在《信息系统开发平台OpenExpressApp - 总体架构的由来》中介绍过Mendix,它是一个我比较看好的基于模型驱动开发的软件平台,它的研发负责人Johan den Haan是一个技术牛人,blog上经常发表一些高技术含量的文章,值得大家学习。以下为他2008和2009年的汇总,摘录如下,建议对模型驱动开发感兴趣的朋友可以读一下。
Blog summary for 2009
Top 10 posts
- 15 reasons why you should start using Model Driven Development
- 5 types of Model Driven Software Development
- What every architect should now know about the Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- MDE - Model Driven Engineering - reference guide
- DSL development: 7 recommendations for Domain Specific Language design based on Domain-Driven Design
- SOA is dead; long live Model-Driven SOA
- A Framework for Model-Driven SOA
- 8 reasons why Model-Driven Development is dangerous
- Model Driven Engineering tools compared on user activities
- Architecture requirements for Service-Oriented Business Applications
- MDE - Model Driven Engineering - reference guide: my attempt to given an overview of most of the concepts and terms used in the field of model driven software development.
- 10 Misperceptions and challenges of Model Driven Development
- SOA is dead; long live Model-Driven SOA: a reaction on the SOA is dead discussion at the start of this year. Conclusion: SOA isn’t dead, but we need to develop SOA solutions in a model driven way.
- Roles in Model Driven Engineering: an overview of the new roles in software development when moving to a model driven approach.
- Model Driven Engineering tools compared on user activities: what’s the difference between a DSL tool and a Model Driven Software Factory? How to categorize some well-known tools?
- What every architect should now know about the Service Component Architecture (SCA): an overview of SCA. The standard and how to use it.
- Microblog: news and articles on Model Driven Engineering
- 5 types of Model Driven Software Development: using a metaphor I explained five different model driven software development approaches.
- The Science of Model-Driven SOA: a short overview of two recent scientific publications researching a framework or methodology providing end-to-end guidance and assistance to refine and transform business models created by business experts into IT models and then to IT implementation.
- DSL development: 7 recommendations for Domain Specific Language design based on Domain-Driven Design: in this article I have tried to document my experience in desiging DSLs.
- A Framework for Model-Driven SOA: my first attempt in defining a framework for Model-Driven SOA. What models and transformation do we need and why?
- 8 reasons why Model-Driven Development is dangerous: is MDD the silver bullet? Of course not. You need to be aware of its limits. This article gives an overview of 8 potential dangers or pitfalls of MDD.
- A metaphor for Model Driven Engineering: my favorite metaphor for explaining MDE / MDD to the business.
- From Process Design to Process Automation: the slides of my talk at BPM2009.
- Modeling an organization using Enterprise Ontology: introducing Enterprise Ontology. A formal method to model organizations.
- An Enterprise Ontology based approach to Model-Driven Engineering: an overview of my thesis which presents an approach to MDE based on Enterprise Ontology: Model-Driven Enterprise Engineering.
- Architecture and Engineering in Business Engineering: software built by people who understand the business and who are able to express that knowledge in formal models.
- 10 things you should know about Model Driven Development: an overview of my talk at the Devnology community day. An introduction to MDD with some highlights of more advanced topics.
- 15 reasons why you should start using Model Driven Development: why MDD? What are the advantages of MDD, MDE, MDA or other model-driven related acronyms?
Blog overview 2008
Top 10 posts
- MDA, Model DrivenArchitecture, basic concepts
- ModelDriven Engineering
- Architecture,a definition (not from this year, but still popular)
- Architecturerequirements for Service-Oriented Business Applications
- Combininggeneral purpose languages and domain specific languages for Model DrivenEngineering
- SOAand Human Interaction (not from this year, but still popular)
- MDAand Model Transformation
- OSGiquick start
- SOAand Service Identification (not from this year, but still popular)
I just want to give a recent post specialattention because it’s a first attempt to bridge my interest in both enterprisearchitecture and model driven engineering: Theplace of Architecture in Model-Driven Engineering.
