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  • poj 2826 An Easy Problem?! (线段相交问题终极版...并不easy)

    An Easy Problem?!
    Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
    Total Submissions: 11066   Accepted: 1673


    It's raining outside. Farmer Johnson's bull Ben wants some rain to water his flowers. Ben nails two wooden boards on the wall of his barn. Shown in the pictures below, the two boards on the wall just look like two segments on the plane, as they have the same width. 

    Your mission is to calculate how much rain these two boards can collect. 


    The first line contains the number of test cases. 
    Each test case consists of 8 integers not exceeding 10,000 by absolute value, x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4. (x1y1), (x2y2) are the endpoints of one board, and (x3y3), (x4y4) are the endpoints of the other one. 


    For each test case output a single line containing a real number with precision up to two decimal places - the amount of rain collected. 

    Sample Input

    0 1 1 0
    1 0 2 1
    0 1 2 1
    1 0 1 2

    Sample Output



    一般的情况只要求这三个点组成的三角形的面积就行了(叉积或者h*c/2都可以) 两种写法都可以A













    或者x在lowp那条线的右边且lowp在anotherline末端点的右边  口才会被封住。 

    1     int sameside(point p1,point p2)
    2     {
    3 //    p1.output();
    4 //    p2.output();
    5     if (dblcmp(x-p2.x)<=0&&dblcmp(p2.x-p1.x)<=0) return 1;
    6     if (dblcmp(x-p2.x)>=0&&dblcmp(p2.x-p1.x)>=0) return 1;
    7     return 0;
    8     }

