
[OgreVersion( 1, 7, 2790, "Slightly different" )] public void GetCameraToViewportRay( float screenX, float screenY, out Ray ray ) { var inverseVP = ( _projectionMatrix*_viewMatrix ).Inverse(); #if !AXIOM_NO_VIEWPORT_ORIENTATIONMODE // We need to convert screen point to our oriented viewport (temp solution) Real tX = screenX; Real a = (int)OrientationMode*System.Math.PI*0.5f; screenX = System.Math.Cos( a )*( tX - 0.5f ) + System.Math.Sin( a )*( screenY - 0.5f ) + 0.5f; screenY = System.Math.Sin( a )*( tX - 0.5f ) + System.Math.Cos( a )*( screenY - 0.5f ) + 0.5f; if ( ( ( (int)OrientationMode ) & 1 ) == 1 ) { screenY = 1.0f - screenY; } #endif Real nx = ( 2.0f*screenX ) - 1.0f; Real ny = 1.0f - ( 2.0f*screenY ); var nearPoint = new Vector3( nx, ny, -1.0f ); // Use midPoint rather than far point to avoid issues with infinite projection var midPoint = new Vector3( nx, ny, 0.0f ); // Get ray origin and ray target on near plane in world space var rayOrigin = inverseVP*nearPoint; var rayTarget = inverseVP*midPoint; var rayDirection = rayTarget - rayOrigin; rayDirection.Normalize(); ray = new Ray( rayOrigin, rayDirection ); }
那么我们用鼠标点击一下,就是屏幕上的点,如何换算成3D里面的坐标系了,Ogre里的GetCameraToViewportRay就给我们做了一个很好的演视,或者说是把上面的过程反推回去,首先根据点在视图中的位置x/width,y/hight生成0-1的浮点值,在前面我们知道,透视矩阵后的长宽都是-1到1的,所以先要把这里的0,1的值映射成-1,1,很简单2*x-1.需要注意的是,在屏幕里,Y是从上向下,而我们世界坐标系Y是从下向上,所以首先把y倒过来取负.x与y确定后,z值不确定.这很正常,二维变成三维,本来就少一维的信息,在这里我们生成射线就好说了,分别是近点z=-1,和远点z=1生成射线就行,这边没取z=1,而是z=0,代码上有解释,中间的点比最远的的那点好,避免无限远投影的问题.那么在这我们就生成了原经过透视矩阵后的坐标,如果把这坐标换成世界坐标了,很简单来,原来是世界坐标经过视图与透视矩阵后成透视坐标,我们只要把对应透视坐标剩以视图与透视矩阵的逆矩阵就成了世界坐标系中的位置.我们知道矩阵剩以他自己的逆矩阵等于1.根据这两点最后生成射线表示法的一种.P(t) = P0 + t*D.P0是原点,D是方向,t是沿方向D前进的长度.

public void HitTest(Ray ray) { foreach (var p in this) { Sphere sphere = new Sphere(this.Parent.PointNode.FullTransform * p.VertexInfo.Position, this.Scale); var result = Utility.Intersects(ray, sphere); if (result.Hit) { this.SelectPoint = p; break; } } }

/// <summary> /// 3D数学基础:图形与游戏开发 里的算法,二射线相交检测 /// </summary> /// <param name="ray1"></param> /// <param name="ray2"></param> /// <param name="deviation">ray1与ray2最近距离误差范围</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Tuple<bool, Real, Real, Vector3, Vector3> RayIntersectsRay(this Ray ray1, Ray ray2, float deviation) { var OfO = ray2.Origin - ray1.Origin; var DxD = ray1.Direction.Cross(ray2.Direction); //平行 if (DxD == Vector3.Zero) { //1重合,2不重合,重合也相当于hit. float limit = 0.00001f; var t = ray2.Origin.x - ray1.Origin.x; var v = ray1.Origin + ray1.Direction * t; //查看ray2.Origin是否在ray1.Origin射线中 if (v.DifferenceLessThan(ray2.Origin, limit)) { return Tuple.Create(true, (Real)t, (Real)0, v, ray2.Origin); } return Tuple.Create(false, (Real)0, (Real)0, Vector3.Invalid, Vector3.Invalid); } else { var t1 = OfO.Cross(ray2.Direction).Dot(DxD) / DxD.Dot(DxD); var t2 = OfO.Cross(ray1.Direction).Dot(DxD) / DxD.Dot(DxD); var p1 = ray1.Origin + ray1.Direction * t1; var p2 = ray2.Origin + ray2.Direction * t2; bool bHit = (p1 - p2).Length < deviation; return Tuple.Create(bHit, t1, t2, p1, p2); } }

