OS : CentOS5.5 (Linux)
IDE : Eclipse
1、安装 MySql 。
2、安装 JDBC :
wegt http://www.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/mysql-connector-java-5.1.22.tar.gz
tar xzvf mysql-connector-java-5.1.22.tar.gz
3、将 mysql 服务器启动起来:
service mysqld start
mysql –u root –ppassword
create database Data;
然后即可在 IDE (Eclipse)下实现连接。
6、在Eclipse建立项目,然后 将驱动加载到该项目上。
方法为 : 点击项目右键 ->Properties( 属性 )->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External JARs :
[java] view plaincopy
- import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
- import java.sql.Connection ;
- import java.sql.DriverManager ;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement ;
- import java.sql.ResultSet ;
- import java.sql.SQLException ;
- import java.sql.Statement ;
- public class DataBase
- {
- public static final String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ; // 驱动
- public static final String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Data" ;// 定义URL
- public static final String user = "root" ; // 用户名字
- public static final String password = "password" ; // 用户密码
- private static Connection connection ;// 用于建立连接
- private static Statement statement ;// 用于执行
- public static void main( String[] args ) throws ClassNotFoundException ,
- SQLException , UnsupportedEncodingException
- {
- connect() ;// 先和数据库服务器建立连接
- createTable() ;// 建立表
- insert() ;// 向表中插入值
- query() ;// 查询
- close() ;// 关闭连接
- }
- /**
- * @throws ClassNotFoundException
- * @throws SQLException
- * 此方法建立连接
- */
- private static void connect() throws ClassNotFoundException , SQLException
- {
- Class.forName( driver ) ;
- connection = DriverManager.getConnection( url , user , password ) ;// 建立连接
- if( !connection.isClosed() )
- {
- System.out.println( "Succeeded connecting to the Database!" ) ;
- }
- statement = connection.createStatement() ;// 建立statement
- }
- /**
- * @throws SQLException
- * 建立表
- */
- private static void createTable() throws SQLException
- {
- String sql = "create table Student( Id char(20) not null , Name char(20) not null , Sex char(10) not null , Mail char(30) not null , Adress char(30) not null , primary key(Id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;" ;
- statement.executeUpdate( "drop table if exists Student ;" ) ;// 如果该表已经有了则删除
- statement.executeUpdate( sql ) ;// 建立表
- }
- /**
- * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
- * @throws SQLException
- * 插入值
- */
- private static void insert() throws UnsupportedEncodingException ,
- SQLException
- {
- // 声明常量
- String[] ids = { "123" , "456" , "789" } ;
- String[] names = { "张三" , "李四" , "王五" } ;
- String[] sexs = { "女" , "男" , "男" } ;
- String[] mails = { "123@qq.com" , "456@qq.com" , "789@qq.com" } ;
- String[] addresses = { "北京" , "上海" , "深圳" } ;
- String id = null , name = null , sex = null , mail = null , address = null ;
- String sql = "insert into Student( Id , Name , Sex , Mail , Adress ) values( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ;" ;
- PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( sql ) ;
- for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i )
- {
- id = ids[ i ] ;
- name = new String( names[ i ].getBytes( "gbk" ) , "ISO-8859-1" ) ;// 因为中文会出现乱码,因此先转码
- sex = new String( sexs[ i ].getBytes( "gbk" ) , "ISO-8859-1" ) ;
- mail = mails[ i ] ;
- address = new String( addresses[ i ].getBytes( "gbk" ) ,
- "ISO-8859-1" ) ;
- preparedStatement.setString( 1 , id ) ;
- preparedStatement.setString( 2 , name ) ;
- preparedStatement.setString( 3 , sex ) ;
- preparedStatement.setString( 4 , mail ) ;
- preparedStatement.setString( 5 , address ) ;
- preparedStatement.executeUpdate() ;// 执行
- }
- }
- /**
- * @throws SQLException
- * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
- * 查询
- */
- private static void query() throws SQLException ,
- UnsupportedEncodingException
- {
- String query = "select * from Student" ;
- ResultSet resultset = null ;
- resultset = statement.executeQuery( query ) ;// 先将结果保存到resultset中
- System.out.println( "Id/tName/tSex/tMail/t/tAddress" ) ;
- System.out
- .println( "---------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;
- // 将结果读出来
- while( resultset.next() )
- {
- String id = resultset.getString( "Id" ) ;
- String name = new String( resultset.getString( "Name" ).getBytes(
- "ISO-8859-1" ) , "gbk" ) ;// 将码再转回来,以防乱码
- String sex = new String( resultset.getString( "Sex" ).getBytes(
- "ISO-8859-1" ) , "gbk" ) ;
- String mail = resultset.getString( "Mail" ) ;
- String address = new String( resultset.getString( "Adress" )
- .getBytes( "ISO-8859-1" ) , "gbk" ) ;
- System.out.println( id + "/t" + name + "/t" + sex + "/t" + mail
- + "/t" + address ) ;
- }
- System.out
- .println( "---------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;
- }
- /**
- * @throws SQLException
- * 关闭连接
- */
- private static void close() throws SQLException
- {
- statement.close() ;// 关闭statement
- connection.close() ;// 关闭连接
- }
136. }
《MySQL快速入门》 第18章 清华大学出版社