CREATE procedure [dbo].[cp_User_Increment] @channelId int, @currentPage int, @pageSize int, @userId int as if @channelId<=0 begin select CurrentTime, Count from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CurrentTime DESC) AS RowNum from ( select CONVERT(varchar(12), AddTime, 111 ) as CurrentTime, COUNT(1) as Count from Users where IsDel=0 and ChannelId in (select ChannelId from Channel_User where UserId=@userId) group by CONVERT(varchar(12), AddTime, 111) )a )b where RowNum BETWEEN (@currentPage-1)*@pageSize+1 and @currentPage*@pageSize end else begin select CurrentTime, Count from ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CurrentTime DESC) AS RowNum from ( select CONVERT(varchar(12), AddTime, 111 ) as CurrentTime, COUNT(1) as Count from Users where IsDel=0 and ChannelId=@channelId and ChannelId in (select ChannelId from Channel_User where UserId=@userId) group by CONVERT(varchar(12), AddTime, 111) )a )b where RowNum BETWEEN (@currentPage-1)*@pageSize+1 and @currentPage*@pageSize end GO