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  • 粒子系统模块


    This page is dedicated to individual modules and their properties. For introduction to modules see this page


    Initial Module 初始化模块

    This module is always present, cannot be removed or disabled.


    • Duration 持续时间
      The duration the Particle System will be emitting particles.
    • Looping 循环
      Is the Particle System looping.
    • Prewarm 预热
      Only looping systems can be prewarmed which means that the Particle System will have emitted particles at start as if it had already emitted particles one cycle.
    • Start Delay 初始延迟
      Delay in seconds that this Particle System will wait before emitting particles. Note prewarmed looping systems cannot use a start delay
    • Start Lifetime 初始生命
      The lifetime of particles in seconds (see MinMaxCurve)
    • Start Speed 初始速度
      The speed of particles when emitted.(see MinMaxCurve)
    • Start Size 初始大小
      The size of particles when emitted. (see MinMaxCurve)
    • Start Rotation 初始旋转
      The rotation of particles when emitted. (see MinMaxCurve)
    • Start Color 初始颜色
      The color of particles when emitted. (see MinMaxGradient)
    • Gravity Modifier 重力修改器
      The amount of gravity that will affect particles during their lifetime
    • Inherit Velocity 继承速度
      Factor for controlling the amount of velocity the particles should inherit of the transform of the Particle System (for moving Particle Systems)
    • Simulation Space 模拟空间
      Simulate the Particle System in local space or world space
    • Play On Awake 唤醒时播放
      If enabled the Particle System will automatically start when it's created.
    • Max Particles 最大粒子数
      Max number of particles the Particle System will emit

    Emission Module 发射模块

    Controls the rate of particles being emitted and allows spawning large groups of particles at certain moments (over Particle System duration time). Useful for explosions when a bunch of particles need to be created at once.


    • Rate 速率
      Amount of particles emitted over Time (per second) or Distance (per meter). (see MinMaxCurve)
    • Bursts (Time option only) 
      Add bursts of particles that occur within the duration of the Particle System
    • Time and Number of Particles
      Specify time (in seconds within duration) that a specified amount of particles should be emitted. Use the + and - for adjusting number of bursts.

    Shape Module 形状模块

    Defines the shape of the emitter: Sphere, Hemishpere, Cone, Box and Mesh. Can apply initial force along the surface normal or random direction.


    • Sphere
    •     Radius 半径
      Radius of the sphere (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Emit from Shell 从外壳发射
      Emit from shell of the sphere. If disabled, particles will be emitted from the volume of the sphere.
    •     Random Direction 随机方向
      Should particles have have a random direction when emitted or a direction along the surface normal of the sphere
    • Hemisphere 半球
    •     Radius 半径
      Radius of the hemisphere (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Emit from Shell 从外壳发射
      Emit from shell of the hemisphere. If disabled particles will be emitted from the volume of the hemisphere.
    •     Random Direction 随机方向
      Should particles have have a random direction when emitted or a direction along the surface normal of the hemisphere.
    • Cone 锥体
    •     Angle 角度
      Angle of the cone. If angle is 0 then particles will be emitted in one direction. (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Radius 半径
      A value larger than 0 when basically create a capped cone, using this will change emission from a point to a disc.(can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    • Box
    •     Box X
      Scale of box in X (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Box Y
      Scale of box in Y (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Box Z
      Scale of box in Z (can also be manipulated by handles in the Scene View)
    •     Random Direction 随机方向
      Should particles have have a random direction when emitted or a direction along the Z-axis of the box
    • Mesh
    •     Type 类型
      Particles can be emitted from either Vertex, Edge or Triangle
    •     Mesh 网格
      Select Mesh that should be used as emission shape
    •     Random Direction 随机方向
      Should particles have have a random direction when emitted or a direction along the surface of the mesh

    Velocity Over Lifetime Module 存活时间的速度模块

    Directly animates velocity of the particle. Mostly useful for particles which has complex physical, but simple visual behavior (like smoke with turbulence and temperature loss) and has little interaction with physical world.


    • XYZ
      Use either constant values for curves or random between curves for controlling the movement of the particles. See MinMaxCurve.
    • Space
      Local / World: Are the velocity values in local space or world space

    Limit Velocity Over Lifetime Module 存活期间的限制速度模块

    Basically can be used to simulate drag. Dampens or clamps velocity, if it is over certain threshold. Can be configured per axis or per vector length.