      1 /*************************************************************************
      2     > File Name: code/poj/2826.cpp
      3     > Author: 111qqz
      4     > Email: rkz2013@126.com 
      5     > Created Time: 2015年11月06日 星期五 16时07分21秒
      6  ************************************************************************/
      8 #include<iostream>
      9 #include<iomanip>
     10 #include<cstdio>
     11 #include<algorithm>
     12 #include<cmath>
     13 #include<cstring>
     14 #include<string>
     15 #include<map>
     16 #include<set>
     17 #include<queue>
     18 #include<vector>
     19 #include<stack>
     20 #include<cctype>
     21 #define fst first              
     22 #define sec second      
     23 #define lson l,m,rt<<1
     24 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1
     25 #define ms(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a))
     26 using namespace std;
     27 const double eps = 1E-10;
     28 const int dx4[4]={1,0,0,-1};
     29 const int dy4[4]={0,-1,1,0};
     30 typedef long long LL;
     31 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
     32 const double pi = acos(-1.0);
     33 int dblcmp(double d)
     34 {
     35     return d < -eps ? -1 : d > eps;
     36 }
     37 inline double sqr(double x){return x*x;}
     38 struct point
     39 {
     40     double x,y;
     41     point(){}
     42     point(double _x,double _y):
     43     x(_x),y(_y){};
     44     void input()
     45     {
     46         scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);
     47     }
     48     void output()
     49     {
     50         printf("%.2f %.2f
     51     }
     52     bool operator==(point a)const
     53     {
     54         return dblcmp(a.x-x)==0&&dblcmp(a.y-y)==0;
     55     }
     56     bool operator<(point a)const
     57     {
     58         return dblcmp(a.x-x)==0?dblcmp(y-a.y)<0:x<a.x;
     59     }
     60     double len()
     61     {
     62         return hypot(x,y);
     63     }
     64     double len2()
     65     {
     66         return x*x+y*y;
     67     }
     68     double distance(point p)
     69     {
     70         return hypot(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     71     }
     72     double distance2(point p)
     73     {
     74         return sqr(x-p.x)+sqr(y-p.y);
     75     }
     76     point add(point p)
     77     {
     78         return point(x+p.x,y+p.y);
     79     }
     80     point operator + (const point & p) const{
     81         return point(x+p.x,y+p.y);
     82     }
     83     point sub(point p)
     84     {
     85         return point(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     86     }
     87     point operator - (const point & p) const{
     88         return point(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     89     }
     90     point mul(double b)
     91     {
     92         return point(x*b,y*b);
     93     }
     94     point div(double b)
     95     {
     96         return point(x/b,y/b);
     97     }
     98     double dot(point p)
     99     {
    100         return x*p.x+y*p.y;
    101     }
    102     double operator * (const point & p) const{
    103         return x*p.x+y*p.y;
    104     }
    105     double det(point p)
    106     {
    107         return x*p.y-y*p.x;
    108     }
    109     double operator ^ (const point & p) const{
    110         return x*p.y-y*p.x;
    111     }
    112     double rad(point a,point b)
    113     {
    114         point p=*this;
    115         return fabs(atan2(fabs(a.sub(p).det(b.sub(p))),a.sub(p).dot(b.sub(p))));
    116     }
    117     point trunc(double r)
    118     {
    119         double l=len();
    120         if (!dblcmp(l))return *this;
    121         r/=l;
    122         return point(x*r,y*r);
    123     }
    124     point rotleft()
    125     {
    126         return point(-y,x);
    127     }
    128     point rotright()
    129     {
    130         return point(y,-x);
    131     }
    132     point rotate(point p,double angle)//绕点p逆时针旋转angle角度
    133     {
    134         point v=this->sub(p);
    135         double c=cos(angle),s=sin(angle);
    136         return point(p.x+v.x*c-v.y*s,p.y+v.x*s+v.y*c);
    137     }
    139     int sameside(point p1,point p2)
    140     {
    141 //    p1.output();
    142 //    p2.output();
    143     if (dblcmp(x-p2.x)<=0&&dblcmp(p2.x-p1.x)<=0) return 1;
    144     if (dblcmp(x-p2.x)>=0&&dblcmp(p2.x-p1.x)>=0) return 1;
    145     return 0;
    146     }
    147     double gettrianglearea(point b,point c)
    148     {
    149     return ((b.x-x)*(c.y-y)-(b.y-y)*(c.x-x))/2;
    150     }
    151 };
    152 struct line
    153 {
    154     point a,b;
    155     line(){}
    156     line(point _a,point _b)
    157     {
    158         a=_a;
    159         b=_b;
    160     }
    161     bool operator==(line v)
    162     {
    163         return (a==v.a)&&(b==v.b);
    164     }
    165     //倾斜角angle
    166     line(point p,double angle)
    167     {
    168         a=p;
    169         if (dblcmp(angle-pi/2)==0)
    170         {
    171             b=a.add(point(0,1));
    172         }
    173         else
    174         {
    175             b=a.add(point(1,tan(angle)));
    176         }
    177     }
    178     //ax+by+c=0
