1. word ladder
Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:
- Only one letter can be changed at a time
- Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog"
return its length 5
- Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.
- All words have the same length.
- All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
这道题是套用BFS同时也利用BFS能寻找最短路径的特性来解决问题 。所有的变化情况联系起来就是一棵树, 相当于从根结点start出发寻找特定的节点end。
像给的例子 start = hit,end = cog,dict = [hot, dot, dog, lot, log]
level = 1 hit dict = [hot, dot, dog, lot, log]
ait bit cit ... xit yit zit , hat hbt hct ... hot ... hxt hyt hzt , hia hib hic ... hix hiy hiz
level = 2 hot dict = [dot, dog, lot, log]
aot bot cot dot ... lot ... xot yot zot,hat hbt hct ... hxt hyt hzt,hoa hob hoc ... hox hoy hoz
level = 3 dot lot dict = [dog log]
aot bot ... yot zot,dat dbt ...dyt dzt,doa dob ... dog .. doy doz,
aot bot ... yot zot,lat lbt ... lyt lzt,loa lob ... log... loy loz
level = 4 dog log dict = []
aog bog cog
level = 5 cog dict = []
public int ladderLength(String start, String end, HashSet<String> dict) { if(start==null || end==null || start.length()==0 || end.length()==0 || start.length()!=end.length()) return 0; LinkedList<String> wordQueue = new LinkedList<String>(); int level = 1; //the start string already count for 1 int curnum = 1;//the candidate num on current level int nextnum = 0;//counter for next level //一个单词变换一个字母后可能有多个符合条件的单词,即多个子节点 wordQueue.add(start); while(!wordQueue.isEmpty()){ //poll移除并返问队列头部的元素; //peek返回队列头部的元素; String word = wordQueue.poll(); curnum--; for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ char[] wordunit = word.toCharArray(); for(char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++){ //字符串不可修改,转换成字符数组 wordunit[i] = j; String temp = new String(wordunit); if(temp.equals(end)) return level+1; if(dict.contains(temp)){ wordQueue.add(temp); nextnum++; dict.remove(temp); } } } if(curnum == 0){ curnum = nextnum; nextnum = 0; level++; } } return 0; }
2. N queens
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.
Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle.
Each solution contains a distinct board configuration of the n-queens' placement, where 'Q'
and '.'
both indicate a queen and an empty space respectively.
For example,
There exist two distinct solutions to the 4-queens puzzle:
[ [".Q..", // Solution 1 "...Q", "Q...", "..Q."], ["..Q.", // Solution 2 "Q...", "...Q", ".Q.."]
A[] = [1,0,2,3]表达含义是:
相当于:A[0] = 1, A[1] = 0, A[2] = 2, A[3] = 3
public ArrayList<String[]> solveNQueens(int n) { ArrayList<String[]> res = new ArrayList<String[]>(); if(n<=0) return res; int [] columnVal = new int[n]; DFS_helper(n,res,0,columnVal); return res; } public void DFS_helper(int nQueens, ArrayList<String[]> res, int row, int[] columnVal){ //row是当前测试的行号,row=nQueens时测试完毕 if(row == nQueens){ String[] unit = new String[nQueens]; for(int i = 0; i < nQueens; i++){ StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for(int j = 0; j < nQueens; j++){ if(j == columnVal[i]) s.append("Q"); else s.append("."); } //将StringBuilder转换为String unit[i] = s.toString(); } res.add(unit); }else{ for(int i = 0; i < nQueens; i++){ //columnVal[] 存放位置,即第row行,第i列 columnVal[row] = i; if(isValid(row,columnVal)) DFS_helper(nQueens, res, row+1, columnVal); } } } //判断新加入的row行那个queen是否和之前所有行的queen冲突 public boolean isValid(int row, int [] columnVal){ for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){ //因为采用一维数组存储,所以不需要比较是否在同一行(每行只有一个元素) if(columnVal[row] == columnVal[i] //在同一列 ||Math.abs(columnVal[row]-columnVal[i]) == row-i) //在对角线 return false; } return true; }
3. word search
题目 :
Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid.
The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.
For example,
Given board =
word = "ABCCED"
, -> returns true
word = "SEE"
, -> returns true
word = "ABCB"
, -> returns false
题解 :
public class Solution { private int row; private int col; public boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) { row = board.length; col = board[0].length; boolean[][] visited = new boolean[row][col]; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) { if (dfs(board, word, 0, i, j, visited)) return true; } } return false; } private boolean dfs(char[][] board, String word, int index, int rowindex, int colindex, boolean[][] visited) { //index是已经匹配的字母长度 if (index == word.length()) return true; if (rowindex < 0 || colindex < 0 || rowindex >= row || colindex >= col) return false; //visited记录该点是否已经被访问过 if (visited[rowindex][colindex]) return false; //该处字母是否匹配要查找的word if (board[rowindex][colindex] != word.charAt(index)) return false; visited[rowindex][colindex] = true; //四个方向至少有一个找到即可 boolean res = dfs(board, word, index + 1, rowindex - 1, colindex, visited) || dfs(board, word, index + 1, rowindex + 1, colindex, visited) || dfs(board, word, index + 1, rowindex, colindex + 1, visited) || dfs(board, word, index + 1, rowindex, colindex - 1, visited); //这轮完了。该点对于下一轮还是可以访问的 visited[rowindex][colindex] = false; return res;
4.search for a rangr
Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value.
Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n).
If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]
For example,
Given [5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10]
and target value 8,
return [3, 4]
从题目中获取到关键字:sorted array ,find...position, a given target value, O(logn).
public class Solution { public int searchStart(int[] A, int target) { int start = 0, end = A.length - 1, result = -1, mid = 0; while (start + 1 < end) { mid = start + (end - start) / 2; if(A[mid] > target) { end = mid - 1; } else if (A[mid] < target) { start = mid + 1; } else { if(A[mid - 1] < target) { return mid; } else { //此时mid, mid-1处的值都是target,mid-1之前也有可能是; //通过end=mid,让其从左边向mid逼近,找到最左的target end = mid; } } } if (A[start] == target) return start; else if (A[end] == target) return end; else return -1; } public int searchEnd(int[] A, int target) { int start = 0, end = A.length - 1, result = -1, mid = 0; while (start + 1 < end) { mid = start + (end - start) / 2; if(A[mid] > target) { end = mid - 1; } else if (A[mid] < target) { start = mid + 1; } else { if(A[mid + 1] > target) { return mid; } else { start = mid; } } } if (A[end] == target) return end; else if (A[start] == target) return start; else return -1; } public int[] searchRange(int[] A, int target) { int [] result = new int[2]; result[0] = searchStart(A, target); result[1] = searchEnd(A, target); return result; } }
5. Combination sum
Given a set of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums to T.
The same repeated number may be chosen from C unlimited number of times.
- All numbers (including target) will be positive integers.
- Elements in a combination (a1, a2, … , ak) must be in non-descending order. (ie, a1 ≤ a2 ≤ … ≤ ak).
- The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.
For example, given candidate set 2,3,6,7
and target 7
A solution set is: [7]
[2, 2, 3]
还是老问题,用DFS找解决方案,不同点是,这道题: The same repeated number may be chosen from Cunlimited number of times.
1. if(i>0 && candidates[i] == candidates[i-1])//deal with dupicate
2. if(!res.contains(item))
res.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(item));
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> combinationSum(int[] candidates, int target) { ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); ArrayList<Integer> item = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(candidates == null || candidates.length==0) return res; Arrays.sort(candidates); helper(candidates,target, 0, item ,res); return res; } //res放置最后结果,target控制“层级”,通过修改target,不断向下一层搜索 private void helper(int[] candidates, int target, int start, ArrayList<Integer> item, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> res){ // 搜索的退出条件 if(target<0) return; if(target==0){ res.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(item)); return; } for(int i=start;i<candidates.length;i++){ if(i>0 && candidates[i] == candidates[i-1])//deal with dupicate continue; item.add(candidates[i]); int newtarget = target - candidates[i]; helper(candidates,newtarget,i,item,res);//之所以不传i+1的原因是: //The same repeated number may be //chosen from C unlimited number of times. item.remove(item.size()-1); } }
6. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.
A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below.
Input:Digit string "23" Output: ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"].
Although the above answer is in lexicographical order, your answer could be in any order you want.
public List<String> letterCombinations(String digits) { HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); map.put(2, "abc"); map.put(3, "def"); map.put(4, "ghi"); map.put(5, "jkl"); map.put(6, "mno"); map.put(7, "pqrs"); map.put(8, "tuv"); map.put(9, "wxyz"); map.put(0, ""); ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if(digits == null || digits.length() == 0) return result; ArrayList<Character> temp = new ArrayList<Character>(); getString(digits, temp, result, map); return result; } public void getString(String digits, ArrayList<Character> temp, ArrayList<String> result, HashMap<Integer, String> map){ if(digits.length() == 0){ char[] arr = new char[temp.size()]; for(int i=0; i<temp.size(); i++){ arr[i] = temp.get(i); } result.add(String.valueOf(arr)); return; } /*str=str.substring(int beginIndex); 截取掉str从首字母起 长度为beginIndex的字符串,将剩余字符串赋值给str; str=str.substring(int beginIndex,int endIndex); 截取str中从 下标beginIndex开始至endIndex-1结束时的字符串,并将其赋值给str; */ Integer curr = Integer.valueOf(digits.substring(0,1)); String letters = map.get(curr); for(int i=0; i<letters.length(); i++){ temp.add(letters.charAt(i)); getString(digits.substring(1), temp, result, map); temp.remove(temp.size()-1); } }
7. Generate Parentheses leetcode java
Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:
"((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"
注意,左括号的数不能大于右括号,要不然那就意味着先尝试了右括号而没有左括号,类似“)(” 这种解是不合法的。
public ArrayList<String> generateParenthesis(int n) { ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); String item = new String(); if (n<=0) return res; dfs(res,item,n,n); return res; } // item保存上一步的临时结果,res最终结果; leftt,right指示搜索层级变化 public void dfs(ArrayList<String> res, String item, int left, int right){ if(left > right)//deal wiith ")(" return; if (left == 0 && right == 0){ res.add(new String(item)); return; } if (left>0) dfs(res,item+'(',left-1,right); if (right>0) dfs(res,item+')',left,right-1); }