- ModelDriven Architecture (MDA) special interest group on LinkedIn: I started aspecial interest group for MDA on LinkedIn. Until now over 1500 members havejoined this group. You can still jointoday!
- MDA, Model DrivenArchitecture, basic concepts: post explaining the basic concepts of MDA asdefined by the OMG.
- SOA Approach to Integration: bookreview.
- MDAand Model Transformation: overview of model transformation approaches and away to classify them.
- ModelDriven Engineering: post introducing Model Driven Engineering (MDE) as abroader concept as MDA. James Taylor had a nice follow-uparticle explaining how MDE shouldn’t only focus on developer productivity, becausethe model that should drive the engineering is a business model, not atechnical one.
- Springtime…: changed the whole appearance of my blog. If you have suggestions forimprovement please feel free to contact me.
- Combininggeneral purpose languages and domain specific languages for Model DrivenEngineering: this article explains the notion of model, metamodel, andmodeling language. It also shows how ontological and linguistic metamodelingcan be combined for defining DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages). This is shownwith an example process modeling DSL. InfoQ picked up the article with this summary.
- Architecturerequirements for Service-Oriented Business Applications: primer onService-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The first part of the article explains theproject types to execute when moving to a SOA and it argues why a SOA is neededif you want to integrate processes. The second part goes into detail aboutservice-oriented development (programming model, service types, implementationand standards). Recently Nick Malik recommended the article in thisblog post, thanks Nick!
- ModelDriven Experience: announcing the first Dutch symposium on Model DrivenDevelopment practices. I’m looking forward to the 2009 edition!
- Qualityin Model-Driven SOBA development: article explaining how an MDE approachfor Service-Oriented Business Applications (SOBA) asks for specific approachesto ensure the quality of the resulting system. Model validation, modelchecking, and model-based testing are described.
- MDAMDD MDE MDSD MDSE: help!: just a fun post on the confusion in MD*abbreviations.
- OSGiquick start: just as the title says, a quick start if you want to startwith OSGi.
- SOAOntology: my comments on SOA Ontology Draft 2.0 published that day by TheOpen Group. InfoQ included the post in their news item onthis draft.
- 8Reasons Why Model-Driven Approaches (will) Fail: post announcing my article (withthe same title) on InfoQ. The article was introduced on InfoQ byJean-Jacques Dubray in this news item.
- DSLand MDE, necessary assets for Model-Driven approaches: article explainingwhat Domain-Specific Languages are, why you should use them, and how they canshould be combined with MDE.
- DSLin the context of UML and GPL: my reaction on a post of Steven Kelly, whichwas a reaction on a post of Cameron Skinner explaining Microsofts view on DSLsand UML. This post is my contribution to the DSL vs UML debate. InfoQ pickedup the discussion with thisitem.
- Thestructure of Domain-Specific Languages: post explaining how the structureof DSLs can differ in two different ways. An intermediate DSL can be a way tohandle the complexity of using multiple DSLs with different structures.
- MoDELS'08: post announcing the MoDELS ’08 conference.
Posts covering the MoDELS ’08 conference:
- MoDELS'08: MDE is a hot topic
- MoDELS'08: Abstraction, the neglected side of modeling
- MoDELS'08: Domain-Specific Modeling
- MoDELS'08: Composition and Analysis of Behavorial Models
- MoDELS'08: The objects and Arrows of Computational Design
- MoDELS'08: Metamodeling and Modularity
- MoDELS'08:Panel discussion on the past & future of MDD
- Domain-SpecificModeling needs multi-models: article explaining the concept ‘multi-model’.It is a more detailed explanation of the combination of MDE with DSLs.
- Theplace of Architecture in Model-Driven Engineering: a first attempt tobridge my interest in both enterprise architecture and model drivenengineering. This article explains what role architecture plays (or can play)in MDE.
- IfProgramming Languages were <T>: just a referrer to a fun post on thecomparison of programming languages with religions, cars, boats, women,girlfriends, subcultures, mixed drinks, music, rock bands, art, languages, andChristmas songs.
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