下面的示例演示如何查找由 DataTemplate 生成的元素。
在本示例中,有一个绑定到某些 XML 数据的 ListBox:
ListBox 使用以下 DataTemplate:
如果要检索由某个 ListBoxItem 的 DataTemplate 生成的 TextBlock 元素,您需要获得 ListBoxItem,在该 ListBoxItem 内查找 ContentPresenter,然后对在该 ContentPresenter 上设置的 DataTemplate 调用 FindName。 下面的示例演示如何执行这些步骤。 出于演示的目的,本示例创建一个消息框,用于显示由 DataTemplate 生成的文本块的文本内容。
// Getting the currently selected ListBoxItem // Note that the ListBox must have // IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem set to True for this to work ListBoxItem myListBoxItem = (ListBoxItem)(myListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(myListBox.Items.CurrentItem)); // Getting the ContentPresenter of myListBoxItem ContentPresenter myContentPresenter = FindVisualChild<ContentPresenter>(myListBoxItem); // Finding textBlock from the DataTemplate that is set on that ContentPresenter DataTemplate myDataTemplate = myContentPresenter.ContentTemplate; TextBlock myTextBlock = (TextBlock)myDataTemplate.FindName("textBlock", myContentPresenter); // Do something to the DataTemplate-generated TextBlock MessageBox.Show("The text of the TextBlock of the selected list item: " + myTextBlock.Text);
下面是 FindVisualChild 的实现,使用的是 VisualTreeHelper 方法:
private childItem FindVisualChild<childItem>(DependencyObject obj) where childItem : DependencyObject { for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++) { DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i); if (child != null && child is childItem) return (childItem)child; else { childItem childOfChild = FindVisualChild<childItem>(child); if (childOfChild != null) return childOfChild; } } return null; }