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    better-scroll 是什么


    better-scroll 是一款重点解决移动端(未来可能会考虑 PC 端)各种滚动场景需求的插件。它的核心是借鉴的 iscroll 的实现,它的 API 设计基本兼容 iscroll,在 iscroll 的基础上又扩展了一些 feature 以及做了一些性能优化。

    better-scroll 是基于原生 JS 实现的,不依赖任何框架。它编译后的代码大小是 46kb,压缩后是 26kb,gzip 后仅有 7kb,是一款非常轻量的 JS lib。

    学习使用 better-scroll 最好的方式是看它的 demo 代码,我们把代码都放在了 example 目录。由于目前最适合移动端开发的前端 mvvm 框架是 Vue,并且 better-scroll 可以很好的和 Vue 配合使用的,所以 demo 我都用 Vue 进行了重写。


      1 用better-scroll开发轮播插件
      2 <template>
      3     <div class="slider" ref="slider">
      4         <div class="slider-group" ref="sliderGroup">
      5             <slot></slot>
      6         </div>
      7         <div class="dots">
      8             <span class="dot" :class="{active:currentPageIndex===index}" v-for="(item,index) in dots"></span>
      9         </div>
     10     </div>
     11 </template>
     12 <script>
     13 import {addClass} from 'common/js/dom'
     14 import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
     15 export default{
     16     props: {
     17     loop: {
     18       type: Boolean,
     19       default: true
     20     },
     21     autoPlay: {
     22       type: Boolean,
     23       default: true
     24     },
     25     interval: {
     26       type: Number,
     27       default: 2000
     28     }
     29   },
     30     data(){
     31         return{
     32             dots:[],
     33             currentPageIndex: 0
     34         }
     35     },
     36     mounted(){
     37         setTimeout(() => {
     38       this._setSliderWidth()
     39       this._initDots()
     40       this._initSlider()
     41       if (this.autoPlay) {
     42         this._play()
     43       }
     44     }, 20)
     46     window.addEventListener('resize',()=>{
     47         if (!this.slider) {
     48         return
     49       }
     50       this._setSliderWidth(true)
     51       this.slider.refresh()
     52     })
     53     },
     54     activated() {
     55     if (this.autoPlay) {
     56       this._play()
     57     }
     58   },
     59   deactivated() {
     60     clearTimeout(this.timer)
     61   },
     62   beforeDestroy() {
     63     clearTimeout(this.timer)
     64   },
     65     methods:{
     66         _setSliderWidth(isResize){
     67             this.children=this.$refs.sliderGroup.children;
     68             let width=0;
     69             let sliderWidth=this.$refs.slider.clientWidth;
     70             for(let i=0;i<this.children.length;i++){
     71                 let child=this.children[i];
     72                 addClass(child,'slider-item');
     73                 child.style.width=sliderWidth+'px';
     74                 width+=sliderWidth;
     75             }
     76             if(this.loop && !isResize){
     77                 width+=2*sliderWidth
     78             }
     79             this.$refs.sliderGroup.style.width = width + 'px';
     80         },
     81         _initSlider(){
     82             this.slider = new BScroll(this.$refs.slider, {
     83         scrollX: true,
     84         scrollY: false,
     85         momentum: false,
     86         snap: true,
     87         snapLoop: this.loop,
     88         snapThreshold: 0.3,
     89         snapSpeed: 400
     90       });
     92         this.slider.on('scrollEnd',()=>{
     93             let pageIndex = this.slider.getCurrentPage().pageX;
     94             if (this.loop) {
     95           pageIndex -= 1
     96         }
     97         this.currentPageIndex = pageIndex;
     98         if (this.autoPlay) {
     99           this._play()
    100         }
    101         });
    102         this.slider.on('beforeScrollStart', () => {
    103         if (this.autoPlay) {
    104           clearTimeout(this.timer)
    105         }
    106       })
    108         },
    109         _initDots() {
    110       this.dots = new Array(this.children.length)
    111     },
    112     _play() {
    113         let pageIndex = this.currentPageIndex + 1
    114         if (this.loop) {
    115           pageIndex += 1
    116         }
    117         this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
    118           this.slider.goToPage(pageIndex, 0, 400)
    119         }, this.interval)
    120       }
    121     }
    122 }
    123 </script>
    124 <style lang="stylus" scoped>
    125   @import "~common/stylus/variable"
    127   .slider
    128     min-height: 1px
    129     .slider-group
    130       position: relative
    131       overflow: hidden
    132       white-space: nowrap
    133       .slider-item
    134         float: left
    135         box-sizing: border-box
    136         overflow: hidden
    137         text-align: center
    138         a
    139           display: block
    140            100%
    141           overflow: hidden
    142           text-decoration: none
    143         img
    144           display: block
    145            100%
    146     .dots
    147       position: absolute
    148       right: 0
    149       left: 0
    150       bottom: 12px
    151       text-align: center
    152       font-size: 0
    153       .dot
    154         display: inline-block
    155         margin: 0 4px
    156          8px
    157         height: 8px
    158         border-radius: 50%
    159         background: $color-text-l
    160         &.active
    161            20px
    162           border-radius: 5px
    163           background: $color-text-ll
    164 </style>
     1 用better-scroll开发滚动条插件
     2 <template>
     3     <div ref="wrapper">
     4         <slot></slot>
     5     </div>
     6 </template>
     7 <script>
     8 import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
     9 export default{
    10     props: {
    11     probeType: {
    12       type: Number,
    13       default: 1
    14     },
    15     click: {
    16       type: Boolean,
    17       default: true
    18     },
    19     listenScroll: {
    20       type: Boolean,
    21       default: false
    22     },
    23     data: {
    24       type: Array,
    25       default: null
    26     },
    27     pullup: {
    28       type: Boolean,
    29       default: false
    30     },
    31     beforeScroll: {
    32       type: Boolean,
    33       default: false
    34     },
    35     refreshDelay: {
    36       type: Number,
    37       default: 20
    38     }
    39   },
    40   mounted(){
    41       setTimeout(() => {
    42       this._initScroll()
    43     }, 20)
    44   },
    45   methods:{
    46       _initScroll(){
    47           if (!this.$refs.wrapper) {
    48         return
    49       }
    50       this.scroll=new BScroll(this.$refs.wrapper,{
    51           probeType: this.probeType,
    52         click: this.click
    53       })
    54       },
    55       disable() {
    56       this.scroll && this.scroll.disable()
    57     },
    58     enable() {
    59       this.scroll && this.scroll.enable()
    60     },
    61     refresh() {
    62       this.scroll && this.scroll.refresh()
    63     },
    64     scrollTo() {
    65       this.scroll && this.scroll.scrollTo.apply(this.scroll, arguments)
    66     },
    67     scrollToElement() {
    68       this.scroll && this.scroll.scrollToElement.apply(this.scroll, arguments)
    69     }
    70   },
    71   watch:{
    72       data(){
    73           setTimeout(() => {
    74         this.refresh()
    75       }, this.refreshDelay)
    76       }
    77   }
    78 }
    79 </script>
    80 <style>
    82 </style>





    import VueLazyload from 'vue-lazyload'

    Vue.use(VueLazyload, {

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhihou/p/7884147.html
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