    • Separate Axis 分离轴
      Use for setting per axis control. 用于每个坐标轴控制
    • Speed 速度
      Specify magnitude as constant or by curve that will limit all axes of velocity.
    • XYZ
      Control each axis seperately. See MinMaxCurve.
    • Dampen 阻尼
      (0-1) value that controls how much the exceeding velocity should be dampened. For example, a value of 0.5 will dampen exceeding velocity by 50%

    Force Over Lifetime Module 存活期间的受力模块

    • XYZ
      Use either constant values for curves or random between curves for controlling the force applied to the particles. See MinMaxCurve.
    • Randomize 随机
      Randomize the force applied to the particles every frame

    Color Over Lifetime Module 存活期间的颜色模块

    • Color 颜色
      Controls the color of each particle during its lifetime. If some particles have a shorter lifetime than others, they will animate faster. Use constant color, random between two colors, animate it using gradient or specify a random color using two gradients. See Gradient.
    • Color Scale 颜色缩放
      Use the color scale for easy adjustment of color or gradient.

    Color By Speed Module 颜色速度模块

    Animates particle color based on its speed. Remaps speed in the defined range to a color.


    • Color 颜色
      Color used for remapping of speed. Use gradients for varying colors. See MinMaxGradient.
    • Color Scale 颜色缩放
      Use the color scale for easy adjustment of color or gradient.
    • Speed Range 速度范围
      The min and max values for defining the speed range which is used for remapping a speed to a color.

    Size Over Lifetime Module 存活期间的大小模块

    • Size 大小
      Controls the size of each particle during its lifetime. Use constant size, animate it using a curve or specify a random size using two curves. See MinMaxCurve.

    Size By Speed Module 存活期间的大小速度模块

    • Size 大小
      Size used for remapping of speed. Use curves for varying sizes. See MinMaxCurve.
    • Speed Range 速度范围
      The min and max values for defining the speed range which is used for remapping a speed to a size.

    Rotation Over Lifetime Module 存活期间的旋转速度模块

    Specify values in degrees. 以度为单位指定值。

    • Rotational Speed 旋转速度
      Controls the rotational speed of each particle during its lifetime. Use constant rotational speed, animate it using a curve or specify a random rotational speed using two curves. See MinMaxCurve.

    Rotation By Speed Module 旋转速度模块

    • Rotational Speed 旋转速度
      Rotational speed used for remapping of a particle's speed. Use curves for varying rotational speeds. SeeMinMaxCurve.
    • Speed Range 速度范围
      The min and max values for defining the speed range which is used for remapping a speed to a rotational speed.

    Collision Module 碰撞模块

    Set up collisions for the particles of this Particle System. For now only planar collisions are supported which is a very efficient for simple collision detection. Planes are set up by referencing an existing transform in the scene or by creating a new empty GameObject for this purpose.


    • Planes 平面
      Planes are defined by assigning a reference to a transform. This transform can be any transform in the scene and can be animated. Multiple planes can be used. Note: the Y-axis is used as the normal of a plane.
    • Dampen 阻尼
      (0-1) When the particle collides, it will keep this fraction of its speed. Unless it is set to 1.0, the particle will become slower after collision
      0-1 当粒子碰撞时,这个将保持速度的一小部分。除非设置为1.0,任何粒子都会在碰撞后变慢
    • Bounce 反弹
      (0-1) When the particle collides, it will keep this fraction of the component of the velocity, which is normal to the plane of collision
      0-1 当粒子碰撞,这个将保持速度的比例,这个是碰撞平面的法线。
    • Lifetime Loss 生命减弱
      (0-1) The fraction of Start Lifetime lost on each collision. When lifetime reaches 0, the particle dies. For example if a particle should die on first collision, set this to 1.0.
      (0-1) 初始生命每次碰撞减弱的比例。当生命到0,粒子死亡。例如, 粒子应该在第一次碰撞时死亡,这种这个到1.0
    • Visualization 可视化
      Only used for visualizing the planes: Grid or Solid.
    • Grid 网格
      Rendered as gizmos and is useful for quick indication of position and orientation in the world.
      渲染为辅助线框, 将很快的指出在世界中的位置和方向。
    • Solid 实体
      Renders a plane in the scene which is useful for exact positioning of a plane.
    • Scale Plane 缩放平面
      Resizes the visualization planes. 重新缩放平面

    Sub Emitter Module 子粒子发射模块

    This is a powerful module that enables spawning of other Particle Systems at the follwing particle events: birth, death or collision of a particle.


