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  • list2SQL.py

    import pymssql
    import logging
    import math
    import datetime
    from DataCleaning.library.functions.processBar import *

    def list2SQL(cursor, list0, tempTableName, titleList, typeList, appendOnly = False):
    # require list in the format: [
    # [row 1],
    # [row 2],
    # ...
    # ]
    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    processBar(context="inserting data...")
    logging.info("inserting table: " + tempTableName)
    sqlDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempTableName
    sqlCreate, tempTitle2 = generateSQLCreate(titleList, typeList, tempTableName)
    # run corresponding queries to drop and create tempTableName
    if appendOnly == False:
    # logging.info("successfully DROPPED table: " + tempTableName)
    # logging.info("creating table: " + tempTableName + " by using SQL: " + sqlCreate)
    logging.info("successfully CREATED table: " + tempTableName)
    rounds = math.ceil(len(list0)/1000)
    for i in range(rounds):
    start = i * 1000
    if i != rounds - 1:
    end = (i + 1) * 1000
    end = len(list0)
    # tempList = [""] * (end - start)
    # for j in range(len(tempList)):
    # tempList[j] = "('" + "','".join(list0[start + j]) + "')"
    tempList = []
    for j in range(start, end):
    tempString = "('" + "','".join(list0[j]) + "')"
    tempList.append(tempString.replace("'NULL'", "NULL"))

    tempValues = ",".join(tempList)

    sqlExecute = generateInsert(tempTableName, tempTitle2, tempValues)

    # try:
    # cursor.execute(sqlExecute)
    # logging.info("successfully inserted " + str((i + 1) * 1000) + " lines.")
    # except Exception as error:
    # print(sqlExecute)
    # print(error)
    # logging.info(sqlExecute)

    processBar(i, rounds)
    # logging.info("successfully inserted " + str((i + 1) * 1000) + " lines.")

    # initialize sqls after execution
    sqlExecute = ""
    logging.info("successfully inserted " + str(len(list0)) + " lines to table " + tempTableName)
    endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    logging.info("time spent on inserting " + tempTableName + ": " + str(endTime - startTime))

    # generate the sql which creates an empty table with col properties with name tempTableName
    def generateSQLCreate(titleList, typeList, tempTableName):
    # for creation purpose, with format: "col1 varchar(255), ..., colN varchar(255)"
    tempTitle = ""
    # for insertion purpose, with format: "col1 , ..., colN"
    tempTitle2 = ""
    # fill tempTitle and tempTitle2
    for i in range(len(titleList)):
    tempTitle += titleList[i] + ' ' + typeList[i] + ', '
    tempTitle2 += titleList[i] + ','
    tempTitle = tempTitle.strip().strip(",")
    tempTitle2 = tempTitle2.strip(",")
    sqlCreate = "CREATE TABLE " + tempTableName + "(" + tempTitle + ")"
    return sqlCreate, tempTitle2

    # generate SQL to INSERT
    def generateInsert(tempTableName, tempTitle, sqlTemp):
    return("insert into " + tempTableName + "(" + tempTitle + ") values " + sqlTemp)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhulimin/p/15369482.html
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