    179     line(double _a,double _b,double _c)
    180     {
    181         if (dblcmp(_a)==0)
    182         {
    183             a=point(0,-_c/_b);
    184             b=point(1,-_c/_b);
    185         }
    186         else if (dblcmp(_b)==0)
    187         {
    188             a=point(-_c/_a,0);
    189             b=point(-_c/_a,1);
    190         }
    191         else
    192         {
    193             a=point(0,-_c/_b);
    194             b=point(1,(-_c-_a)/_b);
    195         }
    196     }
    197     void input()
    198     {
    199         a.input();
    200         b.input();
    201     }
    202     void adjust()  //调整为由低指向高
    203     {
    204     if (dblcmp(a.y-b.y)>0) swap(a,b);
    205     }
    206     double length()
    207     {
    208         return a.distance(b);
    209     }
    210     double getk()
    211     {
    212 //    printf("*********
    a.x: %f a.y %f b.x : %f b.y : %f
    213     return (b.y-a.y)/(b.x-a.x);
    214     }
    215     double angle()//直线倾斜角 0<=angle<180
    216     {
    217         double k=atan2(b.y-a.y,b.x-a.x);
    218         if (dblcmp(k)<0)k+=pi;
    219         if (dblcmp(k-pi)==0)k-=pi;
    220 //        cout<<"ang1:"<<k<<endl;
    221 //        cout<<"k:"<<tan(k)<<endl;
    222         return k;
    223     }
    224     //点和线段关系
    225     //1 在逆时针
    226     //2 在顺时针
    227     //3 平行
    228     int relation(point p)
    229     {
    230         int c=dblcmp(p.sub(a).det(b.sub(a)));
    231         if (c<0)return 1;
    232         if (c>0)return 2;
    233         return 3;
    234     }
    235     bool pointonseg(point p)
    236     {
    237         return dblcmp(p.sub(a).det(b.sub(a)))==0&&dblcmp(p.sub(a).dot(p.sub(b)))<=0;
    238     }
    239     bool parallel(line v)
    240     {
    241         return dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.b.sub(v.a)))==0;
    242     }
    243     //2 规范相交
    244     //1 非规范相交 ()
    245     //0 不相交
    246     int segcrossseg(line v)
    247     {
    248         int d1=dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.a.sub(a)));
    249         int d2=dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.b.sub(a)));
    250         int d3=dblcmp(v.b.sub(v.a).det(a.sub(v.a)));
    251         int d4=dblcmp(v.b.sub(v.a).det(b.sub(v.a)));
    252         if ((d1^d2)==-2&&(d3^d4)==-2)return 2;
    253         return (d1==0&&dblcmp(v.a.sub(a).dot(v.a.sub(b)))<=0||
    254                 d2==0&&dblcmp(v.b.sub(a).dot(v.b.sub(b)))<=0||
    255                 d3==0&&dblcmp(a.sub(v.a).dot(a.sub(v.b)))<=0||
    256                 d4==0&&dblcmp(b.sub(v.a).dot(b.sub(v.b)))<=0);
    257     }
    258     int linecrossseg(line v)//*this seg v line
    259     {
    260         int d1=dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.a.sub(a)));
    261         int d2=dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.b.sub(a)));
    262         if ((d1^d2)==-2)return 2;
    263         return (d1==0||d2==0);
    264     }
    265     point crosspoint(line v)
    266     {
    267         double a1=v.b.sub(v.a).det(a.sub(v.a));
    268         double a2=v.b.sub(v.a).det(b.sub(v.a));
    269         return point((a.x*a2-b.x*a1)/(a2-a1),(a.y*a2-b.y*a1)/(a2-a1));
    270     }
    271 }li[10];
    272 int main()
    273 {
    274   #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE 
    275    freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
    276   #endif
    278    int T;
    279    scanf("%d",&T);
    280    while (T--)
    281    {                                          
    282     li[1].input();li[1].adjust();
    283     li[2].input();li[2].adjust();
    284     if (li[1].segcrossseg(li[2])==0)  //不相交
    285     {
    286         puts("0.00");
    287         continue;
    288     }
    290     point crossp=li[1].crosspoint(li[2]);
    291     point lowp;
    292     int anotherline;
    293     if (li[1].b.y<li[2].b.y)
    294     {
    295         lowp=li[1].b;
    296         anotherline=2;
    297     }
    298     else
    299     {
    300         lowp=li[2].b;
    301         anotherline=1 ;
    302     }
    304     point p3;
    305     if (dblcmp(li[anotherline].a.x-li[anotherline].b.x)==0)
    306     {
    307         p3.x=li[anotherline].a.x;
    308         p3.y=lowp.y;
    309     }
    310     else
    311     {
    312         double dy =lowp.y-li[anotherline].a.y;
    313         double k = li[anotherline].getk();
    314         p3.x=li[anotherline].a.x+dy*1.0/k;
    315         p3.y=lowp.y;
    316     }
    317     double h = lowp.y-crossp.y;
    318     if (dblcmp(h)==0)
    319     {
    320         puts("0.00");
    321         continue;
    322     }
    323     if (p3.sameside(li[anotherline].b,li[anotherline%2+1].b)==1)
    324     {
    325         puts("0.00");
    326         continue;
    327     }
    328     double c = fabs(lowp.x-p3.x);
    330     double ans = h*c/2;
    331 //    double ans = lowp.gettrianglearea(crossp,p3);
    332     printf("%.2f
    335    }
    338  #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
    339   #endif
    340   fclose(stdin);
    341     return 0;
    342 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/111qqz/p/4945787.html
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