1014: [JSOI2008]火星人prefix
Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 2918 Solved: 866
火星人最近研究了一种操作:求一个字串两个后缀的公共前缀。比方说,有这样一个字符串:madamimadam,我们将这个字符串的各个字符予以标号:序号: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 字符 m a d a m i m a d a m 现在,火星人定义了一个函数LCQ(x, y),表示:该字符串中第x个字符开始的字串,与该字符串中第y个字符开始的字串,两个字串的公共前缀的长度。比方说,LCQ(1, 7) = 5, LCQ(2, 10) = 1, LCQ(4, 7) = 0 在研究LCQ函数的过程中,火星人发现了这样的一个关联:如果把该字符串的所有后缀排好序,就可以很快地求出LCQ函数的值;同样,如果求出了LCQ函数的值,也可以很快地将该字符串的后缀排好序。 尽管火星人聪明地找到了求取LCQ函数的快速算法,但不甘心认输的地球人又给火星人出了个难题:在求取LCQ函数的同时,还可以改变字符串本身。具体地说,可以更改字符串中某一个字符的值,也可以在字符串中的某一个位置插入一个字符。地球人想考验一下,在如此复杂的问题中,火星人是否还能够做到很快地求取LCQ函数的值。
第一行给出初始的字符串。第二行是一个非负整数M,表示操作的个数。接下来的M行,每行描述一个操作。操作有3种,如下所示: 1、 询问。语法:Q x y,x, y均为正整数。功能:计算LCQ(x, y) 限制:1 <= x, y <= 当前字符串长度。 2、 修改。语法:R x d,x是正整数,d是字符。功能:将字符串中第x个数修改为字符d。限制:x不超过当前字符串长度。 3、 插入:语法:I x d,x是非负整数,d是字符。功能:在字符串第x个字符之后插入字符d,如果x = 0,则在字符串开头插入。限制:x不超过当前字符串长度。
Sample Input
Q 1 7
Q 4 8
Q 10 11
R 3 a
Q 1 7
I 10 a
Q 2 11
Sample Output
1、 所有字符串自始至终都只有小写字母构成。
2、 M <= 150,000
3、 字符串长度L自始至终都满足L <= 100,000
4、 询问操作的个数不超过10,000个。
1.mine 光荣的TLE,不过在tyvj上AC的

1 const maxn=100000+10; 2 p=9875321; 3 var i,n,m,x,t,y,z,l,r,rt,mid,tot:longint; 4 ch:char; 5 st:ansistring; 6 s,v,w,fa,a:array[0..maxn] of int64; 7 c:array[0..maxn,0..1] of longint; 8 procedure pushup(x:longint); 9 begin 10 s[x]:=s[c[x,0]]+s[c[x,1]]+1; 11 w[x]:=(w[c[x,0]]*a[s[c[x,1]]+1] mod p+ 12 v[x]*a[s[c[x,1]]] mod p 13 +w[c[x,1]] mod p) mod p; 14 end; 15 procedure rotate(x:longint;var k:longint); 16 var l,r,y,z:longint; 17 begin 18 y:=fa[x];z:=fa[y]; 19 l:=ord(c[y,1]=x);r:=l xor 1; 20 if y=k then k:=x else c[z,ord(c[z,1]=y)]:=x; 21 fa[x]:=z;fa[y]:=x;fa[c[x,r]]:=y; 22 c[y,l]:=c[x,r];c[x,r]:=y; 23 pushup(y);pushup(x); 24 end; 25 procedure splay(x:longint;var k:longint); 26 var y,z:longint; 27 begin 28 while x<>k do 29 begin 30 y:=fa[x];z:=fa[y]; 31 if y<>k then 32 if (c[z,0]=y) xor (c[y,0]=x) then rotate(x,k) 33 else rotate(y,k); 34 rotate(x,k); 35 end; 36 end; 37 function find(x,rank:longint):longint; 38 var l,r:longint; 39 begin 40 l:=c[x,0];r:=c[x,1]; 41 if s[l]+1=rank then exit(x) 42 else if s[l]>=rank then exit(find(l,rank)) 43 else exit(find(r,rank-s[l]-1)); 44 end; 45 procedure del(k:longint); 46 var x,y,z:longint; 47 begin 48 x:=find(rt,k-1);y:=find(rt,k+1); 49 splay(x,rt);splay(y,c[x,1]); 50 z:=c[y,0];fa[z]:=0;s[z]:=0;c[y,0]:=0; 51 pushup(y);pushup(x); 52 end; 53 54 procedure build(l,r,f:longint); 55 var mid,now,last:longint; 56 begin 57 if l>r then exit; 58 mid:=(l+r)>>1; 59 now:=mid;last:=f; 60 fa[now]:=last; 61 c[last,ord(mid>f)]:=now; 62 if l=r then 63 begin 64 s[now]:=1;w[now]:=v[now]; 65 exit; 66 end; 67 build(l,mid-1,mid);build(mid+1,r,mid); 68 pushup(now); 69 end; 70 71 procedure init; 72 begin 73 a[0]:=1; 74 for i:=1 to maxn do a[i]:=(a[i-1]*31) mod p; 75 readln(st);n:=length(st); 76 for i:=2 to n+1 do v[i]:=ord(st[i-1])-ord('a')+1; 77 build(1,n+2,0);rt:=(n+3)>>1; 78 end; 79 function check(l,r,len:longint):boolean; 80 var x,y,xx,yy:longint; 81 begin 82 if len=0 then exit(true); 83 x:=find(rt,l);y:=find(rt,l+len+1); 84 splay(x,rt);splay(y,c[x,1]); 85 xx:=w[c[y,0]]; 86 x:=find(rt,r);y:=find(rt,r+len+1); 87 splay(x,rt);splay(y,c[x,1]); 88 yy:=w[c[y,0]]; 89 if xx=yy then exit(true) else exit(false); 90 end; 91 function query(x,y:longint):longint; 92 var