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  • 有关valgrind




    1. 打开http://valgrind.org/downloads/,选择最近版本,下载。
    2. 解压 tar -xjvf valgrind-3.8.1.tar.bz2
    3. cd valgrind-3.8.1
    4. ./configure
    5. make
    6. sudo make install




     1 #include <stdio.h>
     3 /* Warning: This program is wrong on perpose */
     5 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
     6 {
     7     int age = 10;
     8     int height;
    10     printf("I am %d yeears old.\n", age);
    11     printf("I am %d inches tall.\n", height);
    12     return 0;
    13 }

    demo 的makefile:

    CFLAGS=-Wall -g
        rm -f ex4


    make demo:

    zhaoscmatoMacBook-Pro:c zhaosc$ make ex4
    cc -Wall -g    ex4.c   -o ex4
    ex4.c:11:35: warning: variable 'height' is uninitialized when used here
            printf("I am %d inches tall.\n", height);
    ex4.c:8:12: note: initialize the variable 'height' to silence this warning
            int height;
                       = 0
    1 warning generated




    zhaoscmatoMacBook-Pro:c zhaosc$ valgrind ./ex4
    ==2624== Memcheck, a memory error detector
    ==2624== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
    ==2624== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
    ==2624== Command: ./ex4
    ==2624== WARNING: Support on MacOS 10.8 is experimental and mostly broken.
    ==2624== WARNING: Expect incorrect results, assertions and crashes.
    ==2624== WARNING: In particular, Memcheck on 32-bit programs will fail to
    ==2624== WARNING: detect any errors associated with heap-allocated data.
    I am 10 yeears old.
    ==2624== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==2624==    at 0x158D4A: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F14: main (ex4.c:11)
    ==2624== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==2624==    at 0x159F1F: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F14: main (ex4.c:11)
    ==2624== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==2624==    at 0x1583B8: __ultoa (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x159F53: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F14: main (ex4.c:11)
    ==2624== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==2624==    at 0x11E1B8: memchr (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x14F459: __sfvwrite (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x15CAE8: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F14: main (ex4.c:11)
    ==2624== Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s)
    ==2624==    at 0x24D6FE: write$NOCANCEL (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x14CAD7: __sflush (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x14F532: __sfvwrite (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x15CB32: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F14: main (ex4.c:11)
    ==2624==  Address 0x10001b085 is 5 bytes inside a block of size 4,096 alloc'd
    ==2624==    at 0xC713: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:274)
    ==2624==    by 0x1500A4: __smakebuf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x111D79: __swsetup (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158865: __vfprintf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x158336: vfprintf_l (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x150717: printf (in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib)
    ==2624==    by 0x100000F00: main (ex4.c:10)
    I am 0 inches tall.
    ==2624== HEAP SUMMARY:
    ==2624==     in use at exit: 62,689 bytes in 364 blocks
    ==2624==   total heap usage: 515 allocs, 151 frees, 66,555 bytes allocated
    ==2624== LEAK SUMMARY:
    ==2624==    definitely lost: 8,624 bytes in 14 blocks
    ==2624==    indirectly lost: 1,168 bytes in 5 blocks
    ==2624==      possibly lost: 4,925 bytes in 68 blocks
    ==2624==    still reachable: 47,972 bytes in 277 blocks
    ==2624==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==2624== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
    ==2624== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
    ==2624== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
    ==2624== ERROR SUMMARY: 5 errors from 5 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

