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  • HDU-4675 GCD of Sequence 数学


      题意:给一个大小为N的数列a[i],然后一个数M以及一个数K,要你求得一个数列b[i],其中b[i]有K个数与a[i]中的不相同,使得gcd(b[i])=j。对于每个 j ,求出满足的b[i]的个数。。

      首先我们统计数列a[i]每个数的个数,假设现在求gcd(b[i])=j,那么可以在t=M/j的时间内求出 j 的倍数的个数cnt。那么就相当于在cnt个中选择N-K个不变C(cnt,N-K),在剩下的 j 的倍数中有(t-1)^(cnt-t)种,非 j 的倍数中有t^(N-cnt)种,那么就是C(cnt,N-K)*(t-1)^(cnt-t)*t^(N-cnt)。这里求出的是gcd(b[i])为 j 的倍数的情况,还要减去2*j,3*j...的数目,因此 j 从M开始倒推就可以了,减去ans[2*j],ans[3*j]...

      1 //STATUS:C++_AC_1796MS_6144KB
      2 #include <functional>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 #include <iostream>
      5 //#include <ext/rope>
      6 #include <fstream>
      7 #include <sstream>
      8 #include <iomanip>
      9 #include <numeric>
     10 #include <cstring>
     11 #include <cassert>
     12 #include <cstdio>
     13 #include <string>
     14 #include <vector>
     15 #include <bitset>
     16 #include <queue>
     17 #include <stack>
     18 #include <cmath>
     19 #include <ctime>
     20 #include <list>
     21 #include <set>
     22 #include <map>
     23 using namespace std;
     24 //#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:102400000,102400000")
     25 //using namespace __gnu_cxx;
     26 //define
     27 #define pii pair<int,int>
     28 #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
     29 #define lson l,mid,rt<<1
     30 #define rson mid+1,r,rt<<1|1
     31 #define PI acos(-1.0)
     32 //typedef
     33 typedef __int64 LL;
     34 typedef unsigned __int64 ULL;
     35 //const
     36 const int N=300010;
     37 const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
     38 const LL MOD=1000000007,STA=8000010;
     39 const LL LNF=1LL<<55;
     40 const double EPS=1e-9;
     41 const double OO=1e50;
     42 const int dx[4]={-1,0,1,0};
     43 const int dy[4]={0,1,0,-1};
     44 const int day[13]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
     45 //Daily Use ...
     46 inline int sign(double x){return (x>EPS)-(x<-EPS);}
     47 template<class T> T gcd(T a,T b){return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;}
     48 template<class T> T lcm(T a,T b){return a/gcd(a,b)*b;}
     49 template<class T> inline T lcm(T a,T b,T d){return a/d*b;}
     50 template<class T> inline T Min(T a,T b){return a<b?a:b;}
     51 template<class T> inline T Max(T a,T b){return a>b?a:b;}
     52 template<class T> inline T Min(T a,T b,T c){return min(min(a, b),c);}
     53 template<class T> inline T Max(T a,T b,T c){return max(max(a, b),c);}
     54 template<class T> inline T Min(T a,T b,T c,T d){return min(min(a, b),min(c,d));}
     55 template<class T> inline T Max(T a,T b,T c,T d){return max(max(a, b),max(c,d));}
     56 //End
     58 LL C[N],ans[N];
     59 int cnt[N];
     60 int n,m,k;
     62 void exgcd(LL a,LL b,LL &d,LL &x,LL &y)
     63 {
     64     if(!b){d=a;x=1;y=0;}
     65     else {exgcd(b,a%b,d,y,x);y-=x*(a/b);}
     66 }
     68 LL inv(LL a)
     69 {
     70     LL d,x,y;
     71     exgcd(a,MOD,d,x,y);
     72     return (x+MOD)%MOD;
     73 }
     75 LL mulpow(LL n,int m)
     76 {
     77     LL ret=1;
     78     for(;m;m>>=1){
     79         if(m&1)ret=(ret*n)%MOD;
     80         n=(n*n)%MOD;
     81     }
     82     return ret;
     83 }
     85 int main(){
     86  //   freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
     87     int i,j,a,tot,t,p;
     88     LL s;
     89     while(~scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k))
     90     {
     91         C[t=n-k]=1;
     92         for(i=t+1;i<=n;i++){
     93             C[i]=(i*C[i-1]%MOD*inv(i-t))%MOD;
     94         }
     95         mem(cnt,0);
     96         for(i=0;i<n;i++){
     97             scanf("%d",&a);
     98             cnt[a]++;
     99         }
    100         for(i=m;i>=1;i--){
    101             tot=cnt[i];s=0;
    102             for(j=i+i;j<=m;j+=i){
    103                 tot+=cnt[j];
    104                 s=(s+ans[j])%MOD;
    105             }
    106             if(t>tot)ans[i]=0;
    107             else {
    108                 p=m/i;
    109                 ans[i]=(C[tot]*mulpow(p-1,tot-t)%MOD*mulpow(p,n-tot))%MOD;
    110                 ans[i]=(ans[i]-s+MOD)%MOD;
    111             }
    112         }
    114         printf("%I64d",ans[1]);
    115         for(i=2;i<=m;i++)
    116             printf(" %I64d",ans[i]);
    117         putchar('
    118     }
    119     return 0;
    120 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhsl/p/3258772.html
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