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  • 多es 集群数据迁移方案


    加入新公司的第二个星期的星期二 遇到另一个项目需要技术性支持:验证es多集群的数据备份方案,需要我参与验证,在这个项目中需要关注到两个集群的互通性。es集群是部署在不同的k8s环境中,K8s环境未必可以互相通信。在这个过程中也遇到很多问题,关关难过关关过。



    • k8s版本:1.18.3

    • es版本:7.8

    • logstash版本:7.8

    • ceph: s3


    -方案1 : logstash

    es 双集群环境

    [root@localhost a]# ctl get po -n a
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz   1/1     Running   0          23h
    elasticsearch-data-0                    1/1     Running   0          23h
    elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-z7q4z   1/1     Running   0          23h
    logstash-69f7b75f5-vl4k2                1/1     Running   0          23h
    [root@localhost a]# ctl get po -n b
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    elasticsearch-client-84f954845b-4tj2s   1/1     Running   0          2d1h
    elasticsearch-data-0                    1/1     Running   0          2d1h
    elasticsearch-master-58b5bf9d-62nfg     1/1     Running   0          2d1h



     * @Author: anchnet
     * @Description:
     * @File:  main.go
     * @Version: 1.0.0
     * @Date: 2021/7/2 13:07
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
    	var (
    		count int    // 起始数
    		total int    // 截至数
    		index string // index
    		id    string // id
    		title string // title
    	flag.IntVar(&count, "c", 1, "起始数")
    	flag.IntVar(&total, "e", 1, "截至数")
    	flag.StringVar(&index, "i", "", "index")
    	flag.StringVar(&id, "d", "", "id")
    	flag.StringVar(&title, "t", "", "title")
    	// 解析参数
    	if index == "" {
    		index = "demo"
    	if id == "" {
    		id = "id_1"
    	if title == "" {
    		title = "安畅"
    	fmt.Println("count:", count)
    	fmt.Println("total:", total)
    	fmt.Println("index:", index)
    	fmt.Println("id:", id)
    	fmt.Println("title:", title)
    	addresses := []string{""}
    	config := elasticsearch.Config{
    		Addresses: addresses,
    		Username:  "elastic",
    		Password:  "l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU",
    		CloudID:   "",
    		APIKey:    "",
    	// new client
    	es, err := elasticsearch.NewClient(config)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println(err, "Error creating the client")
    	//Get(*es, index, id)
    	//Update(*es, index, id)
    	//Get(*es, index, id)
    	create(*es, index, count, total)
    	//Search(*es, index, title)
    	elapsed := time.Since(start)
    	fmt.Println("该函数执行完成耗时:", elapsed)
    func create(es elasticsearch.Client, index string, count int, total int) bool {
    	//var wg sync.WaitGroup
    	// Create creates a new document in the index.
    	// Returns a 409 response when a document with a same ID already exists in the index.
    	for i := count; i < total; i++ {
    		k := strconv.Itoa(i)
    		var buf bytes.Buffer
    		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test.log") // just pass the file name
    		if err != nil {
    		doc := map[string]interface{}{
    			"title":   "安畅是一家怎么样的公司呢?" + k,
    			"content": content,
    			"time":    time.Now().Unix(),
    			"date":    time.Now(),
    		if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(doc); err != nil {
    			fmt.Println(err, "Error encoding doc")
    			return false
    		func() {
    			time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
    			res, err := es.Create(index, "idx_"+k, &buf)
    			if err != nil {
    				fmt.Println(err, "Error create response")
    			defer res.Body.Close()
    	return true
    //go run main.go -c 3 -e 10000



    # kubectl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz  -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_cat/indices
    yellow open demo                        sOGM8_9UTnuEUyCpLRx6Mg 1 1  10000     0 74.3mb 74.3mb


    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: logstash-config
      namespace: a 
      containers.conf: |
        input {
          elasticsearch {
             hosts => ["http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200"]
             user => "elastic"
             password => "l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU"
             index => "demo"
             #size => 10000
           #  scroll => "1m"
            # codec => "json"
             #docinfo => true
         #filter {
           #sleep {
             #time => "1"
             #every => 10
        output {
          elasticsearch {
             hosts => ["elasticsearch-client.b:9200"]
             user => "elastic"
             password => "bcsvxqPxIKIJ5p5e20zZ"
             index => "demo"
             document_type => "%{[@metadata][_type]}"
             document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
        # stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }


    PS:在反复验证下 在现有集群环境下,在数据量为74.3M 时,由a es集群向b集群 数据传输的时间大约为3S.


