代表一句话结尾的占位符的index
        UNK_token = 3  # 代表不在词典中的字符
        BATCH_SIZE = 64  # 一个batch中的对话数量(样本数量)
        MAX_LENGTH = 20  # 一个对话中每句话的最大句长
        MIN_COUNT = 3  # trim方法的修剪阈值
        # 实例化词表
        voc = vocab(name="corpus", pad_token=PAD_token, sos_token=SOS_token, eos_token=EOS_token, unk_token=UNK_token)
        # 为词表载入数据,统计词频,并得到对话数据
        pairs = voc.load_data(path="./data/dialog.tsv")
        print("total number of dialogs:", len(pairs))
        # 修剪与替换
        pairs = trimAndReplace(voc, pairs, MIN_COUNT)
        # 获取loader
        loader = DataLoader(pairs, voc, batch_size=5)
        batch_item_names = ["input_tensor", "input_length_tensor", "output_tensor", "mask", "max_length"]
        for batch_index, batch in enumerate(loader):
            for name, item in zip(batch_item_names, batch):
    {name} : {item}")


    # train.py
    import torch
    import random
    from time import time
    import os
    import math
    # 导入之前写好的函数或类
    from process import vocab, trimAndReplace, DataLoader
    from neural_network import EncoderRNN, LuongAttentionDecoderRNN
    # 定义运算设备
    USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
    device = torch.device("cuda" if USE_CUDA else "cpu")
    # 常量
    PAD_token = 0  # 补足句长的pad占位符的index
    SOS_token = 1  # 代表一句话开头的占位符的index
    EOS_token = 2  # 代表一句话结尾的占位符的index
    UNK_token = 3  # 代表不在词典中的字符
    # 超参
    BATCH_SIZE = 64                               # 一个batch中的对话数量(样本数量)
    MAX_LENGTH = 20                             # 一个对话中每句话的最大句长
    MIN_COUNT = 3                                 # trim方法的修剪阈值
    TEACHER_FORCING_RATIO = 1.0      # 实行teacher_force_ratio的概率
    LEARNING_RATE = 0.0001               # 学习率
    CLIP = 50.0                                           # 梯度裁剪阈值
    # 网络参数
    hidden_size = 512                              # RNN隐层维度
    encoder_n_layers = 2                         # encoder的cell层数
    decoder_n_layers = 2                         # decoder的cell层数
    dropout = 0.1                                      # 丢弃参数的概率
    # 轮数与打印间隔
    epoch_num = 15                  # 迭代轮数
    print_interval = 50              # 打印间隔
    save_interval = 900           # 保存模型间隔
    mask_loss_all = []
    # 使用mask loss的方法避免计算pad的loss
    # 计算非pad对应位置的交叉熵(负对数似然)
    def maskNLLLoss(output, target, mask):
        :param output: decoder的所有output的拼接    [batch_size, max_length, output_size]
        :param target: 标签,也就是batch的output_dialog对应的id序列  [batch_size, max_length]
        :param mask: mask矩阵    与target同形
        :return: 交叉熵损失、单词个数
        target = target.type(torch.int64).to(device)
        mask = mask.type(torch.BoolTensor).to(device)
        total_word = mask.sum()  # 单词个数
        crossEntropy = -torch.log(torch.gather(output, dim=2, index=target.unsqueeze(2)))
        # crossEntropy : [batch_size, max_length, 1]
        loss = crossEntropy.squeeze(2).masked_select(mask).mean()
        loss = loss.to(device)
        return loss, total_word.item()
    # 定义训练一个batch的逻辑
    # 在这个batch中更新网络时,有一定的概率会使用teacher forcing的方法来加速收敛, 这个概率为teacher_forcing_ratio
    def trainOneBatch(input_seq, input_length, target, mask, max_target_len,
                      encoder, decoder, encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer,
                      batch_size, clip, teacher_forcing_ratio,
                      encoder_lr_scheduler=None, decoder_lr_scheduler=None):
        :param input_seq:  输入encoder的index序列                                         [batch_size, max_length]
        :param input_length:  input_seq中每个序列的长度                                [batch_size]
        :param target:  每个input_dialog对应的output_dialog的index序列      [batch_size, max_length]
        :param mask:  target对应的mask矩阵                                                    [batch_size, max_length]
        :param max_target_len:  target中的最大句长
        :param encoder: encoder实例
        :param decoder: decoder实例
        :param encoder_optimizer: 承载encoder参数的优化器
        :param decoder_optimizer: 承载decoder参数的优化器
        :param batch_size: batch大小
        :param clip: 修剪梯度的阈值,超过该值的导数值会被裁剪
        :param teacher_forcing_ratio: 训练该batch启动teacher force的策略
        :param encoder_lr_scheduler: encoder_optimizer学习率调整策略
        :param decoder_lr_scheduler: decoder_optimizer学习率调整策略
        :return: 平均似然损失
        # 清空优化器
        # 设置变量的运算设备
        input_seq = input_seq.to(device)
        input_length = input_length.to(device)
        target = target.to(device)
        mask = mask.to(device)
        decoder_output = torch.FloatTensor()    # 用来保存decoder的所有输出
        decoder_output = decoder_output.to(device)
        # encoder的前向计算
        encoder_output, encoder_hidden = encoder(input_seq, input_length)
        # 为decoder的计算初始化一个开头SOS
        decoder_input = torch.tensor([SOS_token for _ in range(batch_size)]).reshape([-1, 1])
        decoder_input = decoder_input.to(device)
        # 根据decoder的cell层数截取encoder的h_n的层数
        decoder_hidden = encoder_hidden[:decoder.n_layers]
        # 根据概率决定是否使用teacher force
        use_teacher_forcing = True if random.random() < teacher_forcing_ratio else False
        if use_teacher_forcing:
            for i in range(max_target_len):
                # 执行一步decoder前馈,只计算了一个单词
                output, current_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                # output : [batch_size, output_size]
                # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
                # 将本次time_step得到的结果放入decoder_output中
                decoder_output = torch.cat([decoder_output, output.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
                # 使用teacher forcing:使用target(真实的单词)作为decoder的下一次的输入,而不是我们计算出的预测值(计算出的概率最大的单词)
