Argestes and Sequence
Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 566 Accepted Submission(s): 142
Problem Description
Argestes has a lot of hobbies and likes solving query problems especially. One day Argestes came up with such a problem. You are given a sequence a consisting of N nonnegative integers, a[1],a[2],...,a[n].Then there are M operation on the sequence.An operation can be one of the following:
S X Y: you should set the value of a[x] to y(in other words perform an assignment a[x]=y).
Q L R D P: among [L, R], L and R are the index of the sequence, how many numbers that the Dth digit of the numbers is P.
Note: The 1st digit of a number is the least significant digit.
In the first line there is an integer T , indicates the number of test cases.
For each case, the first line contains two numbers N and M.The second line contains N integers, separated by space: a[1],a[2],...,a[n]—initial value of array elements.
Each of the next M lines begins with a character type.
If type==S,there will be two integers more in the line: X,Y.
If type==Q,there will be four integers more in the line: L R D P.
[Technical Specification]
1<=T<= 50
1<=N, M<=100000
0<=a[i]<=$2^{31}$ - 1
0<=Y<=$2^{31}$ - 1
For each operation Q, output a line contains the answer.
Sample Input
1 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 Q 1 5 2 1 Q 1 5 1 0 Q 1 5 1 1 Q 1 5 3 0 Q 1 5 3 1 S 1 100 Q 1 5 3 1
Sample Output
5 1 1 5 0 1
分块算法:大致就是把一堆(包含n个基本单位)东西分成sqrt(n)块, 每块包含sqrt(n)个基本单位。
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