1. 登录QQ邮箱,选择账户,开启POP3/SMTP服务和IMAP/SMTP服务,并生成授权码
2. 使用go语言的smtp包发送邮件
- go_email/email.go
func SendEduEmail(user, password, host, to, subject, body, mailtype string) error { hp := strings.Split(host, ":") auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", user, password, hp[0]) var content_type string if mailtype == "html" { content_type = "Content-Type: text/" + mailtype + "; charset=UTF-8" } else { content_type = "Content-Type: text/plain" + "; charset=UTF-8" } msg := []byte("To: " + to + " From: " + user + "> Subject: " + subject + " " + content_type + " " + body) send_to := strings.Split(to, ";") err := smtp.SendMail(host, auth, user, send_to, msg) return err }
- main.go
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { send_email_test1() } iunc send_email_test1() { var to = []string{"15735177116@163.com", "201800910862@b.sxmu.edu.cn"} from := "1271570224@qq.com" nickname := "张亚飞" secret := "xxxxxxxx" host := "smtp.qq.com" port := 25 subject := "Perfect Vue Admin 发送邮件测试" body := "测试内容" if err := go_email.SendEmail(from, to, secret, host, nickname, subject, body, port, true); err != nil{ fmt.Println("发送失败: ", err) }else { fmt.Println("发送成功") } }
3. 使用"jordan-wright/email"发送邮件
// Email is the type used for email messages type Email struct { ReplyTo []string From string To []string Bcc []string Cc []string Subject string Text []byte // Plaintext message (optional) HTML []byte // Html message (optional) Sender string // override From as SMTP envelope sender (optional) Headers textproto.MIMEHeader Attachments []*Attachment ReadReceipt []string }
- From:发件人邮箱,格式为“名称+<邮箱>”,也可以直接写邮箱,默认显示的发件人为@符号前的名称
- To:收件人邮箱地址
- Subject:邮件标题
- Text:邮件正文
e.Send("smtp.163.com:25", smtp.PlainAuth("", "pingyeaa@163.com", "<你的密码>", "smtp.163.com"))
- 参数1:通常,identity应该是空字符串,以用作用户名。
- 参数2:用户邮箱
- 参数3:密码,如果拿到了授权码,则填写授权码
- 参数4:服务器地址,163的地址是smtp.163.com,其他平台可自行查看
CC全称是Carbon Copy,意为抄送,BCC全称Blind Carbon Copy,意为暗抄送,收件人看不到被暗抄送给了谁。
e := email.NewEmail() e.Cc = []string{"xxxxxxx@qq.com"} e.Bcc = []string{"xxxxxxx@qq.com"}
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", "pingyeaa@163.com", "<你的密码>", "smtp.163.com") p, _ := email.NewPool("smtp.163.com:25", 4, auth)
- go_email/email.go
package go_email import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "github.com/jordan-wright/email" "log" "net/smtp" "strings" "time" ) var ( pool *email.Pool maxClient int = 10 ) func SendEmail(from string, to []string, secret string, host string, nickname string, subject string, body string, port int, ssl bool) error { auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", from, secret, host) e := email.NewEmail() e.From = fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", nickname, from) e.To = to e.Subject = subject e.HTML = []byte(body) hostAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port) if ssl { return e.SendWithTLS(hostAddr, auth,&tls.Config{ServerName: host}) } return e.Send(hostAddr, auth) } func SendEmailWithFile(from string, to []string, secret string, host string, nickname string, subject string, body string, port int, ssl bool,attach string) error { auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", from, secret, host) e := email.NewEmail() e.From = fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", nickname, from) e.To = to e.Subject = subject e.HTML = []byte(body) if attach != ""{ _,_ = e.AttachFile(attach) } hostAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port) if ssl { return e.SendWithTLS(hostAddr, auth,&tls.Config{ServerName: host}) } return e.Send(hostAddr, auth) } func SendEmailWithPool(to []string, from, secret, host, subject, body, nickname string, port int) (err error) { hostAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port) auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", from, secret, host) if pool == nil { pool, err = email.NewPool(hostAddr, maxClient, auth) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } e := &email.Email{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", nickname, from), To: to, Subject: subject, Text: []byte(body), } return pool.Send(e, 5 * time.Second) } func SendEmailWithPoolAndFile(to []string, from, secret, host, subject, body, nickname string, port int, attach string) (err error) { hostAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port) auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", from, secret, host) if pool == nil { pool, err = email.NewPool(hostAddr, maxClient, auth) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } e := &email.Email{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", nickname, from), To: to, Subject: subject, Text: []byte(body), } if attach != "" { _, _ = e.AttachFile(attach) } return pool.Send(e, 5 * time.Second) }
