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  • 推荐一个很好用的HTTP操作类

      1 /// <summary>
      2 /// 类说明:HttpHelps类,用来实现Http访问,Post或者Get方式的,直接访问,带Cookie的,带证书的等方式,可以设置代理
      3 /// 重要提示:请不要自行修改本类,如果因为你自己修改后将无法升级到新版本。如果确实有什么问题请到官方网站提建议,
      4 /// 我们一定会及时修改
      5 /// 编码日期:2011-09-20
      6 /// 编 码 人:苏飞
      7 /// 联系方式:361983679  
      8 /// 官方网址:http://www.sufeinet.com/thread-3-1-1.html
      9 /// 修改日期:2013-04-14
     10 /// </summary>
     11 using System;
     12 using System.Collections.Generic;
     13 using System.Text;
     14 using System.Net;
     15 using System.IO;
     16 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
     17 using System.IO.Compression;
     18 using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
     19 using System.Net.Security;
     21 namespace Common.PageHelper
     22 {
     23     /// <summary>
     24     /// Http连接操作帮助类 
     25     /// </summary>
     26     public class HttpHelper
     27     {
     28         #region 预定义方法或者变更
     29         //默认的编码
     30         private Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;
     31         //HttpWebRequest对象用来发起请求
     32         private HttpWebRequest request = null;
     33         //获取影响流的数据对象
     34         private HttpWebResponse response = null;
     35         /// <summary>
     36         /// 根据相传入的数据,得到相应页面数据
     37         /// </summary>
     38         /// <param name="objhttpitem">参数类对象</param>
     39         /// <returns>返回HttpResult类型</returns>
     40         private HttpResult GetHttpRequestData(HttpItem objhttpitem)
     41         {
     42             //返回参数
     43             HttpResult result = new HttpResult();
     44             try
     45             {
     46                 #region 得到请求的response
     47                 using (response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
     48                 {
     49                     result.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
     50                     result.StatusDescription = response.StatusDescription;
     51                     result.Header = response.Headers;
     52                     if (response.Cookies != null)
     53                         result.CookieCollection = response.Cookies;
     54                     if (response.Headers["set-cookie"] != null)
     55                         result.Cookie = response.Headers["set-cookie"];
     56                     MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream();
     57                     //GZIIP处理
     58                     if (response.ContentEncoding != null && response.ContentEncoding.Equals("gzip", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
     59                     {
     60                         //开始读取流并设置编码方式
     61                         //new GZipStream(response.GetResponseStream(), CompressionMode.Decompress).CopyTo(_stream, 10240);
     62                         //.net4.0以下写法
     63                         _stream = GetMemoryStream(new GZipStream(response.GetResponseStream(), CompressionMode.Decompress));
     64                     }
     65                     else
     66                     {
     67                         //开始读取流并设置编码方式
     68                         //response.GetResponseStream().CopyTo(_stream, 10240);
     69                         //.net4.0以下写法
     70                         _stream = GetMemoryStream(response.GetResponseStream());
     71                     }
     72                     //获取Byte
     73                     byte[] RawResponse = _stream.ToArray();
     74                     _stream.Close();
     75                     //是否返回Byte类型数据
     76                     if (objhttpitem.ResultType == ResultType.Byte)
     77                         result.ResultByte = RawResponse;
     78                     //从这里开始我们要无视编码了
     79                     if (encoding == null)
     80                     {
     81                         Match meta = Regex.Match(Encoding.Default.GetString(RawResponse), "<meta([^<]*)charset=([^<]*)["']", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
     82                         string charter = (meta.Groups.Count > 2) ? meta.Groups[2].Value.ToLower() : string.Empty;
     83                         charter = charter.Replace(""", "").Replace("'", "").Replace(";", "").Replace("iso-8859-1", "gbk");
     84                         if (charter.Length > 2)
     85                             encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charter);
     86                         else
     87                         {
     88                             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.CharacterSet))
     89                                 encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
     90                             else
     91                                 encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet);
     92                         }
     93                     }
     94                     //得到返回的HTML
     95                     result.Html = encoding.GetString(RawResponse);
     96                 }
     97                 #endregion
     98             }