                decoder_input = target[:, i].reshape([-1, 1])
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
            for i in range(max_target_len):
                # 执行一步decoder前馈,只计算了一个单词
                output, current_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden, encoder_output)
                # output : [batch_size, output_size]
                # current_hidden : [1, batch_size, hidden_size]
                # 从softmax的结果中得到预测的index
                predict_index = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
                # 将本次time_step得到的结果放入decoder_output中
                decoder_output = torch.cat([decoder_output, output.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
                decoder_input = predict_index.reshape([-1, 1])
                decoder_hidden = current_hidden
        # 计算本次batch中的mask_loss和总共的单词数
        mask_loss, word_num = maskNLLLoss(output=decoder_output, target=target, mask=mask)
        # 开始反向传播,更新参数
        # 裁剪梯度
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(encoder.parameters(), clip)
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(decoder.parameters(), clip)
        # 更新网络参数
        # 调整优化器的学习率
        if encoder_lr_scheduler and decoder_lr_scheduler:
        return mask_loss.item()
    # 开始训练
    print("build vocab_list...")
    # 首先构建字典
    voc = vocab(name="corpus", pad_token=PAD_token, sos_token=SOS_token, eos_token=EOS_token, unk_token=UNK_token)
    # 载入数据
    pairs = voc.load_data(path="./data/dialog.tsv")
    print(f"load {len(pairs)} dialogs successfully")
    # 对数据进行裁剪
    pairs = trimAndReplace(voc=voc, pairs=pairs, min_count=MIN_COUNT)
    print(f"there are {voc.num_words} words in the vocab")
    # 定义词向量嵌入矩阵
    embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc.num_words,
    # 获取encoder和decoder
    encoder = EncoderRNN(hidden_size=hidden_size,
    decoder = LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(score_name="dot",
    encoder = encoder.to(device)
    decoder = decoder.to(device)
    # 为encoder和decoder分别定义优化器
    encoder_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(encoder.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
    decoder_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(decoder.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
    # Leslie的Triangle2学习率衰减方法
    def Triangular2(T_max, gamma):
        def new_lr(step):
            region = step // T_max + 1    # 所处分段
            increase_rate = 1 / T_max * math.pow(gamma, region - 2)    # 增长率的绝对值
            return increase_rate * (step - (region - 1) * T_max) if step <= (region - 0.5) * T_max else - increase_rate * (step - region * T_max)
        return new_lr
    # 定义优化器学习率的衰减策略
    # encoder_lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer=encoder_optimizer,
    # #                                                                                                    lr_lambda=Triangular2(T_max=300, gamma=0.5))
    # # decoder_lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer=decoder_optimizer,
    # #                                                                                                    lr_lambda=Triangular2(T_max=300, gamma=0.5))
    encoder_lr_scheduler = None
    decoder_lr_scheduler = None
    global_step = 0
    start_time = time()
    print("start to train...")
    # 轮数遍历
    for epoch in range(epoch_num):
        print("-" * 20)
        print("Epoch : ",epoch)
        # 获取loader
        train_loader = DataLoader(pairs=pairs, voc=voc, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
        # 遍历生成器
        for batch_num, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
            global_step += 1
            # batch中的信息 : ["input_tensor", "input_length_tensor", "output_tensor", "mask", "max_length"]
            loss = trainOneBatch(input_seq=batch[0], input_length=batch[1], target=batch[2], mask=batch[3], max_target_len=batch[4],
                                              encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder,  encoder_optimizer=encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer=decoder_optimizer,
                                              batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, clip=CLIP, teacher_forcing_ratio=TEACHER_FORCING_RATIO,
                                              encoder_lr_scheduler=encoder_lr_scheduler, decoder_lr_scheduler=decoder_lr_scheduler)
            if global_step % print_interval == 0:
                print("Epoch : {}	batch_num : {}	loss: {:.6f}	time point : {:.2f}s	model_lr : {:.10f}".format(
                    epoch, batch_num, loss, time() - start_time, encoder_optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]
            # 将check_point存入./data/check_points这个文件夹中
            if global_step % save_interval == 0:
                # 先判断目标路径是否存在,不存在则创建
                if not os.path.exists("./data/checkpoints"):
                check_point_save_path = f"./data/checkpoints/{global_step}_checkpoint.tar"
                    "iteration" : global_step,
                    "encoder" : encoder.state_dict(),
                    "decoder" : decoder.state_dict(),
                    "encoder_optimizer" : encoder_optimizer.state_dict(),
                    "decoder_optimizer" : decoder_optimizer.state_dict(),
                    # "encoder_lr_scheduler" : encoder_lr_scheduler.state_dict(),
                    # "decoder_lr_scheduler" : decoder_lr_scheduler.state_dict(),
                    "loss" : loss,
                    "voc_dict" : voc.__dict__,
                    "embedding" : embedding.state_dict()
                }, check_point_save_path)
                print(f"save model to {check_point_save_path}")


