- there is one node designated as the root, denoted root(T);
- the remaining nodes are partitioned into subsets T1, T2, ..., Tm, each of which is also a tree (subtrees).
It is often more convenient to represent an ordered tree as a rooted binary tree, so that each node can be stored in the same amount of memory. The conversion is performed by the following steps:
- remove all edges from each node to its children;
- for each node, add an edge to its first child in T (if any) as the left child;
- for each node, add an edge to its next sibling in T (if any) as the right child.
This is illustrated by the following:
0 0 / | / 1 2 3 ===> 1 / 4 5 2 / 4 3 5
In most cases, the height of the tree (the number of edges in the longest root-to-leaf path) increases after the conversion. This is undesirable because the complexity of many algorithms on trees depends on its height.
You are asked to write a program that computes the height of the tree before and after the conversion.
The input is given by a number of lines giving the directions taken in a depth-first traversal of the trees. There is one line for each tree. For example, the tree above would give dudduduudu, meaning 0 down to 1, 1 up to 0, 0 down to 2, etc. The input is terminated by a line whose first character is #. You may assume that each tree has at least 2 and no more than 10000 nodes.
For each tree, print the heights of the tree before and after the conversion specified above. Use the format:
where t is the case number (starting from 1), h1 is the height of the tree before the conversion, and h2 is the height of the tree after the conversion.Tree t: h1 => h2
Sample Input
dudduduudu ddddduuuuu dddduduuuu dddduuduuu #
Sample Output
Tree 1: 2 => 4
Tree 2: 5 => 5
Tree 3: 4 => 5
Tree 4: 4 => 4
由于多叉树转二叉树的方法是"左儿子右兄弟",因此 二叉树中X节点的高=二叉树中X的父节点的高+X是第几个儿子
形成了一个递归定义. 可以用递归算法解决.
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string s; int i,n=0,height1,height2; void find(int level1,int level2)//第一个变量是用来测改变前的,第二个是用来测改变后的 { int tempson=0; while (s[i]=='d') { i++; tempson++; //tempson是记录这是第几个儿子的 find(level1+1,level2+tempson);</span> //递归更新查找最大的高度 } if(level1>height1) height1=level1; if( level2>height2) height2=level2; i++; int main() { cin>>s; while (s!="#") { i=height1=height2=0; find(0,0); cout<<"Tree "<<++n<<": "<<height1<<" => "<<height2<<endl; cin>>s; } return 0; }