     99             catch (WebException ex)
    100             {
    101                 //这里是在发生异常时返回的错误信息
    102                 response = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response;
    103                 result.Html = ex.Message;
    104                 result.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
    105                 result.StatusDescription = response.StatusDescription;
    106             }
    107             catch (Exception ex)
    108             {
    109                 result.Html = ex.Message;
    110             }
    111             if (objhttpitem.IsToLower)
    112                 result.Html = result.Html.ToLower();
    114             return result;
    115         }
    116         /// <summary>
    117         /// 4.0以下.net版本取数据使用
    118         /// </summary>
    119         /// <param name="streamResponse"></param>
    120         private static MemoryStream GetMemoryStream(Stream streamResponse)
    121         {
    122             MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream();
    123             int Length = 256;
    124             Byte[] buffer = new Byte[Length];
    125             int bytesRead = streamResponse.Read(buffer, 0, Length);
    126             // write the required bytes  
    127             while (bytesRead > 0)
    128             {
    129                 _stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    130                 bytesRead = streamResponse.Read(buffer, 0, Length);
    131             }
    132             return _stream;
    133         }
    134         /// <summary>
    135         /// 为请求准备参数
    136         /// </summary>
    137         ///<param name="objhttpItem">参数列表</param>
    138         /// <param name="_Encoding">读取数据时的编码方式</param>
    139         private void SetRequest(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    140         {
    141             // 验证证书
    142             SetCer(objhttpItem);
    143             //设置Header参数
    144             if (objhttpItem.Header != null && objhttpItem.Header.Count > 0)
    145             {
    146                 foreach (string item in objhttpItem.Header.AllKeys)
    147                 {
    148                     request.Headers.Add(item, objhttpItem.Header[item]);
    149                 }
    150             }
    151             // 设置代理
    152             SetProxy(objhttpItem);
    153             //请求方式Get或者Post
    154             request.Method = objhttpItem.Method;
    155             request.Timeout = objhttpItem.Timeout;
    156             request.ReadWriteTimeout = objhttpItem.ReadWriteTimeout;
    157             //Accept
    158             request.Accept = objhttpItem.Accept;
    159             //ContentType返回类型
    160             request.ContentType = objhttpItem.ContentType;
    161             //UserAgent客户端的访问类型,包括浏览器版本和操作系统信息
    162             request.UserAgent = objhttpItem.UserAgent;
    163             // 编码
    164             encoding = objhttpItem.Encoding;
    165             //设置Cookie
    166             SetCookie(objhttpItem);
    167             //来源地址
    168             request.Referer = objhttpItem.Referer;
    169             //是否执行跳转功能
    170             request.AllowAutoRedirect = objhttpItem.Allowautoredirect;
    171             //设置Post数据
    172             SetPostData(objhttpItem);
    173             //设置最大连接
    174             if (objhttpItem.Connectionlimit > 0)
    175                 request.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = objhttpItem.Connectionlimit;
    176         }
    177         /// <summary>
    178         /// 设置证书
    179         /// </summary>
    180         /// <param name="objhttpItem"></param>
    181         private void SetCer(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    182         {
    183             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objhttpItem.CerPath))
    184             {
    185                 //这一句一定要写在创建连接的前面。使用回调的方法进行证书验证。
    186                 ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CheckValidationResult);
    187                 //初始化对像,并设置请求的URL地址
    188                 request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(objhttpItem.URL);
    189                 //将证书添加到请求里
    190                 request.ClientCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate(objhttpItem.CerPath));
    191             }
    192             else
    193                 //初始化对像,并设置请求的URL地址
    194                 request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(objhttpItem.URL);
    195         }
    196         /// <summary>
    197         /// 设置Cookie
    198         /// </summary>
    199         /// <param name="objhttpItem">Http参数</param>
    200         private void SetCookie(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    201         {
    202             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objhttpItem.Cookie))
    203                 //Cookie
    204                 request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Cookie] = objhttpItem.Cookie;
    205             //设置Cookie
    206             if (objhttpItem.CookieCollection != null)
