List<XXX> find(String X1,String X2,String X3);
if(?1 !='',x1=?1,1=1) 代表传入的参数X1如果不为""(Spring类型空是""而不是null)将参数传入x1,如果为空时显示1=1 代表参数为真,对查询结果不产生作用。
jpa 条件不为空加 条件查询
在使用spring boot JPA写repository的时候参数可能为空不传
@Query(value = "select * from mw_user where is_identification = 1 and is_inter_identification = 1 and if(?1 !='',mobile=?1,1=1) and if(?2 !='',nick=?2,1=1)",nativeQuery = true)
List<MwUser> findBySearch(String mobile,String nick);
利用原生sql 加 if的方式实现参数为空不作为查询条件
@Query(value = "select * from mw_user where is_identification = 1 and is_inter_identification = 1 and if(?1 !='',mobile=?1,1=1) and if(?2 !='',nick LIKE CONCAT('%',?2,'%'),1=1)",nativeQuery = true) List<MwUser> findBySearchTotal(String mobile,String nick);
@Query(value = "select count(1) from mw_user where mw_user.is_identification='1' and mw_user.is_inter_identification='1' and if(?1 !='',mobile=1?,1=1) and if(?2 !='',nick LIKE CONCAT('%',?2,'%'),1=1)",nativeQuery = true) Long findBySearchTotalCount(String mobile,String nick);
Spring Data JPA中@Query参数为空处理方式
+ "WHERE IF (:byname is not null, c.byname LIKE CONCAT('%',:byname,'%') , 1 = 1) and IF (:isMember is not null, c.is_member = :isMember , 1 = 1) and IF (:isBlacklist is not null, c.is_blacklist = :isBlacklist , 1 = 1) and "
+ "IF (:phone is not null, c.phone = :phone , 1 = 1)"
+ "GROUP BY c.id LIMIT :PageOne,:PageSize",nativeQuery=true)
List<Map<String, Object>> countByQuery(@Param("byname")
String byname,@Param("isMember") Integer isMember,@Param("isBlacklist")
Integer isBlacklist,@Param("phone") String phone,@Param("PageOne")
Integer PageOne, @Param("PageSize")Integer PageSize);
//jpa 多对多关系的表联合查询 DAO层
@Query(value = "select s from SysUserDTO s left join s.sysOrgDTOSet o where (?1 is null or s.username like ?1) and (?2 is null or o.name like ?2)")
Page<SysUserDTO> findByUsernameAndOrgName(String username, String orgName, Pageable pageable);
// service层
public Page<SysUserDTO> findByUsernameAndOrgName(String username, String orgName, Pageable pageable){
String name = (username==null)?null:"%"+username+"%";
String orgname = (orgName==null)?null:"%"+orgName+"%";
return sysUserDAO.findByUsernameAndOrgName(name,orgname,pageable);
@Query(value = "select * from xxx where if(?1 !='',x1=?1,1=1) and if(?2 !='',x2=?2,1=1)" +
"and if(?3 !='',x3=?3,1=1) ",nativeQuery = true)
List<XXX> find(String X1,String X2,String X3);