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  • 解决 WPF AllowsTransparency = true 和 Webbrowser 等控件显示冲突



     public class FormsWebBrowser
            Window _owner;
            FrameworkElement _placementTarget;
            Form _form;
            AxAcroPDF _wb = new AxAcroPDF();
            public AxAcroPDF WebBrowser { get { return _wb; } }
            public FormsWebBrowser(FrameworkElement placementTarget,string path) //, Window mainWindow)
                _placementTarget = placementTarget;
                Window owner = Window.GetWindow(placementTarget); 
                //Window owner = mainWindow; //page中传入window
                Debug.Assert(owner != null);
                _owner = owner;
                _form = new Form();
                _form.Opacity = owner.Opacity;
                _form.ShowInTaskbar = false;
                _form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                _wb.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                _form.Load += (a,b) => {
                owner.LocationChanged += delegate { OnSizeLocationChanged(); };
                _placementTarget.SizeChanged += delegate { OnSizeLocationChanged(); };
                if (owner.IsVisible)
                    owner.SourceInitialized += delegate
                DependencyPropertyDescriptor dpd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(UIElement.OpacityProperty, typeof(Window));
                dpd.AddValueChanged(owner, delegate { _form.Opacity = _owner.Opacity; });
                _form.FormClosing += delegate { _owner.Close(); };
            void InitialShow()
                NativeWindow owner = new NativeWindow();
            DispatcherOperation _repositionCallback;
            void OnSizeLocationChanged()
                if (_repositionCallback == null)
                    _repositionCallback = _owner.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(Reposition), DispatcherPriority.Input);
            void Reposition()
                _repositionCallback = null;
                Point offset = _placementTarget.TranslatePoint(new Point(), _owner);
                Point size = new Point(_placementTarget.ActualWidth, _placementTarget.ActualHeight);
                HwndSource hwndSource = (HwndSource)HwndSource.FromVisual(_owner);
                CompositionTarget ct = hwndSource.CompositionTarget;
                offset = ct.TransformToDevice.Transform(offset);
                size = ct.TransformToDevice.Transform(size);
                Win32.POINT screenLocation = new Win32.POINT(offset);
                Win32.ClientToScreen(hwndSource.Handle, ref screenLocation);
                Win32.POINT screenSize = new Win32.POINT(size);
                Win32.MoveWindow(_form.Handle, screenLocation.X, screenLocation.Y, screenSize.X, screenSize.Y, true);
        static class Win32
            public struct POINT
                public int X;
                public int Y;
                public POINT(int x, int y)
                    this.X = x;
                    this.Y = y;
                public POINT(Point pt)
                    X = Convert.ToInt32(pt.X);
                    Y = Convert.ToInt32(pt.Y);
            internal static extern bool ClientToScreen(IntPtr hWnd, ref POINT lpPoint);
            internal static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
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       当前代码段中,使用的是显示pdf 控件 AxAcroPDF   出现,显示问题,问题表现为:当窗体属性设置为 AllowsTransparency = true,

    AxAcroPDF  控件区域透明,内容存在,但不可见,或者是使用Webbrowser

    以上代码直封装为一个类,如果要使用Webbrowser,AxAcroPDF 替换为  Webbrowser 类即可。

    原文是Webbrowser显示问题,经过简单修改和传参,解决了与其雷同问题的 AxAcroPDF  显示的问题。


     WpfForUnity3D.Code.FormsWebBrowser web = new WpfForUnity3D.Code.FormsWebBrowser(this.showCon, filePath); //或者直接this

    // this.showCon 为WPF 中你所要显示控件区域的容器ID或Name , 也可为this

    // filepath 为要显示的wpf 的文件名

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhiyin/p/6054567.html
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