    207             {
    208                 request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
    209                 request.CookieContainer.Add(objhttpItem.CookieCollection);
    210             }
    211         }
    212         /// <summary>
    213         /// 设置Post数据
    214         /// </summary>
    215         /// <param name="objhttpItem">Http参数</param>
    216         private void SetPostData(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    217         {
    218             //验证在得到结果时是否有传入数据
    219             if (request.Method.Trim().ToLower().Contains("post"))
    220             {
    221                 byte[] buffer = null;
    222                 //写入Byte类型
    223                 if (objhttpItem.PostDataType == PostDataType.Byte && objhttpItem.PostdataByte != null && objhttpItem.PostdataByte.Length > 0)
    224                 {
    225                     //验证在得到结果时是否有传入数据
    226                     buffer = objhttpItem.PostdataByte;
    227                 }//写入文件
    228                 else if (objhttpItem.PostDataType == PostDataType.FilePath && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objhttpItem.Postdata))
    229                 {
    230                     StreamReader r = new StreamReader(objhttpItem.Postdata, encoding);
    231                     buffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(r.ReadToEnd());
    232                     r.Close();
    233                 } //写入字符串
    234                 else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objhttpItem.Postdata))
    235                 {
    236                     buffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(objhttpItem.Postdata);
    237                 }
    238                 if (buffer != null)
    239                 {
    240                     request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
    241                     request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    242                 }
    243             }
    244         }
    245         /// <summary>
    246         /// 设置代理
    247         /// </summary>
    248         /// <param name="objhttpItem">参数对象</param>
    249         private void SetProxy(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    250         {
    251             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objhttpItem.ProxyIp))
    252             {
    253                 //设置代理服务器
    254                 WebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy(objhttpItem.ProxyIp, false);
    255                 //建议连接
    256                 myProxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(objhttpItem.ProxyUserName, objhttpItem.ProxyPwd);
    257                 //给当前请求对象
    258                 request.Proxy = myProxy;
    259                 //设置安全凭证
    260                 request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
    261             }
    262         }
    263         /// <summary>
    264         /// 回调验证证书问题
    265         /// </summary>
    266         /// <param name="sender">流对象</param>
    267         /// <param name="certificate">证书</param>
    268         /// <param name="chain">X509Chain</param>
    269         /// <param name="errors">SslPolicyErrors</param>
    270         /// <returns>bool</returns>
    271         public bool CheckValidationResult(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
    272         {
    273             // 总是接受    
    274             return true;
    275         }
    276         #endregion
    277         #region 普通类型
    278         ///<summary>
    279         ///采用https协议访问网络,根据传入的URl地址,得到响应的数据字符串。
    280         ///</summary>
    281         ///<param name="objhttpItem">参数列表</param>
    282         ///<returns>String类型的数据</returns>
    283         public HttpResult GetHtml(HttpItem objhttpItem)
    284         {
    285             try
    286             {
    287                 //准备参数
    288                 SetRequest(objhttpItem);
    289             }
    290             catch (Exception ex)
    291             {
    292                 return new HttpResult() { Cookie = "", Header = null, Html = ex.Message, StatusDescription = "配置参考时报错" };
    293             }
    294             //调用专门读取数据的类
    295             return GetHttpRequestData(objhttpItem);
    296         }
    297         #endregion
    298     }
    299     /// <summary>
    300     /// Http请求参考类 
    301     /// </summary>
    302     public class HttpItem
    303     {
    304         string _URL = string.Empty;
    305         /// <summary>
    306         /// 请求URL必须填写
    307         /// </summary>
    308         public string URL
    309         {
    310             get { return _URL; }
    311             set { _URL = value; }
    312         }
    313         string _Method = "GET";
    314         /// <summary>
    315         /// 请求方式默认为GET方式,当为POST方式时必须设置Postdata的值
    316         /// </summary>
    317         public string Method
    318         {
    319             get { return _Method; }
    320             set { _Method = value; }
    321         }
    322         int _Timeout = 100000;
    323         /// <summary>
