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  • 购物车程序作业

    5、在用户使用过程中, 关键输出,如余额,商品已加入购物车等消息,需高亮显示 
    goods = [
    {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999},
    {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10},
    {"name": "游艇", "price": 20},
    {"name": "美女", "price": 998},

    name_user = {}
    1 def con(Username, Pwd):
    2     with open('file.user', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    3         date = eval(f.read().strip())
    4         for i in date:
    5             if Username == i and Pwd == date[i]:
    6                 return True
    7             else:
    8                 return False
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    1 def write_shop_file(b):
    2     with open('file.user', 'r+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    3         date = eval(f.read().strip())
    4         f.seek(0)
    5         f.truncate()
    6         date['shopcar']= b
    7         f.write(str(date))
    8         f.flush()
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    1 def write_money_file(money):
    2     with open('file.user', 'r+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    3         date = eval(f.read().strip())
    4         f.seek(0)
    5         f.truncate()
    6         date['money'] = money
    7         f.write(str(date))
    8         f.flush()
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    1 def read_shop_file():
    2     with open('file.user', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    3         date = eval(f.read().strip())
    4         old = (date['shopcar'])
    5         return old
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    1 def read_money_file():
    2     with open('file.user', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    3         date = eval(f.read().strip())
    4         money = date['money']
    5         return money
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     1 def old_buy():
     2     money = read_money_file()
     3     old_res = read_shop_file()
     4     while True:
     5         print('----------商品列表------------')
     6         for index, i in enumerate(goods):
     7             print(index, i['name'], i['price'])
     8         num = input('请问需要购买什么?输入商品编号,或者按Q退出:')
     9         if num.isdigit():
    10             num = int(num)
    11             if num >= 0 and num <=len(goods)-1 and money >= goods[num]['price']:
    12                     old_res.append(goods[num])
    13                     money -= goods[num]['price']
    14                     print('你的金额还剩下:''33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % money)
    15                     print('33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % '成功加入购物车')
    16             elif num >= 0 and num <= len(goods)-1 and money < goods[num]['price']:
    17                 print('33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % '余额不足')
    18             else:
    19                 print('输入商品不存在,请重新输入')
    20         elif num == 'q' or num =='Q':
    21             if len(old_res) > 0:
    22                 print('你的金额还剩下:''33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % money)
    23                 print('你总购买商品如下:')
    24                 for index, i in enumerate(old_res):
    25                     print('33[1;31;m', end='')
    26                     print(index, i['name'], i['price'])
    27                     print('33[0m', end='')
    28                 time.sleep(1)
    29                 print('欢迎下次光临')
    30                 write_shop_file(old_res)
    31                 write_money_file(money)
    32             break
    33         else:
    34             print('输入有误,请重新输入')
    35             continue
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     1 def new_buy():
     2     new_res = []
     3     money = int(input('请输入金额:'))
     4     while True:
     5         print('----------商品列表------------')
     6         for index, i in enumerate(goods):
     7             print(index, i['name'], i['price'])
     8         num = input('请问需要购买什么?输入商品编号,或者按Q退出:')
     9         if num.isdigit():
    10             num = int(num)
    11             if num >= 0 and num <=len(goods)-1 and money >= goods[num]['price']: #判断输入是否在索引内
    12                     new_res.append(goods[num])
    13                     money -= goods[num]['price'] #没购买一次,金额自减
    14                     print('你的金额还剩下:''33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % money)
    15                     print('33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % '成功加入购物车')
    16             elif num >= 0 and num <= len(goods)-1 and money < goods[num]['price']:
    17                 print('33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % '余额不足')
    18             else:
    19                 print('输入商品不存在,请重新输入')
    20         elif num == 'q' or num == 'Q':
    21             if len(new_res) > 0:
    22                 print('你的金额还剩下:''33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % money)
    23                 print('你购买商品如下:')
    24                 for index, i in enumerate(new_res):
    25                     print('33[1;31;m', end='')
    26                     print(index, i['name'], i['price'])
    27                     print('33[0m', end='')
    28                 time.sleep(1)
    29                 print('欢迎下次光临')
    30                 write_shop_file(new_res)
    31                 write_money_file(money)
    32             break
    33         else:
    34             print('输入有误,请重新输入')
    35             continue
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     1 def login():
     2     # 写帐号密码,判断是否是第一次登入,是就创建
     3     with open('file.user', 'r+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
     4         date = f.read()
     5         if not date:
     6             print('这是您第一次登入,请创建你的帐号和密码')
     7             while True:
     8                 username = input('请输入你要创建的帐号:').strip()
     9                 pwd = input('请输入你要创建的密码:').strip()
    10                 pwd2 = input('请再次输入你要创建的密码:').strip()
    11                 if pwd == pwd2:
    12                     print('创建成功')
    13                     time.sleep(0.5)
    14                     name_user[username] = pwd
    15                     name_user['money'] = 0
    16                     name_user['shopcar'] = []
    17                     print(name_user)
    18                     f.write(str(name_user))
    19                     f.flush()
    20                     break
    21                 else:
    22                     print('创建失败,密码输入2次不一致')
    23                     time.sleep(0.5)
    24                     continue
    25         while True:
    26             Username = input('请输入帐号:').strip()
    27             Pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip()
    28             if con(Username, Pwd):
    29                 print('登入成功')
    30                 time.sleep(0.5)
    31                 money = read_money_file() #用来判断是否是第一次登入,如果是第一次就跳过,直接输入金额
    32                 if money != 0: # 用-1来做标记
    33                     print('你的金额还剩下:''33[1;31;m%s33[0m' % money)
    34                     print('你上次的购买记录是:')
    35                     old_res = read_shop_file()
    36                     for index, i in enumerate(old_res):
    37                         print('33[1;31;m', end='')
    38                         print(index, i['name'], i['price'])
    39                         print('33[0m', end='')
    40                     flag = input('请问是否继续上次购买,输入Y或者N:').strip()
    41                     if flag == 'Y' or flag == 'y':
    42                         old_buy()
    43                     elif flag == 'N' or flag == 'n':
    44                         new_buy()
    45                 else:
    46                     new_buy()
    47                 return True
    48             else:
    49                 print('帐号或者密码错误,请重新输入')
    50                 time.sleep(0.5)
    51                 continue
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhengyiqun1992/p/10015402.html
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