[root@localhost core]# ./bootstrap.sh
[root@localhost core]# ./configure --with-startup=systemd
[root@localhost core]# make
[root@localhost core]# make install
[root@localhost core]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@localhost core]# systemctl start core-daemon.service
[root@localhost core]# core-gui
[root@localhost 桌面]# . iptables_core.sh
[root@localhost 桌面]# systemctl restart firewalld.service
在CORE中,执行 /root/.core/configs/m-MPE-manet.imn 但是,不能正常初始化。
查看日志文件 /var/log/core-daemon.log ,内容如下,有RTNETLINK错误。
使用uname -r查看内核版本
使用命令 yum install kernel-modules-extra-`uname -r`进行安装
//How To Install Docker on Fedora 23
//docker 1.9.1
dnf update
dnf install docker-io
systemctl start docker
systemctl status docker
systemctl enable docker
dnf remove docker-io
rm /var/lib/docker/ -rf
//docker 1.11.1
dnf update
dnf install docker-engine
dnf remove docker-engine
ls /etc/systemd/system
ls /usr/lib/systemd/system
ls /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
rm /var/lib/docker/overlay/ -rf
rm /var/lib/docker/ -rf
systemctl start docker.service
systemctl restart docker.service
systemctl stop docker.service
systemctl status docker.service
//List Containers
docker ps
docker ps -a
docker ps -l
//Attach to a Specific Container
docker attach 9c09acd48a25
//View Logs for a Docker Container 2c9d5e12800e
docker logs 2c9d5e12800e
[root@localhost 桌面]# . iptables_core.sh
[root@localhost 桌面]# systemctl restart firewalld.service
Under the Session Menu, the Options... dialog has an option to set a control network prefix.
This can be set to a network prefix such as
[root@n6 n6.conf]#
route add default gw
route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf
ping www.bupt.edu.cn
docker search centos
docker pull centos
docker images
docker rmi 778a53015523
docker tag 40467a0b3d66 centos:core
docker tag 44776f55294a ubuntu:core
docker run hello-world
docker run centos echo "hello world!"
docker run ubuntu echo "hello world!"
docker run ubuntu:core echo "hello world!"
docker run -it busybox /bin/sh
docker run --rm -it busybox /bin/sh
docker tag 307ac631f1b5 docker.io/busybox:core
docker run --rm -it busybox:core /bin/sh
docker run -v /tmp/dockerdev:/dev -it --rm centos:core bash
docker run -d --net host --name coreDock busybox /bin/sh
docker ps -a
brctl show
ldd $(which docker)
ps aux |grep docker
docker daemon &
docker daemon --storage-driver=overlay &
docker daemon -s devicemapper &
docker daemon -s overlay &
docker images
docker tag 778a53015523 centos:core
# auto-generated by Docker (docker.py)
#echo "nameserver" > /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
#docker daemon -s devicemapper
docker daemon -D -s overlay
# you could add a command to start a image here eg:
# docker run -d --net host --name coreDock <imagename>
How to examine the Docker daemon log file
Docker daemon log locations depend on the operating system. A good outline is in this stackoverflow question (http://stackoverflow.com/a/30970134/235000) on the matter. In summary:
Older Ubuntu - /var/log/upstart/docker.log
Boot2Docker - /var/log/docker.log
Debian GNU/Linux - /var/log/daemon.log
CentOS - /var/log/daemon.log | grep docker
Fedora - journalctl -fu docker.service
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - /var/log/messages | grep docker
OpenSuSE/Ubuntu - journalctl -fu docker.service