    324         /// 默认请求超时时间
    325         /// </summary>
    326         public int Timeout
    327         {
    328             get { return _Timeout; }
    329             set { _Timeout = value; }
    330         }
    331         int _ReadWriteTimeout = 30000;
    332         /// <summary>
    333         /// 默认写入Post数据超时间
    334         /// </summary>
    335         public int ReadWriteTimeout
    336         {
    337             get { return _ReadWriteTimeout; }
    338             set { _ReadWriteTimeout = value; }
    339         }
    340         string _Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
    341         /// <summary>
    342         /// 请求标头值 默认为text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*
    343         /// </summary>
    344         public string Accept
    345         {
    346             get { return _Accept; }
    347             set { _Accept = value; }
    348         }
    349         string _ContentType = "text/html";
    350         /// <summary>
    351         /// 请求返回类型默认 text/html
    352         /// </summary>
    353         public string ContentType
    354         {
    355             get { return _ContentType; }
    356             set { _ContentType = value; }
    357         }
    358         string _UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)";
    359         /// <summary>
    360         /// 客户端访问信息默认Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
    361         /// </summary>
    362         public string UserAgent
    363         {
    364             get { return _UserAgent; }
    365             set { _UserAgent = value; }
    366         }
    367         Encoding _Encoding = null;
    368         /// <summary>
    369         /// 返回数据编码默认为NUll,可以自动识别,一般为utf-8,gbk,gb2312
    370         /// </summary>
    371         public Encoding Encoding
    372         {
    373             get { return _Encoding; }
    374             set { _Encoding = value; }
    375         }
    376         private PostDataType _PostDataType = PostDataType.String;
    377         /// <summary>
    378         /// Post的数据类型
    379         /// </summary>
    380         public PostDataType PostDataType
    381         {
    382             get { return _PostDataType; }
    383             set { _PostDataType = value; }
    384         }
    385         string _Postdata = string.Empty;
    386         /// <summary>
    387         /// Post请求时要发送的字符串Post数据
    388         /// </summary>
    389         public string Postdata
    390         {
    391             get { return _Postdata; }
    392             set { _Postdata = value; }
    393         }
    394         private byte[] _PostdataByte = null;
    395         /// <summary>
    396         /// Post请求时要发送的Byte类型的Post数据
    397         /// </summary>
    398         public byte[] PostdataByte
    399         {
    400             get { return _PostdataByte; }
    401             set { _PostdataByte = value; }
    402         }
    403         CookieCollection cookiecollection = null;
    404         /// <summary>
    405         /// Cookie对象集合
    406         /// </summary>
    407         public CookieCollection CookieCollection
    408         {
    409             get { return cookiecollection; }
    410             set { cookiecollection = value; }
    411         }
    412         string _Cookie = string.Empty;
    413         /// <summary>
    414         /// 请求时的Cookie
    415         /// </summary>
    416         public string Cookie
    417         {
    418             get { return _Cookie; }
    419             set { _Cookie = value; }
    420         }
    421         string _Referer = string.Empty;
    422         /// <summary>
    423         /// 来源地址,上次访问地址
    424         /// </summary>
    425         public string Referer
    426         {
    427             get { return _Referer; }
    428             set { _Referer = value; }
    429         }
    430         string _CerPath = string.Empty;
    431         /// <summary>
    432         /// 证书绝对路径
    433         /// </summary>
    434         public string CerPath
    435         {
    436             get { return _CerPath; }
    437             set { _CerPath = value; }
    438         }
    439         private Boolean isToLower = false;
    440         /// <summary>
    441         /// 是否设置为全文小写,默认为不转化
    442         /// </summary>
    443         public Boolean IsToLower
    444         {
    445             get { return isToLower; }
    446             set { isToLower = value; }
    447         }
    448         private Boolean allowautoredirect = false;
    449         /// <summary>
    450         /// 支持跳转页面,查询结果将是跳转后的页面,默认是不跳转
    451         /// </summary>
    452         public Boolean Allowautoredirect
    453         {
    454             get { return allowautoredirect; }
    455             set { allowautoredirect = value; }
    456         }
    457         private int connectionlimit = 1024;
    458         /// <summary>
    459         /// 最大连接数
    460         /// </summary>
    461         public int Connectionlimit
    462         {
    463             get { return connectionlimit; }