    • Birth 出生
      Spawn another Particle System at birth of each particle in this Particle System
    • Death 死亡
      Spawn another Particle System at death of each particle in this Particle System
    • Collision 碰撞
      Spawn another Particle System at collision of each particle in this Particle System. IMPORTANT: Collison needs to be set up using the Collision Module. See Collision Module
      在每个粒子碰撞的时候生成其他粒子系统。重要的 碰撞需要建立碰撞模块。见碰撞模块

    Texture Sheet Animation Module 纹理层动画模块

    Animates UV coordinates of the particle over its lifetime. Animation frames can be presented in a form of a grid or every row in the sheet can be separate animation. The frames are animated with curves or can be a random frame between two curves. The speed of the animation is defined by "Cycles".


    IMPORTANT: The texture used for animation is the one used by the material found in the Renderer module.


    • Tiles 平铺
      Define the tiling of the texture. 定义纹理的平铺
    • Animation 动画
      Specify the animation type: Whole Sheet or Single Row.
    •     Whole Sheet 整个表
      Uses the whole sheet for uv animation
    •     - Frame over Time 时间帧
      Controls the uv animation frame of each particle during its lifetime over the whole sheet. Use constant, animate it using a curve or specify a random frame using two curves. See MinMaxCurve.
    •     Single Row 单行
      Uses a single row of the texture sheet for uv animation
    •     - Random Row 随机行
      If checked the start row will be random and if unchecked the row index can be specified (first row is 0).
    •     - Frame over Time 时间帧
      Controls the uv animation frame of each particle during its lifetime within the specified row. Use constant, animate it using a curve or specify a random frame using two curves. See MinMaxCurve.
    •     - Cycles 周期
      Specify speed of animation.

    Renderer Module 渲染器模块

    The renderer module exposes the ParticleSystemRenderer component's properties. Note that even though a GameObject has aParticleSystemRenderer component, its properties are only exposed here, when this module is removed/added. It is actually theParticleSystemRenderer component that is added or removed.


    • Render Mode 渲染模式
      Select one of the following particle render modes 
    •     Billboard 广告牌
      Makes the particles always face the camera 
    •     Stretched Billboard
      Particles are stretched using the following parameters
    •     - Camera Scale 摄像机缩放
      How much the camera speed is factored in when determining particle stretching
    •     - Speed Scale 速度缩放
      Defines the length of the particle compared to its speed
    •     - Length Scale 长度缩放
      Defines the length of the particle compared to its width
    •     Horizontal Billboard 水平广告牌
      Makes the particles align with the Y axis
    •     Vertical Billboard 垂直广告牌
      Makes the particles align with the XZ plane while facing the camera
    •     Mesh 网格
      Particles are rendered using a mesh instead of a quad
    •     - Mesh 网格
      The reference to the mesh used for rendering particles
    • Material 材质
      Material used by billboarded or mesh particles.
    • Sort Mode 排序模式
      The draw order of particles can be sorted by distance, youngest first, or oldest first.
    • Sorting Fudge 排序校正
      Use this to affect the draw order. Particle systems with lower sorting fudge numbers are more likely to be drawn last, and thus appear in front of other transparent objects, including other particles.
      使用这个将影响绘画顺序。粒子系统带有更低sorting fudge值,更有可能被最后绘制,从而显示在透明物体和其他粒子系统的前面 。
    • Cast Shadows 投射阴影
      Should particles cast shadows? May or may not be possible depending on the material
    • Receive Shadows 接受阴影
      Should particles receive shadows? May or may not be possible depending on the material
    • Max Particle Size 最大粒子大小
      Set max relative viewport size. Valid values: 0-1

    页面最后更新: 2012-01-13

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/123ing/p/3816176.html
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