    D:Userszxr20Anaconda3python.exe C:/Users/zxr20/Downloads/chatbot-based-on-seq2seq2-master/train.py
    build vocab_list...
    load 64223 dialogs successfully
    keep words: 7821 / 17999 = 0.4345
    Trimmed from 64223 pairs to 58362, 0.9087 of total
    there are 7825 words in the vocab
    start to train...
    Epoch : 0
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 49 loss: 4.991693 time point : 44.72s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 99 loss: 4.566347 time point : 86.06s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 149 loss: 4.462077 time point : 128.47s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 199 loss: 4.543541 time point : 171.10s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 249 loss: 4.261803 time point : 214.57s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 299 loss: 4.373475 time point : 258.23s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 349 loss: 4.455844 time point : 302.26s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 399 loss: 3.997347 time point : 346.85s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 449 loss: 4.109106 time point : 391.87s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 499 loss: 4.210484 time point : 436.89s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 549 loss: 3.893747 time point : 484.78s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 599 loss: 4.201549 time point : 529.91s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 649 loss: 4.083264 time point : 574.67s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 699 loss: 3.922026 time point : 618.74s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 749 loss: 3.875324 time point : 661.42s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 799 loss: 4.137966 time point : 704.38s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 849 loss: 3.970867 time point : 748.27s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 0 batch_num : 899 loss: 4.118044 time point : 792.55s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    save model to ./data/checkpoints/900_checkpoint.tar
    Epoch : 1
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 38 loss: 3.883439 time point : 837.34s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 88 loss: 3.946029 time point : 881.18s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 138 loss: 3.800174 time point : 925.49s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 188 loss: 3.743748 time point : 970.92s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 238 loss: 3.678756 time point : 1015.53s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 288 loss: 3.697902 time point : 1060.22s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 338 loss: 3.924529 time point : 1105.09s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 388 loss: 3.965059 time point : 1150.03s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 438 loss: 3.997313 time point : 1194.99s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 488 loss: 3.737204 time point : 1239.56s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 538 loss: 3.634290 time point : 1283.20s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 588 loss: 3.899791 time point : 1327.69s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 638 loss: 3.566592 time point : 1372.10s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 688 loss: 3.870382 time point : 1417.75s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 738 loss: 3.869323 time point : 1463.22s model_lr : 0.0001000000
    Epoch : 1 batch_num : 788 loss: 3.565725 time point : 1506.46s model_lr : 0.0001000000

    Process finished with exit code -1


    D:Userszxr20Anaconda3python.exe C:/Users/zxr20/Downloads/chatbot-based-on-seq2seq2-master/evaluate.py
    User:what is your name
    chatbot: you re going ? ? . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['2.3%', '2.9%', '0.5%', '0.6%', '82.8%', '0.7%', '80.8%', '0.8%', '83.1%', '1.0%', '82.8%', '1.4%']
    User:your name ?
    chatbot: i m not . . . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['3.4%', '12.7%', '1.3%', '10.3%', '87.3%', '2.0%', '84.8%', '3.3%', '87.0%', '4.1%', '87.8%', '4.6%']
    User:do you like banana?
    chatbot: i m not . . . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['6.2%', '13.6%', '1.6%', '1.6%', '92.1%', '3.3%', '91.3%', '4.9%', '91.7%', '5.6%', '91.8%', '6.0%']
    User:what's your name?
    chatbot: i m going . . . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['0.7%', '9.2%', '0.5%', '1.4%', '88.6%', '0.4%', '85.3%', '0.7%', '85.1%', '0.9%', '85.0%', '1.0%']
    User:Do you like me?
    chatbot: i m not . . . . . . . . .
    chatbot's confidence: ['6.2%', '13.6%', '1.6%', '1.6%', '92.1%', '3.3%', '91.3%', '4.9%', '91.7%', '5.6%', '91.8%', '6.0%']


    代码见我的git: https://github.com/JasonZhangXianRong/transformer_Bert_GPT2






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangxianrong/p/14828053.html
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