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  • SCOI2007蜥蜴


    在一个r行c列的网格地图中有一些高度不同的石柱,一些石柱 上站着一些蜥蜴,你的任务是让尽量多的蜥蜴逃到边界外。 每行每列中相邻石柱的距离为1,蜥蜴的跳跃距离是d,即蜥蜴可以跳到平面距离不超过d的任何一个石柱上。石柱都不稳定,每次当蜥蜴跳跃时,所离开的石柱高 度减1(如果仍然落在地图内部,则到达的石柱高度不变),如果该石柱原来高度为1,则蜥蜴离开后消失。以后其他蜥蜴不能落脚。任何时刻不能有两只蜥蜴在同 一个石柱上。





    Sample Input

    5 8 2

    Sample Output



    100%的数据满足:1<=r, c<=20, 1<=d<=3






      1 uses math;
      2 const inf=maxlongint;
      3 type node=record
      4      go,next,v:longint;
      5      end;
      6 var e:array[0..50000] of node;
      7     cnt,i,r,c,d,j,k,l,ans,tot,s,t:longint;
      8     num:array[0..25,0..25,1..2] of longint;
      9     first,h,q,cur:array[0..1000] of longint;
     10     a:array[0..25,0..25] of char;
     11     ch:char;
     12 procedure ins(u,v,w:longint);
     13  begin
     14  inc(cnt);
     15  e[cnt].go:=v;e[cnt].v:=w;e[cnt].next:=first[u];first[u]:=cnt;
     16  end;
     17 procedure insert(u,v,w:longint);
     18  begin
     19  ins(u,v,w);ins(v,u,0);
     20  end;
     21 function bfs:boolean;
     22  var i,x,y,head,tail:longint;
     23  begin
     24  fillchar(h,sizeof(h),0);
     25  head:=0;tail:=1;q[1]:=s;h[s]:=1;
     26  while head<tail do
     27   begin
     28   inc(head);
     29   x:=q[head];
     30   i:=first[x];
     31   while i<>0 do
     32    begin
     33     y:=e[i].go;
     34     if (h[y]=0) and (e[i].v<>0) then
     35      begin
     36       h[y]:=h[x]+1;
     37       inc(tail);
     38       q[tail]:=y;
     39      end;
     40     i:=e[i].next;
     41    end;
     42   end;
     43  exit(h[t]<>0);
     44  end;
     45 function dfs(x,f:longint):longint;
     46  var used,tmp,i,y:longint;
     47  begin
     48  if x=t then exit(f);
     49  tmp:=0;used:=0;
     50  i:=cur[x];
     51  while i<>0 do
     52   begin
     53    y:=e[i].go;
     54    if (h[y]=h[x]+1) and (e[i].v<>0)  then
     55     begin
     56     tmp:=dfs(y,min(f-used,e[i].v));
     57     dec(e[i].v,tmp);
     58     inc(e[i xor 1].v,tmp);
     59     if e[i].v<>0 then cur[x]:=i;
     60     inc(used,tmp);
     61     if used=f then exit(f);
     62     end;
     63    i:=e[i].next;
     64    end;
     65   if used=0 then h[x]:=-1;
     66   exit(used);
     67   end;
     68 procedure dinic;
     69  var i:longint;
     70  begin
     71  ans:=0;
     72  while bfs do
     73   begin
     74    for i:=s to t do cur[i]:=first[i];
     75    inc(ans,dfs(s,inf));
     76   end;
     77  end;
     78 procedure init;
     79  begin
     80  readln(r,c,d);
     81  s:=0;t:=2*r*c+1;cnt:=1;
     82  for i:=1 to r do
     83   for j:=1 to c do
     84    begin
     85     num[i,j,1]:=(i-1)*c+j;
     86     num[i,j,2]:=(i-1)*c+j+r*c;
     87    end;
     88  for i:=1 to r do
     89   begin
     90    for j:=1 to c do read(a[i,j]);
     91    readln;
     92   end;
     93  for i:=1 to r do
     94   for j:=1 to c do
     95    if a[i,j]<>'0' then
     96     begin
     97      insert(num[i,j,1],num[i,j,2],ord(a[i,j])-48);
     98      if (i-d<1) or (i+d>r) or (j-d<1) or (j+d>c)  then insert(num[i,j,2],t,inf)
     99      else
    100       begin
    101      for k:=i-d to i+d do
    102       for l:=j-d to j+d do
    103        if sqr(abs(k-i))+sqr(abs(l-j))<=sqr(d) then insert(num[i,j,2],num[k,l,1],inf);
    104       end;
    105     end;
    106  tot:=0;
    107  for i:=1 to r do
    108   begin
    109    for j:=1 to c do
    110     begin
    111     read(ch);
    112     if ch<>'.' then
    113      begin
    114       inc(tot);
    115       insert(s,num[i,j,1],1);
    116      end;
    117     end;
    118    readln;
    119   end;
    120  end;
    121 procedure main;
    122  begin
    123  dinic;
    124  writeln(tot-ans);
    125  end;
    126 begin
    127  init;
    128  main;
    129 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyfzyf/p/3807813.html
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