l,r,mid:longint; 93 begin 94 if x>y then begin t:=x;x:=y;y:=t;end; 95 if x=y then exit(tot-y-1); 96 if not(check(x,y,1)) then exit(0); 97 if check(x,y,tot-y-1) then exit(tot-y-1); 98 l:=2;r:=tot-y-1; 99 while l<r do 100 begin 101 mid:=(l+r)>>1; 102 if check(x,y,mid) then l:=mid+1 else r:=mid; 103 end; 104 exit(l-1); 105 end; 106 procedure main; 107 begin 108 readln(m);tot:=n+2; 109 for i:=1 to m do 110 begin 111 read(ch); 112 case ch of 113 'R':begin 114 read(x);read(ch);readln(ch); 115 x:=find(rt,x+1); 116 splay(x,rt); 117 v[x]:=ord(ch)-ord('a')+1; 118 pushup(x); 119 end; 120 'I':begin 121 read(z);read(ch);readln(ch); 122 x:=find(rt,z+1);y:=find(rt,z+2); 123 splay(x,rt);splay(y,c[x,1]); 124 inc(tot);c[y,0]:=tot;fa[tot]:=y;s[tot]:=1; 125 v[tot]:=ord(ch)-ord('a')+1;w[tot]:=v[tot]; 126 pushup(y);pushup(x); 127 end; 128 'Q':begin 129 readln(x,y); 130 writeln(query(x,y)); 131 end; 132 end; 133 end; 134 end; 135 begin 136 assign(input,'input.txt');assign(output,'output.txt'); 137 reset(input);rewrite(output); 138 init; 139 main; 140 close(input);close(output); 141 end. 142
2.在网上找了一份,模版和我的差不多 AC

1 program hy_1014; 2 const maxn=9875321; 3 var h:array[0..100010] of int64; 4 d:array[1..100010] of int64; 5 a,sum:array[0..100010] of int64; 6 fa:array[0..100010] of longint; 7 ll,rr:array[1..150010] of longint; 8 c:array[0..100010,0..1] of longint; 9 size,k,kk,root,n,m,all:longint; 10 hh,ch:array[1..150010] of char; 11 //============================================================================ 12 procedure update(x:longint); 13 var p,q:longint; 14 begin 15 sum[x]:=sum[c[x,0]]+sum[c[x,1]]+1; 16 p:=c[x,0]; q:=c[x,1]; 17 h[x]:=(h[p]+a[x]*d[sum[p]+1]+h[q]*d[sum[p]+2]) mod maxn; //更新hash值。 18 end; 19 //============================================================================ 20 procedure build(l,r:longint); //一开始用递归建树,防止树的深度太大。 21 var mid,tmp:longint; 22 begin 23 mid:=(l+r) shr 1; 24 if mid>l then 25 begin 26 build(l,mid-1); 27 tmp:=(l+mid-1) shr 1; 28 c[mid,0]:=tmp; fa[tmp]:=mid; 29 end; 30 if mid<r then 31 begin 32 build(mid+1,r); 33 tmp:=(mid+1+r) shr 1; 34 c[mid,1]:=tmp; fa[tmp]:=mid; 35 end; update(mid); 36 end; 37 //============================================================================ 38 procedure init; 39 var i,len:longint; 40 st:ansistring; 41 chh:char; 42 begin 43 readln(st); len:=length(st); 44 for i:=2 to len+1 do //在头尾预留两个单元,splay时就总能找到l-1和r+1。 45 begin 46 a[i]:=ord(st[i-1])-ord('a'); 47 h[i]:=a[i]; 48 end; d[1]:=1; 49 for i:=2 to 100010 do 50 d[i]:=(d[i-1]*27) mod maxn; //预处理k的n次方(见hash函数)。 51 build(1,len+2); root:=(len+3) shr 1; 52 readln(m); size:=len+2; 53 for i:=1 to m do 54 begin 55 read(ch[i]); 56 if ch[i]='Q' then 57 begin 58 inc(all); readln(ll[i],rr[i]); 59 end else readln(ll[i],chh,hh[i]); 60 end; 61 end; 62 //============================================================================ 63 function find(x:longint):longint; 64 begin 65 if sum[c[x,0]]+1=k then exit(x); 66 if sum[c[x,0]]<k-1 then 67 begin 68 dec(k,sum[c[x,0]]+1); 69 find:=find(c[x,1]); 70 end else find:=find(c[x,0]); 71 end; 72 //============================================================================ 73 procedure rotate(var root:longint; x:longint); 74 var y,z,p,q:longint; 75 begin 76 y:=fa[x]; z:=fa[y]; 77 if c[y,0]=x then p:=0 else p:=1; 