13.2 Verilog $clog2 function implemented improperly
The $clog2 function returns the ceiling of the logarithm to the base e (natural logarithm)rather than the ceiling ofHere is a sample Verilog code that uses the $clog2 function,
module tb;
parameter A = $clog2(325);
When 13.2 XST synthesizes the above piece of Verilog,it generatesa value 6 for A instead of an expected value of 9,
The XST parser of ISE 13.2design tools supports Verilog-2001, therefore,customers will not be able to get a proper outputfor $clog2 function.
The Math function $clog2 was incorporated starting from Verilog-2005 (IEEE 1364-2005). Before that, clog2 could be realized as a Constant Function
in Verilog 2001. Following is a samplefunction that can be used insteadfor the $clog2 function to get a proper output:
function integer clog2;
input integer value;
value = value-1;
for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1)
value = value>>1;
The above sample Verilog code with use of this function willnow become as follows:
module tb;
parameter A = clog2(325);
function integer clog2;
input integer value;
value = value-1;
for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1)
value = value>>1;
This issue has been fixed as part of the 14.1 XST release. Also, It is in the road map to support System Verilog, which isa superset of Verilog-2005
using Xilinx tools and would include all advanced functionsmentioned in theLRM.