    • 推荐此方案
    • 已解决的问题:1、es官方镜像与s3插件的集成 2、bucket的权限问题 3、es配置重载 4、a es集群向s3快照 到b es集群恢复



    FROM elasticsearch:7.8.0
    ADD https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch-plugins/repository-s3/repository-s3-7.8.0.zip /usr/share/elasticsearch/
    RUN yes | elasticsearch-plugin install file:///usr/share/elasticsearch/repository-s3-7.8.0.zip

    创建s3 bucket

    # s3cmd ls | grep zisefeizhu
    2021-07-06 09:24  s3://zisefeizhu
    # s3cmd info s3://zisefeizhu
    s3://zisefeizhu/ (bucket):
       Location:  default
       Payer:     BucketOwner
       Expiration Rule: none
       Policy:    none
       CORS:      none
       ACL:       *anon*: READ
       ACL:       anchnet: FULL_CONTROL
      # s3cmd setacl s3://zisefeizhu/ --acl-public --recursive

    es 结合s3

    以下操作在a es 集群的每个Pod 上执行

    # elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
    # elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
    # elasticsearch-keystore list


    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository  -d '
      "type": "s3",
      "settings": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "bucket": "s3://zisefeizhu",
        "base_path": "/zisefeizhu", 
        "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec": "200mb", 
         "max_restore_bytes_per_sec": "200mb"


    {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"repository_verification_exception","reason":"[s3_obs_repository] path [/zisefeizhu] is not accessible on master node"}],"type":"repository_verification_exception","reason":"[s3_obs_repository] path [/zisefeizhu] is not accessible on master node","caused_by":{"type":"i_o_exception","reason":"Unable to upload object [/zisefeizhu/tests-FLt0bsA2QcCTc_l9JeO78w/master.dat] using a single upload","caused_by":{"type":"sdk_client_exception","reason":"sdk_client_exception: Failed to connect to service endpoint: ","caused_by":{"type":"i_o_exception","reason":"Connect timed out"}}}},"status":500}

    PS:master node 无法访问base_path ????
    master node 也已经添加了s3的访问权限、且s3的bucket 也已经公开了权限。

    es 与ceph s3 关联问题解决

    1、es 集群的master节点和data节点 增加 s3的key

    # kubectl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz  -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU -XPOST http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_nodes/reload_secure_settings


    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository  -d '
        "type": "s3",
        "settings": {
           "endpoint": "",
           "bucket": "zisefeizhu",
           "base_path": "/zisefeizhu", 
           "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec": "200mb", 
           "max_restore_bytes_per_sec": "200mb"
    ## 成功会返回:
    ## 查看
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XGET http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/_all
    ## 删除
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XDELETE http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository


    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/snapshot_zisefeizhu  -d '
      "indices": "demo",
      "ignore_unavailable": true,
      "include_global_state": false
    ## s3 查看快照大小
    # s3cmd du -H s3://zisefeizhu
      74M      41 objects s3://zisefeizhu/   #和demo 索引大小一致
    ## 查看仓库下的所有快照
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XGET http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/_all
    ## 查看 snapshot_zisefeizhu 快照的概要状态
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XGET http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/snapshot_zisefeizhu
    ## 查看 snapshot_zisefeizhu 快照的详细状态
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XGET http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/snapshot_zisefeizhu/_status
    ## 删除快照
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-gnrjz -n a -- curl -u elastic:l605eslS0mYOYEB4grNU  -XDELETE http://elasticsearch-client.a:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/snapshot_zisefeizhu
    • ignore_unavailable true 在创建快照的过程中会忽略快照请求中不存在的索引。
    • ignore_unavailable 的默认值为false,即如果要做快照的索引不存在,快照请求就会失败。
    • include_global_state false 能够防止集群的全局状态被作为快照的一部分存储起来。
    • include_global_state的默认值为true
    • partial默认值是false,如果快照中的一个或多个主分片不是可用状态,集群会等待直到主分片全部可用才开始做快照。 通过设置 partial 为 true 可以忽略主分片全部可用检查直接做快照。

