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  • Quoit Design(hdu1007)


    Quoit Design

    Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 47126    Accepted Submission(s): 12323

    Problem Description
    Have you ever played quoit in a playground? Quoit is a game in which flat rings are pitched at some toys, with all the toys encircled awarded.
    In the field of Cyberground, the position of each toy is fixed, and the ring is carefully designed so it can only encircle one toy at a time. On the other hand, to make the game look more attractive, the ring is designed to have the largest radius. Given a configuration of the field, you are supposed to find the radius of such a ring.

    Assume that all the toys are points on a plane. A point is encircled by the ring if the distance between the point and the center of the ring is strictly less than the radius of the ring. If two toys are placed at the same point, the radius of the ring is considered to be 0.
    The input consists of several test cases. For each case, the first line contains an integer N (2 <= N <= 100,000), the total number of toys in the field. Then N lines follow, each contains a pair of (x, y) which are the coordinates of a toy. The input is terminated by N = 0.
    For each test case, print in one line the radius of the ring required by the Cyberground manager, accurate up to 2 decimal places. 
    Sample Input
    0 0 1 1
    1 1
    1 1
    -1.5 0
    0 0
    0 1.5
    Sample Output




    然后,令d为d1, d2中较小的那个点。如果说最近点对中的两点都在1-m集合中,或者m+1到n集合中,则d就是最小距离了。但是还有可能的是最近点对中的两点分属这两个集合,所以我们必须先检测一下这种情况是否会存在,若存在,则把这个最近点对的距离记录下来,去更新d。这样我们就可以得道最小的距离d了。


     1 #include<stdio.h>
     2 #include<algorithm>
     3 #include<iostream>
     4 #include<queue>
     5 #include<string.h>
     6 #include<stdlib.h>
     7 #include<set>
     8 #include<math.h>
     9 using namespace std;
    10 const double INF=1e12;
    11 typedef struct pp
    12 {
    13     double x;
    14     double y;
    15 } ss;
    16 bool cmp_x(pp p,pp q)
    17 {
    18     return p.x < q.x;
    19 }
    20 bool cmp_y(pp p,pp q)
    21 {
    22     return p.y < q.y;
    23 }
    24 double slove(pp *s,int m);
    25 ss node[1000005];
    26 int main(void)
    27 {
    28     int i,j;
    29     int n;int __ca=0;
    30     while(scanf("%d",&n),n != 0)
    31     {
    32         for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    33         {
    34             scanf("%lf %lf",&node[i].x,&node[i].y);
    35         }
    36         sort(node,node+n,cmp_x);
    37         double ask = slove(node,n);
    38         printf("%.2f
    39     }
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    42 double slove(ss *s,int m)
    43 {
    44     if(m <= 1)return INF;
    45     int mid = m/2;
    46     double d;int x = s[mid].x;
    47     d = min(slove(s,mid),slove(s+mid,m-mid));
    48     inplace_merge(s,s+mid,s+m,cmp_y);
    49     int i,j;
    50     vector<ss>vec;
    51     for(i = 0;i < m; i++)
    52     {
    53         if(fabs(s[i].x-x) >= d)
    54             continue;
    55         int cn = vec.size();
    56         for(j = 0;j < cn ;j++)
    57         {
    58             double dx = fabs(s[i].x - vec[cn-j-1].x);
    59             double dy = fabs(s[i].y - vec[cn-j-1].y);
    60             if(dy >= d)
    61                 break;
    62             d = min(d,sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
    63         }
    64         vec.push_back(s[i]);
    65     }
    66     return d;
    67 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zzuli2sjy/p/5796253.html
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