- main.go
package main import ( "fmt" go_email "go_dev/go_email/email" ) func main() { //send_email_test1() //send_email_test2() //send_email_test3() send_email_test4() } func send_email_test4() { var to = []string{"15735177116@163.com", "1271570224@qq.com"} from := "201800910862@b.sxmu.edu.cn" nickname := "张亚飞" secret := "xxxxxxxx" host := "smtp.exmail.qq.com" port := 25 subject := "Perfect Vue Admin 发送邮件测试" body := "测试内容" if err := go_email.SendEmailWithPoolAndFile(to, from, secret, host, subject, body, nickname, port, "简称.txt"); err != nil{ fmt.Println("发送失败: ", err) }else { fmt.Println("发送成功") } } func send_email_test3() { var to = []string{"15735177116@163.com", "201800910862@b.sxmu.edu.cn"} from := "1271570224@qq.com" nickname := "张亚飞" secret := "vsloiltxbxyzgeii" host := "smtp.qq.com" port := 25 subject := "Perfect Vue Admin 发送邮件测试" body := "测试内容" if err := go_email.SendEmailWithPoolAndFile(to, from, secret, host, subject, body, nickname, port, "简称.txt"); err != nil{ fmt.Println("发送失败: ", err) }else { fmt.Println("发送成功") } } func send_email_test2() { to := "1271570224@qq.com;15735177116@163.com" user := "201800910862@b.sxmu.edu.cn" password := "xxxxxx3" host := "smtp.exmail.qq.com:25" //host := "smtp.exmail.qq.com" subject := "Perfect Vue Admin 发送邮件测试" body := "测试内容" if err := go_email.SendEduEmail(user, password, host, to, subject, body, "html"); err != nil{ fmt.Println("发送失败: ", err) }else { fmt.Println("发送成功") } } func send_email_test1() { var to = []string{"15735177116@163.com", "201800910862@b.sxmu.edu.cn"} from := "1271570224@qq.com" nickname := "张亚飞" secret := "xxxxxx" host := "smtp.qq.com" port := 25 subject := "Perfect Vue Admin 发送邮件测试" body := "测试内容" if err := go_email.SendEmail(from, to, secret, host, nickname, subject, body, port, true); err != nil{ fmt.Println("发送失败: ", err) }else { fmt.Println("发送成功") }
163.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.163.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.163.com(端口:25) 126邮箱: POP3服务器地址:pop.126.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.126.com(端口:25) 139邮箱: POP3服务器地址:POP.139.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:SMTP.139.com(端口:25) QQ邮箱: POP3服务器地址:pop.qq.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.qq.com (端口:25) QQ企业邮箱 : POP3服务器地址:pop.exmail.qq.com (SSL启用 端口:995) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.exmail.qq.com(SSL启用 端口:587/465) gmail(google.com) : POP3服务器地址:pop.gmail.com(SSL启用 端口:995) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.gmail.com(SSL启用 端口:587) Foxmail: POP3服务器地址:POP.foxmail.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:SMTP.foxmail.com(端口:25) sina.com: POP3服务器地址:pop3.sina.com.cn(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.sina.com.cn(端口:25) sinaVIP: POP3服务器:pop3.vip.sina.com (端口:110) SMTP服务器:smtp.vip.sina.com (端口:25) sohu.com: POP3服务器地址:pop3.sohu.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.sohu.com(端口:25) yahoo.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.mail.yahoo.com SMTP服务器地址:smtp.mail.yahoo.com yahoo.com.cn: POP3服务器地址:pop.mail.yahoo.com.cn(端口:995) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.cn(端口:587 ) HotMail : POP3服务器地址:pop3.live.com (端口:995) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.live.com (端口:587) 263.net: POP3服务器地址:pop3.263.net(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.263.net(端口:25) 263.net.cn: POP3服务器地址:pop.263.net.cn(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.263.net.cn(端口:25) x263.net: POP3服务器地址:pop.x263.net(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.x263.net(端口:25) 21cn.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.21cn.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.21cn.com(端口:25) china.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.china.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.china.com(端口:25) tom.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.tom.com(端口:110) SMTP服务器地址:smtp.tom.com(端口:25) etang.com: POP3服务器地址:pop.etang.com SMTP服务器地址:smtp.etang.com