    b集群增加s3 key

    # ctl get po -n b
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26   1/1     Running   0          4m7s
    elasticsearch-data-0                    1/1     Running   0          4m12s
    elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp   1/1     Running   0          4m13s
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 -n b -- bash
    [root@elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-plugin list
    [root@elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore list
    [root@elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.access_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.secret_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 elasticsearch]# exit
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-data-0 -n b -- bash
    [root@elasticsearch-data-0 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.access_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-data-0 elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.secret_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-data-0 elasticsearch]# exit
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp -n b -- bash
    [root@elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.access_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
    Enter value for s3.client.default.secret_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp elasticsearch]# elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
    Setting s3.client.default.secret_key already exists. Overwrite? [y/N]y
    Enter value for s3.client.default.secret_key: 
    [root@elasticsearch-master-7569856dd7-828hp elasticsearch]# exit
    ## 重载配置
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26  -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY -XPOST http://elasticsearch-client.b:9200/_nodes/reload_secure_settings


    # ctl exec -it  elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT http://elasticsearch-client.b:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository  -d '
         "type": "s3",
         "settings": {
            "endpoint": "",
            "bucket": "zisefeizhu",
            "base_path": "/zisefeizhu", 
            "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec": "200mb", 
            "max_restore_bytes_per_sec": "200mb"


    ### b集群已有索引
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26  -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY http://elasticsearch-client.B:9200/_cat/indices
    green open .monitoring-es-7-2021.07.13 iPnlqDtXSja5sUiGRC9xqg 1 0 32 2  262kb  262kb
    green open .security-7                 lB-855UKS_CKJrefolaN8g 1 0  7 0 23.7kb 23.7kb
    ### 在b集群查看a集群的快照
    # ctl exec -it  elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY  -XGET http://elasticsearch-client.b:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/_all?pretty=true
      "snapshots" : [
          "snapshot" : "snapshot_zisefeizhu",
          "uuid" : "eG6ndGcGRX61CnnTJzI50w",
          "version_id" : 7080099,
          "version" : "7.8.0",
          "indices" : [
          "include_global_state" : false,
          "state" : "SUCCESS",
          "start_time" : "2021-07-13T05:30:40.333Z",
          "start_time_in_millis" : 1626154240333,
          "end_time" : "2021-07-13T05:30:53.365Z",
          "end_time_in_millis" : 1626154253365,
          "duration_in_millis" : 13032,
          "failures" : [ ],
          "shards" : {
            "total" : 1,
            "failed" : 0,
            "successful" : 1
    ### 在b集群恢复快照
    # ctl exec -it  elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26 -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST http://elasticsearch-client.b:9200/_snapshot/s3_obs_repository/snapshot_zisefeizhu/_restore  -d '
    "indices": "demo",
    "index_settings": {
      "index.number_of_replicas": 1  //副本数
    "rename_pattern": "demo",
    "rename_replacement": "demo_s3"
    ## 查看b集群索引
    # ctl exec -it elasticsearch-client-7bf748d697-tfh26  -n b -- curl -u elastic:ygYv2Zj7kCiIr3rTpSpY http://elasticsearch-client.b:9200/_cat/indices | grep demo
    yellow open demo                        Avsk9cr9RvSQTEIHxGUHHg 1 1 10000 0   74.3mb   74.3mb           

    • 方案二 完美结束


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zisefeizhu/p/15021086.html
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