    464             set { connectionlimit = value; }
    465         }
    466         private string proxyusername = string.Empty;
    467         /// <summary>
    468         /// 代理Proxy 服务器用户名
    469         /// </summary>
    470         public string ProxyUserName
    471         {
    472             get { return proxyusername; }
    473             set { proxyusername = value; }
    474         }
    475         private string proxypwd = string.Empty;
    476         /// <summary>
    477         /// 代理 服务器密码
    478         /// </summary>
    479         public string ProxyPwd
    480         {
    481             get { return proxypwd; }
    482             set { proxypwd = value; }
    483         }
    484         private string proxyip = string.Empty;
    485         /// <summary>
    486         /// 代理 服务IP
    487         /// </summary>
    488         public string ProxyIp
    489         {
    490             get { return proxyip; }
    491             set { proxyip = value; }
    492         }
    493         private ResultType resulttype = ResultType.String;
    494         /// <summary>
    495         /// 设置返回类型String和Byte
    496         /// </summary>
    497         public ResultType ResultType
    498         {
    499             get { return resulttype; }
    500             set { resulttype = value; }
    501         }
    502         private WebHeaderCollection header = new WebHeaderCollection();
    503         //header对象
    504         public WebHeaderCollection Header
    505         {
    506             get { return header; }
    507             set { header = value; }
    508         }
    509     }
    510     /// <summary>
    511     /// Http返回参数类
    512     /// </summary>
    513     public class HttpResult
    514     {
    515         string _Cookie = string.Empty;
    516         /// <summary>
    517         /// Http请求返回的Cookie
    518         /// </summary>
    519         public string Cookie
    520         {
    521             get { return _Cookie; }
    522             set { _Cookie = value; }
    523         }
    524         CookieCollection cookiecollection = new CookieCollection();
    525         /// <summary>
    526         /// Cookie对象集合
    527         /// </summary>
    528         public CookieCollection CookieCollection
    529         {
    530             get { return cookiecollection; }
    531             set { cookiecollection = value; }
    532         }
    533         private string html = string.Empty;
    534         /// <summary>
    535         /// 返回的String类型数据 只有ResultType.String时才返回数据,其它情况为空
    536         /// </summary>
    537         public string Html
    538         {
    539             get { return html; }
    540             set { html = value; }
    541         }
    542         private byte[] resultbyte = null;
    543         /// <summary>
    544         /// 返回的Byte数组 只有ResultType.Byte时才返回数据,其它情况为空
    545         /// </summary>
    546         public byte[] ResultByte
    547         {
    548             get { return resultbyte; }
    549             set { resultbyte = value; }
    550         }
    551         private WebHeaderCollection header = new WebHeaderCollection();
    552         //header对象
    553         public WebHeaderCollection Header
    554         {
    555             get { return header; }
    556             set { header = value; }
    557         }
    558         private string statusDescription = "";
    559         /// <summary>
    560         /// 返回状态说明
    561         /// </summary>
    562         public string StatusDescription
    563         {
    564             get { return statusDescription; }
    565             set { statusDescription = value; }
    566         }
    567         private HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
    568         /// <summary>
    569         /// 返回状态码,默认为OK
    570         /// </summary>
    571         public HttpStatusCode StatusCode
    572         {
    573             get { return statusCode; }
    574             set { statusCode = value; }
    575         }
    576     }
    577     /// <summary>
    578     /// 返回类型
    579     /// </summary>
    580     public enum ResultType
    581     {
    582         /// <summary>
    583         /// 表示只返回字符串 只有Html有数据
    584         /// </summary>
    585         String,
    586         /// <summary>
    587         /// 表示返回字符串和字节流 ResultByte和Html都有数据返回
    588         /// </summary>
    589         Byte
    590     }
    591     /// <summary>
    592     /// Post的数据格式默认为string
    593     /// </summary>
    594     public enum PostDataType
    595     {
    596         /// <summary>
    597         /// 字符串类型,这时编码Encoding可不设置
    598         /// </summary>
    599         String,
    600         /// <summary>
    601         /// Byte类型,需要设置PostdataByte参数的值编码Encoding可设置为空
    602         /// </summary>
    603         Byte,
    604         /// <summary>
    605         /// 传文件,Postdata必须设置为文件的绝对路径,必须设置Encoding的值
    606         /// </summary>
    607         FilePath
    608     }
    609 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxyily38/p/3160097.html
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