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  • vue filters 过滤器

      1 <template>
      2     <div class="content">
      3         <header class="tab_nav">
      4             <div v-for="(item,index) in tabNav" :key="index" @click = "selected(index, $event)" :class="{'active':item.active}">
      5                 <img :src="item.imgUrl" alt="icon">
      6                 <span>{{item.title}}</span>
      7             </div>
      8         </header>
      9         <main>
     10             <ul>
     11                 <li v-for="item in articles">
     12                     <h5>{{item.title}}</h5>
     13                     <div>{{item.summary | readeMore(100, '...')}}</div>
     14                     <div><a :href="item.link"></a></div>
     15                 </li>
     16             </ul>
     17         </main>
     18         <footer></footer>
     19     </div>
     20 </template>
     22 <script>
     23     export default {
     24         data() {
     25             return {
     26                 tabNav:[
     27                     {title:'我参与的',active:true,imgUrl:'/src/images/index/participate.png'},
     28                     {title:'我发布的',active:false,imgUrl:'/src/images/index/publish.png'},
     29                     {title:'我抽奖的',active:false,imgUrl:'/src/images/index/luck_draw.png'},
     30                 ],
     31                 articles:[
     32                     {
     33                         title: 'CSS :focus-within',
     34                         summary: 'CSS的世界真是一个神奇的世界。可能众多前端开发者听说过:focus并未听说过:focus-within。那么:focus-within是什么鬼。这篇文章,我们就说说:focus-within这个东东。在CSS中:focus-within是一个伪类,现在已经被列入到CSS选择器中(CSS Level 4 selector)。他就像你知道的:focus或者:hover。:focus-within能非常方便处理获取焦点状态。当元素本身或其后代元素获得焦点时,:focus-within伪类的元素就会有效。',
     35                         link: '//www.w3cplus.com/css/focus-within.html'
     36                     },
     37                     {
     38                         title: '如何改变表单控件光标颜色',
     39                         summary: '表单大家应该不陌生,当然了,今天并不是来聊怎么做表单或者处理表单的样式网格。而是来聊聊怎么改变表单控件中光标的颜色。不知道在大家心中,表单控件的光标颜色是根据color属性来控制的。那么如果需要用CSS来改变表单控件,比如说input或者textarea元素的光标颜色,应该怎么处理呢?',
     40                         link: '//www.w3cplus.com/css/caret-color.html'
     41                     }
     42                 ]
     43             }
     44         },
     45         methods: {
     46             selected: function(index) {
     47                 this.tabNav.forEach(e => e.active = false);
     48                 this.tabNav[index].active = true;
     49             }
     50         },
     51         filters: {
     52             readeMore:function(text, length, suffix){
     53                 return text.substring(0, length) + suffix;
     54             }
     55         }
     56     }
     57 </script>
     59 <style scoped lang="less">
     60     .border{
     61         content: '';
     62         display: block;
     63         width: 1px;
     64         height: 1.5rem;
     65         background: #D9D9D9;
     66         position: absolute;
     67         top: 0.75rem;
     68     }
     69     .tab_nav{
     70         display: flex;
     71         width: 100%;
     72         height: 2.5rem;
     73         background: #fff;
     74         opacity: 0.5rem;
     75         &>div{
     76             height: 2.5rem;
     77             width: 33.33%;
     78             opacity: 0.5;
     79             text-align: center;
     80             &:nth-of-type(2) {
     81                 position: relative;
     82                 &::before{
     83                     .border;
     84                     left: 0;
     85                 }
     86                 &::after{
     87                     .border;
     88                     right: 0;
     89                 }
     90             }
     91             &>img{
     92                 width: 1rem;
     93                 height: 1rem;
     94                 display: block;
     95                 margin:  0.5rem auto 0;
     96             }
     97             &>span{
     98                 display: block;
     99                 font-size: 0.5rem;
    100                 color: #69728E;
    101                 line-height: 0.8rem;
    102             }
    103         }
    104         &>div.active {
    105             color: #69728E;
    106             opacity: 1;
    107         }
    108     }
    110 </style>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1032473245jing/p/8926742.html
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