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  • Using curl to upload POST data with files


    I would like to use cURL to not only send data parameters in HTTP POST but to also upload files with specific form name. How should I go about doing that ?

    HTTP Post parameters:

    userid = 12345 filecomment = This is an image file

    HTTP File upload: File location = /home/user1/Desktop/test.jpg Form name for file = image (correspond to the $_FILES['image'] at the PHP side)

    I figured part of the cURL command as follows:

    curl -d "userid=1&filecomment=This is an image file" --data-binary @"/home/user1/Desktop/test.jpg" localhost/uploader.php

    The problem I am getting is as follows:

    Notice: Undefined index: image in /var/www/uploader.php

    The problem is I am using $_FILES['image'] to pick up files in the PHP script.

    How do I adjust my cURL commands accordingly ?


    You need to use the -F option:
    -F/--form <name=content> Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H)

    try this

      -F "userid=1" 
      -F "filecomment=This is an image file" 
      -F "image=@/home/user1/Desktop/test.jpg" 


    Catching the user id as path variable (recommended):

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
    -F "data=@test.mp3" http://mysuperserver/media/1234/upload/

    Catching the user id as part of the form:

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
    -F "data=@test.mp3;userid=1234" http://mysuperserver/media/upload/



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhao1949/p/7550391.html
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