public void HitTest(Ray ray) { foreach (var line in this) { var p1 = this.Parent.LineNode.FullTransform * this.Parent[line.Index[0]]; var p2 = this.Parent.LineNode.FullTransform * this.Parent[line.Index[1]]; //3D数学基础:图形与游戏开发 里的算法,二射线相交检测 //s1 ray s2 (p1 + (p2-p1)*t) Ray ray0 = new Ray(p1, (p2 - p1).ToNormalized()); var hitResult = ray0.RayIntersectsRay(ray, this.Scale); if (hitResult.Item1) { var t = hitResult.Item2; if (t >= 0 && t <= (p2 - p1).Length) { this.SelectLine = line; break; } } } }

public void HitTest(Ray ray) { foreach (var surface in this) { foreach (var tri in surface.Triangles) { var matrix = this.Parent.LineNode.FullTransform; var p1 = matrix * this.Parent[tri.sharedVertIndex[0]]; var p2 = matrix * this.Parent[tri.sharedVertIndex[1]]; var p3 = matrix * this.Parent[tri.sharedVertIndex[2]]; var result = ray.RayIntersectsTriangle(p1, p2, p3); if (result.Item1) { this.SelectSurface = surface; break; } } } } public static System.Tuple<bool, Vector3> RayIntersectsTriangle(this Ray ray, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) { // Place the end beyond any conceivable triangle, 1000 meters away var start = ray.Origin; var end = start + ray.Direction * 1000000f; var pq = end - start; var pa = a - start; var pb = b - start; var pc = c - start; // Test if pq is inside the edges bc, ca and ab. Done by testing // that the signed tetrahedral volumes, computed using scalar triple // products, are all positive var result = Tuple.Create(false, Vector3.Invalid); float u = pq.Cross(pc).Dot(pb); if (u < 0.0f) { return result; } float v = pq.Cross(pa).Dot(pc); if (v < 0.0f) { return result; } float w = pq.Cross(pb).Dot(pa); if (w < 0.0f) { return result; } var denom = 1.0f / (u + v + w); // Finally fill in the intersection point var where = (u * a + v * b + w * c) * denom; return Tuple.Create(true, where); }
经过上面点,线,面选择后,我们来完善前面没有完善的地方,在上面截图控件上方,手掌一样的东东用来移动模型,最开始直接用鼠标移动来对应物体的x,y移动,当然效果烂的要命,网上搜了一下,都没昨讲.没有办法,只有自己动手了,前面我们看到Ray的生成过程,鼠标点击后,这点映射成三维里的,x,y好确定,唯一没想通如何确定z值.后面在脑海里把视截体想了下,如果能确定我们要移动的目标在视截体距离近截面和远截面的位置(后面发现只要用到与近截面的距离,具体后面再来说),不就可以根据这个比例映射在ray上的长度,就是前面P(t) = P0 + t*D.这里面的t值.

if (EngineCore.Instance.ActionType != ActionType.None) { EngineCore.Instance.Select = true; //hitD = this.Camera; this.viewZ = this.Camera.FrustumPlanes[0].GetDistance(node.DerivedPosition); }

public override void MouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { int offsetX = e.X - prePoint.X; int offsetY = e.Y - prePoint.Y; if (offsetX == 0 && offsetY == 0) return; if (Control.MouseButtons == MouseButtons.Left) { if (EngineCore.Instance.Select) { var node = EngineCore.Instance.ViewNode; if (EngineCore.Instance.ActionType == ActionType.Translate) { var ray = this.CreateViewportRay(e.X, e.Y); var pos = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * this.viewZ; node.DerivedPosition = pos; } else if (EngineCore.Instance.ActionType == ActionType.Rotate) { node.Yaw((Real)(new Degree((Real)(offsetX * 0.15f)))); node.Pitch((Real)(new Degree((Real)(offsetY * 0.15f)))); } else if (EngineCore.Instance.ActionType == ActionType.Scale) { } } else { Real dist = (this.camera.Position - EngineCore.Instance.ViewNode.DerivedPosition).Length; this.camera.Position = EngineCore.Instance.ViewNode.DerivedPosition; this.camera.Yaw((Real)(new Degree((Real)(-offsetX * 0.25f)))); this.camera.Pitch((Real)(new Degree((Real)(-offsetY * 0.25f)))); this.camera.MoveRelative(new Vector3(0, 0, dist)); EngineCore.Instance.AxisNode.Yaw((Real)(new Degree((Real)(-offsetX * 0.25f)))); EngineCore.Instance.AxisNode.Pitch((Real)(new Degree((Real)(-offsetY * 0.25f)))); } } this.renderWindow.Update(); prePoint = e.Location; base.MouseMove(e); }
新的一年第一天,确定今年主要自学内容,C++ 11与Ogre,在这个项目完成后,主要重新啃C++,最好能用Ogre实现一些功能.