78 q:=p xor 1; 79 if y=root then root:=x else 80 if c[z,0]=y then c[z,0]:=x else c[z,1]:=x; 81 fa[x]:=z; fa[y]:=x; fa[c[x,q]]:=y; 82 c[y,p]:=c[x,q]; c[x,q]:=y; 83 update(y); update(x); 84 end; 85 //============================================================================ 86 procedure splay(var root:longint; x:longint); 87 var y,z:longint; 88 begin 89 while x<>root do 90 begin 91 y:=fa[x]; z:=fa[y]; 92 if y<>root then 93 if (c[y,0]=x) xor (c[z,0]=y) then 94 rotate(root,x) else rotate(root,y); 95 rotate(root,x); 96 end; 97 end; 98 //============================================================================ 99 procedure insert(x:longint); 100 begin 101 if x=0 then 102 begin 103 inc(size); h[size]:=kk; sum[size]:=1; 104 a[size]:=h[size]; exit; 105 end; 106 if sum[c[x,0]]>=k then 107 begin 108 insert(c[x,0]); 109 if c[x,0]=0 then begin c[x,0]:=size; fa[size]:=x; end; 110 end else 111 begin 112 k:=k-sum[c[x,0]]-1; insert(c[x,1]); 113 if c[x,1]=0 then begin c[x,1]:=size; fa[size]:=x; end; 114 end; update(x); 115 end; 116 //============================================================================ 117 procedure ask(x:longint); 118 var xx,yy,l,r,ans,l1,l2,left1,left2:longint; 119 hash1,hash2,s,t,mid,tt:longint; 120 begin 121 if rr[x]<ll[x] then 122 begin 123 tt:=rr[x]; rr[x]:=ll[x]; ll[x]:=tt; 124 end; 125 if ll[x]=rr[x] then 126 begin writeln(size-1-ll[x]); exit; end; 127 k:=ll[x]; l:=find(root); splay(root,l); 128 k:=rr[x]; r:=find(root); 129 k:=ll[x]+1; xx:=find(root); k:=rr[x]+1; yy:=find(root); 130 if a[xx]<>a[yy] then 131 begin writeln('0'); exit; end; 132 s:=1; t:=size-rr[x]-1; ans:=0; 133 k:=ll[x]+t+1; l1:=find(root); 134 k:=rr[x]+t+1; l2:=find(root); 135 splay(c[root,1],l1); hash1:=h[c[l1,0]]; 136 splay(c[root,1],r); splay(c[r,1],l2); hash2:=h[c[l2,0]]; 137 if hash1=hash2 then begin writeln(t); exit; end; //这里特判了最长长度的串。。有的数据太猥琐。。。 138 dec(t); 139 repeat 140 mid:=(s+t) shr 1; 141 k:=ll[x]+mid+1; l1:=find(root); 142 k:=rr[x]+mid+1; l2:=find(root); 143 splay(c[root,1],l1); hash1:=h[c[l1,0]]; 144 splay(c[root,1],r); splay(c[r,1],l2); hash2:=h[c[l2,0]]; 145 if hash1=hash2 then 146 begin s:=mid+1; ans:=mid; end else t:=mid-1; 147 until s>t; writeln(ans); 148 end; 149 //============================================================================ 150 procedure rep(x:longint); 151 var z,p,q:longint; 152 begin 153 k:=ll[x]+1; z:=find(root); splay(root,z); 154 a[z]:=ord(hh[x])-ord('a'); p:=c[root,0]; q:=c[root,1]; 155 h[z]:=(h[p]+a[z]*d[sum[p]+1]+h[q]*d[sum[p]+2]); 156 end; 157 //============================================================================ 158 procedure ins(x:longint); 159 begin 160 k:=ll[x]+1; kk:=ord(hh[x])-ord('a'); insert(root); 161 splay(root,size); 162 end; 163 //============================================================================ 164 procedure work; 165 var i:longint; 166 begin 167 for i:=1 to m do 168 begin 169 if ch[i]='Q' then 170 begin 171 ask(i); dec(all); 172 if all=0 then halt; 173 end else if ch[i]='R' then rep(i) else ins(i); 174 end; 175 end; 176 //============================================================================ 177 begin 178 assign(input,'input.txt');assign(output,'output2.txt'); 179 reset(input);rewrite(output); 180 init; 181 work; 182 close(input);close(output); 183 end.