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    netstat, wget ,curl ,grep ,awk,sed,chmod。。。。

    grep :

    grep pattern file
    grep -i pattern file
    grep iv pattern file
    grep -o pattern file
    grep -E pattern file 
    grep -A -B -C pattern file
    grep pattern -r dir /



    curl -vvv 查看链接细节。

     curl www.baidu.com -vvv


    * Rebuilt URL to: www.baidu.com/
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to www.baidu.com ( port 80 (#0)
    > GET / HTTP/1.1
    > Host: www.baidu.com
    > User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Accept-Ranges: bytes
    < Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < Content-Length: 2381
    < Content-Type: text/html
    < Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:33:18 GMT
    < Etag: "588604dc-94d"
    < Last-Modified: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:27:56 GMT
    < Pragma: no-cache
    < Server: bfe/
    < Set-Cookie: BDORZ=27315; max-age=86400; domain=.baidu.com; path=/
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--STATUS OK--><html> <head><meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=Edge><meta content=always name=referrer><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=http://s1.bdstatic.com/r/www/cache/bdorz/baidu.min.css><title>百度一下,你就知道</title></head> <body link=#0000cc> <div id=wrapper> <div id=head> <div class=head_wrapper> <div class=s_form> <div class=s_form_wrapper> <div id=lg> <img hidefocus=true src=//www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png width=270 height=129> </div> <form id=form name=f action=//www.baidu.com/s class=fm> <input type=hidden name=bdorz_come value=1> <input type=hidden name=ie value=utf-8> <input type=hidden name=f value=8> <input type=hidden name=rsv_bp value=1> <input type=hidden name=rsv_idx value=1> <input type=hidden name=tn value=baidu><span class="bg s_ipt_wr"><input id=kw name=wd class=s_ipt value maxlength=255 autocomplete=off autofocus></span><span class="bg s_btn_wr"><input type=submit id=su value=百度一下 class="bg s_btn"></span> </form> </div> </div> <div id=u1> <a href=http://news.baidu.com name=tj_trnews class=mnav>新闻</a> <a href=http://www.hao123.com name=tj_trhao123 class=mnav>hao123</a> <a href=http://map.baidu.com name=tj_trmap class=mnav>地图</a> <a href=http://v.baidu.com name=tj_trvideo class=mnav>视频</a> <a href=http://tieba.baidu.com name=tj_trtieba class=mnav>贴吧</a> <noscript> <a href=http://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2f%3fbdorz_come%3d1 name=tj_login class=lb>登录</a> </noscript> <script>document.write('<a href="http://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u='+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href+ (window.location.search === "" ? "?" : "&")+ "bdorz_come=1")+ '" name="tj_login" class="lb">登录</a>');</script> <a href=//www.baidu.com/more/ name=tj_briicon class=bri style="display: block;">更多产品</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id=ftCon> <div id=ftConw> <p id=lh> <a href=http://home.baidu.com>关于百度</a> <a href=http://ir.baidu.com>About Baidu</a> </p> <p id=cp>©2017 Baidu <a href=http://www.baidu.com/duty/>使用百度前必读</a>  <a href=http://jianyi.baidu.com/ class=cp-feedback>意见反馈</a> 京ICP证030173号  <img src=//www.baidu.com/img/gs.gif> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
    * Connection #0 to host www.baidu.com left intact



    netstat -tnlp



    netstat -tnp |wc -l


    ↑ 统计Ip

    netstat -tnp| sed 1,2d| awk '{print $5}' | awk -F : '{print $1}'|sort |uniq -c|sort -nr



    ps aux


    循环打印某进程的cpu mem占用

    for i in {1..20} ;do sleep 1;ps -o %cpu,%mem -p 20444;done


     打印20次cpu mem的数据,并输出平均值

    top -b -d 1 -n 20 -p 20447 >1.txt
    cat 1.txt|awk 'BEGIN {print "cpu mem"}{print $9,$10;sumc+=¥9,summ+=$10}END {print "avgCPU="sumc/NR;print "avgMEM="summ/NR}'
    top -b -d 1 -n 20 -p 20447 |grep --line-buffered 20447 |awk '{print $9,$10}'
    top -b -d 1 -n 20 -p 20447 |grep --line-buffered 20447 |awk 'BEGIN {print "cpu mem"}{print $9,$10;c+=$9;m+=$10}END{print "----";print c/NR,m/NR}'


     nginx 读访问链接的次数

    cat access.log|awk '{print $7}'|sort |uniq -c|sort -k l -nr|grep -v css|grep -v js|grep -v swagger



    cat access.log|awk '{print $7}'|awk -F "=" '{print $1}'|sort |uniq -c|sort -k l -nr|grep -v css|grep -v js|grep -v swagger





    useradd -d /home/undead -m undead
    chown -R undead:undead /home/undead
    chmod 760 /home/undead


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhizhiyin/p/12206547.html
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