1、Create github Account (在github网站上创建一个账号)
eg. you used the email: taito@yahoo.com
2、Download && install MsysGit (下载windows平台下的git软件)
Then open the git bash , input the commends
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
Your Name 是你注册时用的用户名
$ git config --global user.email taito@yahoo.com
3、Create SSH-KEY (创建SSH-key)
$ ssh-keygen -C ' taito@yahoo.com' -t rsa
# The git bash ask you to enter something , but you can Skip everything ,
just push the " ENTER " key, when it 's finished,you need open the file: id_rsa.pub
And copy the key.
创建rsa, 一路回车,最后会提示你
Your public key has been saved in .... (某个地方) .pub 文件
登陆git网站,进入你的个人管理平台,创建一个ssh key,title随便填写,下面的key粘贴此段代码。
4、Create first project (创建你的第一个项目)
Loginto the github home and create your first project, Then you can see this page:
Global setup:
Download and install Git
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email squarezw@yahoo.com.cn
Next steps:
mkdir pool
cd pool
git init
touch README
git add README
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin git@github.com:squarezw/pool.git
git push origin master
在你的git bash下完成到这里后,看到成功上传项目后,即可直接跳到最下面的Continue!
如果出现Permission denied (publickey). 一般是你的ssh key没有正确添加。
Existing Git Repo?
cd existing_git_repo
git remote add origin git@github.com:squarezw/pool.git
git push origin master
Importing a Subversion Repo?
Click here
When you're done: