Prelude> import Control.Concurrent
Prelude Control.Concurrent>
Control.Concurrent 模块属于标准库,不需要安装。
forkIO threadDelay
data ThreadId
代表线程句柄的类型。forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
创建线程返回线程句柄,在新的线程中运行指定的 IO 操作。threadDelay :: Int -> IO ()
当前线程挂起 n 微秒(百万分之一秒,10负6次方分之一秒)。
示例 1
module Threads where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
main = do
-- Synchronously perform some work.
printMessagesFrom "main"
-- Fork a new thread to do some work in the background.
forkIO $ printMessagesFrom "fork"
-- Fork another thread using an inline function!
forkIO $ do
putStrLn "starting!"
sleepMs 5
putStrLn "ending!"
-- Wait for threads to finish.
sleepMs 10
-- A simple function that prints three messages with a little delay between them.
printMessagesFrom name = for_ [1..3] printMessage
where printMessage i = do
sleepMs 1
putStrLn (name ++ " number " ++ show i)
-- A utility function - threadDelay takes microseconds, which is slightly annoying.
sleepMs n = threadDelay (n * 1000)
*Threads> main
main number 1
main number 2
main number 3
fork number 1
fork number 2
fork number 3
forkIO $ printMessagesFrom "fork"
forkIO $ do putStrLn "starting!"; sleepMs 5; putStrLn "ending!"
这里使用 forkIO 先后启动了两个线程:打印数字的线程和打印开始结束的线程
打印开始结束的过程为:打印开始,然后等待 5 毫秒,最后打印结束。printMessagesFrom name = for_ [1..3] printMessage
打印数字函数一共打印三个数字printMessage i = do sleepMs 1; putStrLn (name ++ " number " ++ show i)
每次打印数字之前先等待 1 毫秒- 所以最后结果为
starting! -- 0 毫秒
fork number 1 -- 1 毫秒
fork number 2 -- 2 毫秒
fork number 3 -- 3 毫秒
ending! -- 5 毫秒
$ cabal install stm
stm- installed
STM(Software Transactional Memory,软件事务内存),是由软件实现的一种用于控制线程间同步的机制。
Haskell语言中,STM 是个 Monad。
- atomically :: STM a -> IO a
在 IO Monad 中作为原子操作来执行 STM Action。
data TMVar a
TMVar 是同步的变量,用于线程间的同步。TMVar 变量可以想象成一个只能放一个东西的盒子,状态可以为满也可以为空。newTMVar :: a -> STM (TMVar a)
创建初期状态为满的 TMVar 变量,内容为指定的值。newEmptyTMVar :: STM (TMVar a)
创建初期状态为空的 TMVar 变量。takeTMVar :: TMVar a -> STM a
取出 TMVar 变量中的值,状态由满变空。如果TMVar 变量中没有值状态为空,就一直等待(阻塞)并不断重新尝试。putTMVar :: TMVar a -> a -> STM ()
将指定的值放入 TMVar 变量中,状态由空变满。如果TMVar 变量中已经有值状态为满,就一直等待(阻塞)并不断重新尝试。readTMVar :: TMVar a -> STM a
takeTMVar 和 putTMVar 的结合体,先从 TMVar 变量中取出值,然后再放回,最后返回这个值。
示例 2
module TMVars where
import Threads (sleepMs)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar (newEmptyTMVar, takeTMVar, putTMVar)
main = do
result <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar
forkIO $ do
-- Pretend there is some actual work to do.
sleepMs 5
putStrLn "Calculated result!"
atomically $ putTMVar result 42
putStrLn "Waiting..."
value <- atomically $ takeTMVar result
putStrLn ("The answer is: " ++ show value)
*TMVars> main
Calculated result!
The answer is: 42
result <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
主线程创建空的 TMVar 变量 result。value <- atomically $ takeTMVar result
主线程不断尝试从 result 这个 TMVar 变量中取值。forkIO (do sleepMs 5; putStrLn "Calculated result!"; atomically $ putTMVar result 42)
forkIO 启动一个新的线程,先挂起 5 毫秒,然后将 42 放入 result 这个 TMVar 变量当中。
示例 3
module TMVarSharedState where
import Threads (sleepMs)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar (newTMVar, takeTMVar, putTMVar)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
main = do
counter <- atomically $ newTMVar 0
let increment = do
count <- atomically $ takeTMVar counter
atomically $ putTMVar counter $! count + 1
incrementer = do
replicateM 1000 increment
return ()
threads <- replicateM 5 (forkIO incrementer)
sleepMs 100
count <- atomically $ takeTMVar counter
print count
*TMVarSharedState> main
counter <- atomically $ newTMVar 0
主线程创建一个值为 0 的 TMVar 变量 counter。ncrement = do count <- atomically $ takeTMVar counter; atomically $ putTMVar counter $! count + 1
increment 函数将 TMVar 变量 counter 中的值加一(取出,加一,放回)。incrementer = do replicateM 1000 increment; return ()
incrementer 函数执行 1000 次 increment,即 1000 次“取出,加一,放回”。replicateM 5 (forkIO incrementer)
启动 5 个线程各自执行一次 incrementer 函数,总共 5000 次“取出,加一,放回”。sleepMs 100; count <- atomically $ takeTMVar counter
主线程等待 0.1 秒之后尝试取值- 5000
结果正确,5 个线程之间没有发生数据竞争(data races)。
data TChan a
TChan 是一种没有边界的先进先出(FIFO)的 channel 类型。newTChan :: STM (TChan a)
新建一个 TChan。readTChan :: TChan a -> STM a
从 TChan 中读出下一个值。writeTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM ()
向 TChan 中写入一个值。dupTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a)
复制一个 TChan,在此之后任何向源 TChan 写入的数据将被复制到作为复制品的那个 TChan,反之亦然。
示例 4
module TChan1 where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (newTChan, writeTChan, readTChan)
main = do
messages <- atomically newTChan
atomically $ writeTChan messages "unbounded"
atomically $ writeTChan messages "channels"
-- Read a message from the channel, then output it.
msg <- atomically $ readTChan messages
putStrLn msg
-- Do the same thing again, but more concisely.
putStrLn =<< (atomically $ readTChan messages)
*TChan1> main
程序先创建一个 TChan,向其中写入两个字符串,然后再读出。
示例 5
module TChan2 where
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
oneSecond = 1000000
writerThread :: TChan Int -> IO ()
writerThread chan = do
atomically $ writeTChan chan 1
threadDelay oneSecond
atomically $ writeTChan chan 2
threadDelay oneSecond
atomically $ writeTChan chan 3
threadDelay oneSecond
readerThread :: TChan Int -> IO ()
readerThread chan = do
newInt <- atomically $ readTChan chan
putStrLn $ "read new value: " ++ show newInt
readerThread chan
main = do
chan <- atomically $ newTChan
forkIO $ readerThread chan
forkIO $ writerThread chan
threadDelay $ 5 * oneSecond
*TChan2> main
read new value: 1
read new value: 2
read new value: 3
- writerThread 线程每隔一秒向 chan 里面写入一个数。
- readerThread 线程不断地尝试从 chan 里读出数并打印。
示例 6
module DuplicatingTChan where
import Threads (sleepMs)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (newTChan, writeTChan, readTChan, dupTChan)
nonDuplicatedTest = do
messages <- atomically newTChan
forkIO $ messageReader messages "First"
forkIO $ messageReader messages "Second"
atomically $ writeTChan messages "Hi!"
messageReader channel name = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan channel
putStrLn (name ++ " read: " ++ msg)
duplicatedTest = do
broadcast <- atomically newTChan
forkIO $ broadcastReader broadcast "Third"
forkIO $ broadcastReader broadcast "Fourth"
sleepMs 1
atomically $ writeTChan broadcast "Bye!"
broadcastReader channel name = do
channel' <- atomically $ dupTChan channel
messageReader channel' name
main = do
sleepMs 10
*DuplicatingTChan> main
First read: Hi!
Third read: Bye!
Fourth read: Bye!
- 对于一个 channel A,写入 A 的信息只能通过 A 读出一次。
- 调用 dupTChan 函数将 channel A 复制为 channel B 时,写入 A 的信息可以通过 B 再次读出。
- data TVar a
支持 STM 的可共享的内存变量。 - newTVar :: a -> STM (TVar a)
新建一个 TVar,值为 a。 - readTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
读取 TVar 的值 - writeTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM ()
将值写入 TVar - modifyTVar :: TVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM ()
修改 TVar 的值
示例 7
module TVarSharedState where
import Threads (sleepMs)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (newTVar, readTVar, writeTVar)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
main = do
counter <- atomically $ newTVar 0
let increment = atomically $ do
count <- readTVar counter
writeTVar counter $! count + 1
incrementer = do
replicateM 1000 increment
return ()
threads <- replicateM 5 (forkIO incrementer)
sleepMs 100
count <- atomically $ readTVar counter
print count
*TVarSharedState> main
increment = atomically $ do count <- readTVar counter; writeTVar counter $! count + 1
increment = do count <- atomically $ readTVar counter; atomically $ writeTVar counter $! count + 1
TMVar 和 TVar
newtype TMVar a = TMVar (TVar (Maybe a))
从目前的实现上看,TMVar 封装的是 TVar (Maybe a),所谓状态为空为满是通过 Maybe 类型来实现的。
TMVar 和 MVar
MVar 是标准库所实现的的 IO Monad 中的同步变量,已不推荐使用。
与此相对应,TMVar 是 STM Monad 中的同步变量,更为健壮。
支持 STM 以及 MArray 接口的数组类型。