“I see no alpha or beta for RHEL-8 anywhere.”
Since each major RHEL version is generally based on a particular version of Fedora, there is certainly no need for an alpha. So, the corresponding Fedora version will directly serve as entry into the beta phase!
The release of Fedora 26 has been announced for June of this year (see I expected that roughly at this point Red Hat will start the beta phase of RHEL8, which will be based on that Fedora release.
Looking at the release interval of the last three major versions of RHEL (with three and a half year in between of each new release), I would expect RHEL 8 coming out at the end of this or beginning of next year – given the fact
that RHEL7 has been released in June of 2014…
So, I expect the first beta version of RHEL8 in summer of this year with a period of roughly another half year.