      这里我们同样可以发现在ex4.c的Line 11存在height的初始化问题(注意粉色部分),除此之外我们还能看到我们的程序具体的堆栈使用情况(注意红色部分)。


    zhaoscmatoMacBook-Pro:c zhaosc$ valgrind --help
    usage: valgrind [options] prog-and-args
      tool-selection option, with default in [ ]:
        --tool=<name>             use the Valgrind tool named <name> [memcheck]
      basic user options for all Valgrind tools, with defaults in [ ]:
        -h --help                 show this message
        --help-debug              show this message, plus debugging options
        --version                 show version
        -q --quiet                run silently; only print error msgs
        -v --verbose              be more verbose -- show misc extra info
        --trace-children=no|yes   Valgrind-ise child processes (follow execve)? [no]
        --trace-children-skip=patt1,patt2,...    specifies a list of executables
                                  that --trace-children=yes should not trace into
        --trace-children-skip-by-arg=patt1,patt2,...   same as --trace-children-skip=
                                  but check the argv[] entries for children, rather
                                  than the exe name, to make a follow/no-follow decision
        --child-silent-after-fork=no|yes omit child output between fork & exec? [no]
        --vgdb=no|yes|full        activate gdbserver? [yes]
                                  full is slower but provides precise watchpoint/step
        --vgdb-error=<number>     invoke gdbserver after <number> errors [999999999]
                                  to get started quickly, use --vgdb-error=0
                                  and follow the on-screen directions
        --track-fds=no|yes        track open file descriptors? [no]
        --time-stamp=no|yes       add timestamps to log messages? [no]
        --log-fd=<number>         log messages to file descriptor [2=stderr]
        --log-file=<file>         log messages to <file>
        --log-socket=ipaddr:port  log messages to socket ipaddr:port
      user options for Valgrind tools that report errors:
        --xml=yes                 emit error output in XML (some tools only)
        --xml-fd=<number>         XML output to file descriptor
        --xml-file=<file>         XML output to <file>
        --xml-socket=ipaddr:port  XML output to socket ipaddr:port
        --xml-user-comment=STR    copy STR verbatim into XML output
        --demangle=no|yes         automatically demangle C++ names? [yes]
        --num-callers=<number>    show <number> callers in stack traces [12]
        --error-limit=no|yes      stop showing new errors if too many? [yes]
        --error-exitcode=<number> exit code to return if errors found [0=disable]
        --show-below-main=no|yes  continue stack traces below main() [no]
        --suppressions=<filename> suppress errors described in <filename>
        --gen-suppressions=no|yes|all    print suppressions for errors? [no]
        --db-attach=no|yes        start debugger when errors detected? [no]
        --db-command=<command>    command to start debugger [/usr/bin/gdb -nw %f %p]
        --input-fd=<number>       file descriptor for input [0=stdin]
        --dsymutil=no|yes         run dsymutil on Mac OS X when helpful? [no]
        --max-stackframe=<number> assume stack switch for SP changes larger
                                  than <number> bytes [2000000]
        --main-stacksize=<number> set size of main thread's stack (in bytes)
                                  [use current 'ulimit' value]
      user options for Valgrind tools that replace malloc:
        --alignment=<number>      set minimum alignment of heap allocations [16]
        --redzone-size=<number>   set minimum size of redzones added before/after
                                  heap blocks (in bytes). [16]
      uncommon user options for all Valgrind tools:
        --fullpath-after=         (with nothing after the '=')
                                  show full source paths in call stacks
        --fullpath-after=string   like --fullpath-after=, but only show the
                                  part of the path after 'string'.  Allows removal
                                  of path prefixes.  Use this flag multiple times
                                  to specify a set of prefixes to remove.
        --smc-check=none|stack|all|all-non-file [stack]
                                  checks for self-modifying code: none, only for
                                  code found in stacks, for all code, or for all
                                  code except that from file-backed mappings
        --read-var-info=yes|no    read debug info on stack and global variables
                                  and use it to print better error messages in
                                  tools that make use of it (Memcheck, Helgrind,
                                  DRD) [no]
        --vgdb-poll=<number>      gdbserver poll max every <number> basic blocks [5000] 
        --vgdb-shadow-registers=no|yes   let gdb see the shadow registers [no]
        --vgdb-prefix=<prefix>    prefix for vgdb FIFOs [/var/folders/8n/8n5pphcj1qqg5w8clzcsymqc0000gn/T//vgdb-pipe]
        --run-libc-freeres=no|yes free up glibc memory at exit on Linux? [yes]
        --sim-hints=hint1,hint2,...  known hints:
                                     lax-ioctls, enable-outer, fuse-compatible [none]
        --fair-sched=no|yes|try   schedule threads fairly on multicore systems [no]
        --kernel-variant=variant1,variant2,...  known variants: bproc [none]
                                  handle non-standard kernel variants
        --show-emwarns=no|yes     show warnings about emulation limits? [no]
        --require-text-symbol=:sonamepattern:symbolpattern    abort run if the
                                  stated shared object doesn't have the stated
                                  text symbol.  Patterns can contain ? and *.
        --soname-synonyms=syn1=pattern1,syn2=pattern2,... synonym soname
                  specify patterns for function wrapping or replacement.
                  To use a non-libc malloc library that is
                      in the main exe:  --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE
                      in libxyzzy.so:   --soname-synonyms=somalloc=libxyzzy.so
      user options for Memcheck:
        --leak-check=no|summary|full     search for memory leaks at exit?  [summary]
        --leak-resolution=low|med|high   differentiation of leak stack traces [high]
        --show-reachable=no|yes          show reachable blocks in leak check? [no]
        --show-possibly-lost=no|yes      show possibly lost blocks in leak check?
        --undef-value-errors=no|yes      check for undefined value errors [yes]
        --track-origins=no|yes           show origins of undefined values? [no]
        --partial-loads-ok=no|yes        too hard to explain here; see manual [no]
        --freelist-vol=<number>          volume of freed blocks queue      [20000000]
        --freelist-big-blocks=<number>   releases first blocks with size >= [1000000]
        --workaround-gcc296-bugs=no|yes  self explanatory [no]
        --ignore-ranges=0xPP-0xQQ[,0xRR-0xSS]   assume given addresses are OK
        --malloc-fill=<hexnumber>        fill malloc'd areas with given value
        --free-fill=<hexnumber>          fill free'd areas with given value
      Extra options read from ~/.valgrindrc, $VALGRIND_OPTS, ./.valgrindrc
      Memcheck is Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
      Valgrind is Copyright (C) 2000-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
      LibVEX is Copyright (C) 2004-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP et al.
      Bug reports, feedback, admiration, abuse, etc, to: www.valgrind.org.



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaosc/p/3060628.html
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