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  • Test your application

    Creating automatic test suites for your application is a good way to make it robust. It allows you to work in a very agile way.

    Play tests are built using JUnit 4 or Selenium depending what you want to test.

    Writing tests

    The tests must be created in the test/ directory. This folder will only be added to the sources path when the application is run in test mode. You can write 3 different kinds of tests.

    Unit test

    A unit test is written using JUnit. In this kind of test you can test the model of your application (including some utilities).

    Here is an example of a Unit test:

    import play.test.*;
    import org.junit.*;
    public class MyTest extends UnitTest {
        public void aTest() {
            assertEquals(2, 1 + 1); // A really important thing to test
        public void testUsers() {
            assertEquals(3, Users.count()); 

    Functional test

    A functional test is written using JUnit. In this kind of test you can test your application by accessing directly the controller objects.

    Here is an example of a Functional test:

    import play.test.*;
    import play.mvc.*;
    import play.mvc.Http.*;
    import org.junit.*;
    public class ApplicationTest extends FunctionalTest {
        public void testTheHomePage() {
            Response response = GET("/");
            assertStatus(200, response);

    Selenium test

    Acceptance tests are written using Selenium. Here you can test your application by running it in an automated browser.

    Selenium tests are written using HTML tables. You can either use this native syntax or use the #{selenium /} tag.

    Here is an example of a Selenium test:

    #{selenium 'Test security'}
        // Try to log in the administration area
        type('login', 'admin')
        type('password', 'secret')
        // Verify that the user in correctly logged in
        assertText('success', 'Welcom admin!')

    Because Selenium tests are run within your browser access to emails sent by the mock email and to String values placed in the Play Cache must be made using extensions to Selenium.

    Here is an example of accessing the most recent email sent to a specific email account:

    #{selenium 'Test email sending'}
        // Open email form and send an email to boron@localhost
        assertTextPresent('Email form')
        type('To', 'boron@localhost')
        type('Subject', 'Berillium Subject')
    	// Extract the last email sent to boron@localhost into a javascript variable called email
    	storeLastReceivedEmailBy('boron@localhost', 'email')
    	// Extract the subject line from the email variable into a variable called subject
    	store('javascript{/Subject:s+(.*)/.exec(storedVars["email"])[1]}', 'subject')
    	// Test the contents of the subject variable
    	assertEquals('Berillium Subject', '$[subject]')

    Here is an example of accessing a String stored in the Play Cache (for example the correct answer to a CAPTCHA):

    #{selenium 'Get string from cache'}
    	assertTextPresent('Registration form')
    	type('Email', 'my@email.com')
    	type('Password', 'secretpass')
    	type('Password2', 'secretpass')
    	// .. Fill in the registration form ..

    // Get the value of the magicKey variable from the cache (set to the CAPTCHA answer in the application)
    storeCacheEntry(‘magicKey’, ‘captchaAnswer’)
    // Type it into the form
    type(‘Answer’, ‘$[captchaAnswer]’)




    When you run tests, you need to have stable data for your application. The simplest way is to reset your database before each test.

    The play.test.Fixtures class helps you to manipulate your database and to inject test data. You typically use it in a @Before method of a JUnit test.

    public void setUp() {

    To import data, it is simpler to define them in a YAML file that the Fixtures helper can automatically import.

    # Test data
       name:    Google
       name:    Zenexity
       name:    guillaume
       company: zen

    And then:

    public void setUp() {

    You can read more about Play and YAML in the YAML manual page.

    For Selenium tests, you can use the #{fixture /} tag:

    #{fixture delete:'all', load:'data.yml' /}
        // Write your test here

    Sometimes it is convenient to split data into several YAML files. You can load fixtures from multiple files at once:

    Fixtures.loadModels("users.yml", "roles.yml", "permissions.yml");

    and for Selenium tests:

    #{fixture delete:'all', load:['users.yml', 'roles.yml', 'permissions.yml'] /}

    Running the tests

    To run the tests, you must run your application in test mode using the play test command.

    # play test myApp

    In this mode, Play will automatically load the test-runner module. This module provides a Web based test runner, available at the http://localhost:9000/@tests URL.

    When you run a test, the result is saved into the /test-result directory of your application.

    On the test runner page, each test is a link. You can ‘right click’ and ‘Open in a new tab’, to run the test directly outside of the test-runner.

    When you run tests this way, Play will start with a special test framework ID. So you can define special configurations in the application.conf file.

    If you want several different test-configuration, you can use framework IDs matching the pattern ‘test-?.*’ (e.g: ‘test-special’).
    If you use a framework ID other then the default ‘test’, you must make sure ALL test configuration in application.conf is available
    with that framework ID. When launching test with special test framework ID you do it like this: 'play test --%test-your-special-id'

    For example:


    Continuous integration, and running the tests automatically

    The auto-test command does the same as the test command, but it automatically launches a browser, runs all the tests, and stops.

    This is a useful command if you want to set up a continuous integration system;

    After the run, all results are saved to the /test-result directory. Moreover, this directory contains a marker file (either result.failed or result.passed) for the test suite’s final result. Finally, this directory contains all the logs, in an application.log file.

    So setting up a continuous integration system to test your application, could be:

    • Checkout the latest version of your application
    • Run play auto-test
    • Wait for the end of the process
    • Check for the marker file result.passed or result.failed in the /test-result directory

    Run these steps in a CRON tab, and you’re done!

    Continuing the discussion

    Next: Security guide.

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhiji6/p/4446833.html
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